Spice of Life Series
Blair sunk lower in to the old claw footed tub and sighed in pleasure. There was steam rising off the water filling the room with the scent of lavender. The tub had been a gift from Naomi when he, Jim and Simon moved into the house.
The back rose at the perfect height to lean his head against and the hot and cold water knobs could were the old X design that you can turn with your feet. Perfect because you don’t have to move when the water cools just drain a bit out and add some hot.
Blair loved it, his mates liked to tease him about being a water nymph after spending nearly four hours soaking. He even had a stash of different bath salts that his husbands pretended they didn’t know about. Like Simon and Jim hadn’t appropriated them a time or two.
Blair knew for certain that he hadn’t ever used the jar of cucumber/melon but it seemed to always need replenishing. Not that Blair minded since it smelled awfully good on Jim. Now Simon on the other hand had liked to mix and match, little bit of this and that - something new every time.
Blair reached out and flicked on the radio. His men wouldn’t be home for a couple of hours yet and Blair planed on staying in until they came and dragged him out - hopefully to bed. Blair closed his eyes and drifted lulled by the hot water and low sounds of bluegrass.

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