Don't Pet the Duo
Beware the Native Wild Life
Today we will discuss the fabled creature Duo Maxwellius and its companion Heero Yuyium.
Duo Maxwellius is extremely stealthy and has thus far eluded all attempts at capture. Please note that while tracking the Duo Maxwellius it is important to keep your gear with you at all times least you find it missing and your underwear strung up a tree.
The Duo Maxwellius is attracted to loud music of the hard rock variety. It can often be coaxed out of hiding to the sounds of Rammstein and Creed. Indeed sound is very important to the Duo Maxwellius. It uses chatter as a defensive tactic, literally driving researchers insane and sending them packing and out of its territory.
Duo Maxwellius also uses its voice to sooth its mate Heero Yuyium, dulling the Fight or Flight response before pouncing. This is an important step in their mating rituals, which we will discuss in detail later.
The Duo Maxwellius can be identified by its yard-long braid and uncommon violet eyes. Additional information can be found under Shinigamius and in the Galactic Bishounen Directory Sub-Category Pilot designation 02.
Heero Yuyium is extremely self-sufficient and cannot be deterred from its goal. The only exception to this is of course its mate, Duo Maxwellius. It also has a high tolerance for pain and heals at an accelerated rate.
Be warned: the Heero Yuyium is very protective of its chosen mate. Even the slightest provocation will cause an extreme reaction. In one case, researchers disrupted the bathing of said mate. During the night their transport was dismantled and the pieces used to make booby traps.
Heero Yuyium makes very little noise and is seldom vocal except during mating. Heero Yuyium makes a clicking sound (reminisce of typing on a keyboard) to signal his readiness to mate. This is virtually irresistible to the Duo Maxwellius whom responds in turn (see above).
Heero Yuyium can be identified by short messy hair and startling blue eyes. Additional information can be found under the heading Soldier Perfectus and GBD Sub-Cat. Pilot Des 01.
Thus ends the Lecture on Duo Maxwellius and Heero Yuyium. Next time we will discuss two species of Dragons.
Brought to you by Discovery Channel ~ Fangirl~ (Check your local listings)
Here are what my little abbreviations mean:
UAF ~ University of Alaska Fairbanks
BS ~ Bishounen Studies

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