Draco and His Absolute Revenge
Part 1: The Cunning Plan
Draco cast a triple strength privacy spell around the bed-curtains all the while cursing Snape’s heartlessness. His own head of house sending him to class to be ridiculed! This was all Potter’s fault. Draco flicked his wand blasting the pillow at the foot of his bed apart. Feeling a calmer after the minor bit of destruction Draco closed his eyes and let out a slow breath.
Screw his homework, he decided, chocolate and revenge were what he needed tonight. Hanging over the side of his bed Draco pulled out the small chest from underneath. He fluffed his pillows and swished his wand at the enchanted globe over his bed. It was a light therapy ball and would slowly change colors to sooth him. It could also play music but Draco hadn’t figured out how to change it from the dreadfully boring meditation chanting.
Draco placed his hand on the carved box lid and waited for the enchantment to recognize him. He heard the tumblers snick into place and spoke the disarming password, “Mars Rising.” Only after the slight red glow had faded did Draco remove his hand and flip open the box. Inside were his treasures, most of them were pretty ordinary things he didn’t want to share. The swirled Belgium chocolates, his favorite liquors, a bottle of rare Mandrinette Hibiscus bath oil... Then there were the things he didn’t want his classmates to find: blackmail packets, his jewelry, his specially made cosmetics, Rupert - his topsy-turvy dragon-phoenix...
But his most prized possessions were the most secret, ones his father would have been apoplectic over. His journal, of course. Draco set that aside next to the box of chocolates. A couple of muggle books, a House of Black Heir’s ring - not THE BLACK ring. That was undoubtedly in the bastard Potter‘s possession, everyone knew he was Cousin Sirius’ heir. Grandfather Titus’ Hephaestus blessed dagger and vambraces; Father would have sacrificed a hundred bulls to get his hands on them. Draco might have thought his Father ruled the world when he was younger but Draco wasn’t stupid.
He was shifting things aside to get the spell book at the bottom when uncovered his rather worn copy of SkyClad - Seekers in Henna. Draco tapped a fingertip against the cover thoughtfully. He could, of course, ruin Potter’s day-his week with a well timed hex. But Draco was going to suffer for several weeks and Potter should as well.
And, as the Gryffindor had pointed out, he was The Malfoy now. He could do as he wished and if people didn’t like it they could just take a long walk off a short pier.
Draco closed his lockbox and put it back under the bed. He snagged one of the chocolates before flipping to a blank page in his journal. He hummed as the treat melted on his tongue and set about making notes. His plan would need to be perfect if he wanted to over come not only Potter’s shining bloody luck but his freakishly observant watch dog, Granger. Everything had to plausible, more than that it had to be utterly probable.
It would be his most cunning plan yet!
This is set in a world where Voldie is dead. But there are still DE lurking around, Luc was caught/imprisoned, Sirius has not yet been cleared and books 5-7 were a bad dream. Most of that is really just minor to the plot.
A topsy-turvy doll is basically two doll torsos sown together. Hold the doll one way and you have say a brunet. Flip the doll over, smooth the dress down and tada now you have a blonde doll. Draco’s would work by, I don’t know, pulling the tail and it would turn inside-out to reveal the opposite creature.

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