Firefly Getaway
Fred smiled as he read the invitation to the Summer Solstice ceremonies at Serenity Temple on Firefly. The planet was neutral, considered outside the jurisdiction of the Space Forces and not under Pirate rule. The priestesses of Serenity Temple owned the whole planet. It was a place of rest, healing, relaxation, meditation, and rejuvenation. The priestesses used the revenue from renting retro Japanese style villas to fund their classes and pay for the up-keep of the temple and grounds.
His mother had taken him there as a child and it was one of his most cherished memories. Father hadn’t let them go again, but when Fred turned 18 he had gone alone. After his business started making enough in a quarter to keep them in the black all year, Fred started returning every spring. The trip was one of his few true indulgences.
This is the first time he’d been invited to a Solstice celebration. They were Holy days on Firefly; hence only a select few outsiders were welcomed to join in the festivities. So to be invited by the High Priestess was an honor.
The invitation said he was allowed one guest and would be given the use of a small cabin. Meaning it only had one bedroom. Fred knew just who he wanted to go with him. Gene Starwind, the man of his dreams and the object of his (so far) unrequited lust.
It had been three years since Gene and his Outlaw Star crew had returned from their quest to find the Galactic Leyline. Business had been good for Starwind and Hawking Enterprises. Gene hadn't had to borrow money from him in two years. They had in fact, been paying him back. Mostly in small payments, but occasional larger ones as well when business was heavy.
This, of course, made Fred happy but mostly he was happy that Gene came by almost every week to either give him a check or to order parts and munitions. It was nice to see his friend so much. Lately Gene had even begun to stay for a meal or a drink. This was a very encouraging development as it meant Gene was becoming more relaxed in his company.
The only downside to so much happiness was his newly acquired habit of daydreaming. It was not a very productive habit for a businessman to have. His bodyguards were even giving him concerned looks of late, though they have seemed to lighten up on Gene. Fred never could figure out what exactly they had against him to start with.
All daydreams had fled for the moment. He had something much more important to think about--getting Gene to agree to attend the Serenity Temple Solstice celebration. His love was very much a man of action and getting him to take a week off with just Fred for company wouldn’t be easy.
Perhaps if he obscured the real reason behind his desire to take Gene? A ‘male-bonding’ trip wouldn’t be enticing... but Gene wouldn’t be able to turn down a little bodyguard work.
Yes, that would work nicely indeed. Fred smirked to himself and started scribbling a few particulars on a spare piece of paper. He’d get everything straight and then give Gene a call with his ’job’ offer.
I decided that instead of a total rewrite I would just clean up the first three parts and expand some areas. This is the revised chapter one. Enjoy. ^_^

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