Firefly Getaway
“Jim! If you ever accept a job like that again, I swear that you will have to do all the legwork!” Gene grumbled as he entered the offices of Starwind and Hawking Enterprises.
Jim sighed, knowing that any interjection would not make it to his surly partner’s synapses.
“That little wife had three secret rendezvous with three different pairs of partners and in three different red light areas!“ Gene continued as he flung off his coat. He flopped down into his chair and groaned at the number of messages waiting for them. “Here.” He pulled out a few crumpled bills from his pants pocket and passed them to Jim. “Go grab us something to eat, would ya? My stomach is starting to sound disgruntled.”
Jim rolled his eyes but took the money anyway. At least if he went he’ll be able to pick what to get.
Gene stretched to loosen the kinks in his back before stabbing the play button on the vid screen. He played through the messages; deleted the sales pitches and people he just didn’t feel like talking to and left the job offers and client calls for later. Well, for Jim to deal with really. Gene hated that sort of thing. The last message did catch his attention though.
::Message 7 - Fred Luo::
Hi Gene!
I have a job I’d like you to do for me. Bodyguard work, 9 days, transport and expenses included. Call me when you can and we’ll work out the particulars.
Ja ne!
::End Message::
Why would Fred need a Bodyguard? He already has two, although they aren’t the most competent from what Gene had seen. Damn. What kind of trouble Fred has gotten into now? Gene sighed and ran a hand through his hair. At least it’ll pay well knowing Fred and he is a friend. Best call him now, just incase.
Besides, he thought as he waited for Fred to answer, if something happened to Luo they wouldn’t be able to get parts at thirty percent discount. Gene fidgeted, fingers tapping the desk. What was taking Fred so long to answer the damn phone?
Fred stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a fluffy blue robe. He bent forward slightly as he wrapped his hair up in a towel. His private line was ringing with a smoky melody he’d picked out because it reminded him of Gene. In fact it was set to ring in that tone only when his love called. Fred hurried across the room to answer.
“Hello, Gene. Rough day? You look wore out.” His love was all rumpled and sweaty; he needed a bath. He could bathe in Fred’s tub; it was big enough for two... He was shaken from his runaway thoughts by Gene’s voice.
“Hey, Fred. Did a lot of ‘hurry up and wait‘ today.” Gene paused noticing that his friend was in his bathrobe. “Did I interrupt something?”
“No, no, I just got out of the bath. Actually I’m glad you called. Did you get my message?”
“Good. So when can you come over then? You know how I hate talking business over the phone - especially with friends.”
“I could come over now, if you’d like?”
“That’s fine. See you in a few then.” Fred gave Gene a little wave, watching as Gene smiled and disconnected the call.
Fred turned off his vid screen and meandered over to the dressing room--no area this size could be rightly called a closet. He stood in front of the racks of shirts looking from one end to the other. Now he had to figure out what to wear.
Fred didn’t want to look too dressed up, it was just dinner with his FRIEND Gene. It wouldn’t do to make him suspicious. So... What was better for a subtle seduction that you didn‘t yet want to lead to the bedroom: green or blue? Silk or linen?
He pouted, hands on his hips. There really needed to be a handbook for this kind of thing.
Special thanks to Grayswandir for writing the opening paragraph.

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