Lingering Warmth
So yeah he snuck in and slept with Logan. He did it to everyone eventually; most had gotten used to it. Never mentioned it anymore. But after he came back he felt uneasy with most. And he could never seem to get warm. That’s why he did it that first time. The blue flannel just looked so inviting and fuzzy warm on a crisp morning. So he wrapped it around himself and crawled back into bed.
It was just that Logan seemed to pour out heat. So much hotter than anyone else. It seemed to cling to things in his wake. The chair he sat in too watch the hockey game, the book he lent you, his clothes. So when it got to be too bad, when he felt the frost on his bones he’d steal into Logan's room and wrap him self in the lingering warmth of flannel.
windles_orbit weekly prompt #6 'blue flannel shirt'

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