Tempting Warmth
Logan paused outside his room, head tilted as he sniffed the air. The Cajun had snuck in again. He was probably asleep wrapped up in a mound of blankets, wearing the flannel Logan had discarded earlier when the heat of the spring sun had burnt away the damp fog of morning. He flexed his hands, feeling the shift of his blades as he debated going in or not.
It wasn't that he minded Remy sleeping in his room weather he was there or not, hell he didn't even mind the occasional theft of his over-shirts, but if Logan went in there he'd undoubtedly end up staying. Cajun was just too tempting, all lean lines and warm muscle - as much as Logan might enjoy a midday nap there were things he need to get done.
Logan turned away regretfully and loped down the hallway. If he was quick about it he might get back in time for a short nap with the cuddly Cajun, and if not... Well, Remy'd be back, seeking warmth like the felines he so resembled.
For umbralillium

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