
By Huntress

Disclaimer: If they were mine would I share? Maybe, after I've exhausted them beyond belief <BG>.


Rated S (For Slightly Silly)


Mark Sloan finished examining the two patients in the ER. "You'll both live. Now, would one of you care to tell me what happened?" Both men stared at him with blank expressions, more then slightly glazed eyes, and alcohol breath. Mark was on his last nerve, from a long night covering the ER.

He was preparing to go home when his son and his best doctor were brought in by two of Steve's friends at the PD. The women told Mark there had been an 'incident' at a bar, and left the two in Mark's care. Steve was weaving as he stood, grinning like the happy drunk he was. Jesse kept breaking into giggle fits. The two men were plastered, and neither seemed to care.

Mark shook his head as Jesse groaned. "Serves you right for getting drunk as a skunk. Now, I am going to count to three, and one of you is going to speak up. One, two...."

"We went out after we closed up BBQ Bob's," Steve started, voice slurred, "headed to Phil's to celebrate our six month anniversary as...restauranteurs. We ran into some of the guys I know from the PD, and we knocked back a shot of Tequila, to celebrate the Mitchell bust, and were generally having a good time."

"And...." Mark prompted, giving Steve the patented, *I'm your father, tell me, or else suffer the consequences* look.

"Sgt. Weir asked me about Jesse," Steve said.

"Andy Weir?" Mark asked. "The boy that you went to High School with?" Steve nodded. "What did he want to know, and how did it cause a split lip for you, and a black eye for Jesse?"

"Mark, I...." Jesse began.

Mark cut him off. "I'll get to you next, young man," the elder Sloan warned. He looked at Steve. "Now as for you, go on with your story and answer my question."

"He wanted to know if Jesse was seeing anybody."

Mark chuckled. "Is he trying to set Jesse up on a date with his sister?"

"No," Steve answered, face darkened in anger. "He wanted to date *Jesse*."

"And before I could answer," Jesse interjected, starting to giggle, "Steve says, 'Jesse doesn't like men. If he did, I'd be the first to know.' Andy said something about if I didn't like guys, why was I hard, and Steve decks Andy, and knocks him flat." Jesse was grinning, and ignoring Mark's glare. "It was an awesome show of testosterone."

"Yeah," Steve grimaced, "until Detective Evers decided to defend his partner, and took a swing at me...."

"Steve ducked," Jesse began to babble, "and the fist hit me in the face. Then Steve looks at me, slightly panicked, turns back to Evers, and says," Jesse brought his voice as low as he could get it, "'You hit Jesse!' And before he can move, Evers hits him in the mouth, splitting his lip, and Steve hits Evers, who goes down. And then nobody says anything. Andy gets up, picking up his partner, and they both leave. Steve picks up the Tequila, a bowl of lemons, and two shot glasses. Then he asks me to share a booth with him." Jesse's voice slowed. "He made me get in first, then sat next to me...." He thought for a moment, eyes narrowing. "He sat reeeaaalll close, and put his hand on my...."

Steve cut him off. "That's when the adrenaline wore off," he said, "and I noticed Jesse's eye was swelling. I poured him a shot, for the pain of course, and I went to get him some ice."

"I drank it," Jesse said cheerfully, still giddy and far from sober. "It was as good as the first one."

"By the time I got back," Steve said, "he told me he'd had three more shots, and was grinning at me. Asking me what the big deal was about Tequila. Then he got out of the booth, and tried to stand up." Steve had to fight another giggle. "He asked me to make the room stop spinning."

"And how much did *you* drink?" Mark asked him, point blank.

"Well, Jess did have five, and we were planning on a cab home anyway, so I caught up to him. Oh wait, no, I had another one, when I realized how much my lip hurt. Jesse-five, Steve-six."

Mark gave him a small smile. "If I'm lucky, you'll both pass out soon."

Jesse ignored him, and giggled again. "And Steve wanted to know if I *really* liked men, 'cause if I did, he was interested himself."

"But before he could answer," Steve pouted, "Mel Adams decided we'd had enough, and she and her partner brought us here. And you never did answer my question Jess."

"Yeah, I did," Jesse said firmly. "You just weren't listening. You never listen to me. Nobody ever listens to me."

"Maybe if you said something worthwhile, I'd listen!" Steve snapped. "All you ever do is babble about nonsense!"

"Well...well...if you don't want to hear me talk, then don't talk to me!" Jesse grunted, and turned away.

Mark rolled his eyes. "Okay, how about we all go to my car, and I drive you home."

"He still didn't tell me if he likes guys." Steve whined, arms folded, like a petulant child. "He owes me an answer dad."

"I do not, you big baby!" Jesse fired back.

Steve stood, one hand balling into a fist.

Jesse stood up also. "You're a baby. A big, stinking baby! And I dare you to hit me! Go on! Give it your best shot."

Steve shook his fist. "You don't think I will, do ya Jess. Well I got news for you. I have no problem with giving you a sock in the jaw."

"Good. I wanna see you hit me." Jesse nodded vehemently.

"Now boys...." Mark started.

"Do it, I double dare you." Jesse didn't even think about what he was doing.

"That does it." Steve raised his fist, shook it in Jesse's face, then punched the wall. "OWWW! I think I broke my hand."

"Oh Steve," Jesse whispered, taking the larger man's hand in his. "Let me take a look. I'll fix it for you."

Steve yanked his hand away. "Don't you touch me. You got a thing for Andy. I saw you looking at him."

"I do not. I got a thing for you. Honest."

Mark pinched the bridge of his nose, groaning to himself. "Come on, time to go home and get to bed."

"You got a thing for me Jesse?" Steve asked, words still slurring. "Honest Injun?"

"Yep! Cross my heart and Scout's Honor too!"

Steve turned to Mark, a shit-eating grin on his face. "He likes me dad." Back to Jesse. Jesse, however, had passed out, and was laying flat on a gurney. Steve picked him up. "I'm keeping him dad. Jesse is mine." He sounded like a kid with a new toy. "I'm not going to mess up this relationship like all the others."

"Whatever you want Steve, let's just get to the car."

"You got it." He followed his father, Jesse in his arms, and the three ran into Amanda.

"What happened to Jesse?" she asked, a bit concerned. The stench of alcohol hit her, and she waved her hand in front of her face. "Tequila?"

Before Mark could answer, Steve interrupted, with a drunken grin. "Jesse loves me, and I love Jesse, and I'm gonna keep him. Dad said it was okay." Jesse shifted, but Steve just cuddled him closer, kissing him on the nose. "He's so cute when he's asleep, isn't he?" He walked to the parking lot, cooing to the bundle in his arms.

"Is he going to be okay?" Amanda asked.

"Which one?" Mark asked back, sarcastically.

"What's going to happen when they sober up?"

"I have no idea," Mark said, shaking his head. "But it's going to be quite interesting. Care to tag along and see how this comes out?"

Amanda smiled, and nodded. "This might be fun."


Amanda thought she was going to lose it on the way there. She had to stave off her laughter, as she listened to a giddy Steve crooning to the passed-out Jesse, the two men in the back seat. Steve had his arm around Jesse, Jesse's head resting on his chest.

"Love you, love you, love you." Steve gave Jesse a quick kiss on the lips. "Wait'll you see my bedroom. If you don't like it, I'll get a new one. I got blue sheets that you'll look great laying on." He grinned, saying whatever came to mind, not caring that Mark and Amanda were in the front seat. "I got a shower massage and a secret stash of Mr. Bubbles. Do you like bubble baths Jess?" He brushed Jesse's hair back, kissing his forehead. "I gotta get condoms and lots of lube, 'cause I know you're a virgin." He looked toward the front. "Dad, can we stop at the store?"

"No Steve, we're going home. But if you're good, I'll take you shopping tomorrow."

"Okay dad." Without thinking, Steve slid a hand over Jesse's crotch. "Can't wait to get my hands on that."

"STEVE!" Amanda's voice broke through his lust-filled brain. "Don't you do a thing to him until he is sober. If you take advantage of him, I'll...."

"I wouldn't take advantage of Jesse." Steve looked down at the young doctor, smiling like a man in love. "Too many people do that. They see how kind he is, and how giving, and they use him. But I would never do that, 'cause I love him."

Amanda turned around and chuckled to herself. She turned back to Steve. "He's handsome, and brave-hearted, and a true friend."

Steve pulled Jesse closer, glaring at Amanda. "You can't have him. He's mine." He looked at Mark. "Right dad?"

Mark just nodded. "Sure Steve. If you say so."

Steve nodded to Amanda, as if to say, *So there!*, gave Jesse another kiss, and lay his head back, drifting off.

"Oh yeah," Amanda said dryly. "This is going to be a lot of fun."


Arriving at the house, Steve cracked his eyes open, and got out of the car. He dragged Jesse to his feet, then picked him up again, cradling him. Following Mark and Amanda in, he headed downstairs.

"Umm, Steve," Mark said, "maybe Jesse could spend the night on the couch."

"Uh-uh." Steve shook his head. "He's mine and he'll sleep with me, and that's that."

"Don't wanna sleep on the couch Steve," Jesse whispered. "Wanna sleep with you."

"Whatever you want," Steve whispered. He turned, smiling at his father and Amanda, and took his new lover downstairs.

"I'll take the guestroom," Amanda smiled.

"It's all yours," said Mark, and headed off to his own room.


Steve lay down, Jesse in his arms. "Don't want to let you go." His haze was fading, head clearing, and he turned on the small lamp, seeing the younger man giving him a dopey smile.

"Want to be with you." Jesse brought his head up for a kiss, but Steve turned his head. "You don't want to kiss me?"

"When you're sober Jess. What if we kiss and tomorrow you regret it?"

"I'm not as drunk as I was a couple of hours ago." He smiled softly. "I love you, Steve Sloan. I think saying that should get me a goodnight kiss."

"A quick one."

"Yes, Steve, a quick one."

Steve leaned down, intending a fast, chaste kiss. Jesse however, brought his tongue out, licking Steve's lips. Steve's mouth opened on instinct, and he met it with his own, drawing Jesse's tongue deep. He was overwhelmed by the softness of Jesse's kiss, closing his eyes and falling into it. A hand on his bare skin, and his eyes popped open. Jesse had managed to push up Steve's shirt, and was caressing the warm flesh underneath. Steve pulled his hand away. "Tomorrow, Jess," he managed to whisper.

"Now." Jesse said firmly, his hand rubbing Steve's swollen cock through his jeans. "Just wanna touch it. Can I?"


Jesse lay a trail of kisses along Steve's neck, over his face, to his ear, distracting the older man while he undid Steve's pants. He slid his hand in, touching bare flesh, smiling as Steve moaned.

"Hey," Steve whispered, "I thought you never did this before."

"Not with a man. I never said I hadn't taken off women's pants before. Same principle. And I never felt anything so hot...." Jesse ran his thumb over Steve's cock, bringing it to his mouth, sucking it in.

"You're playing with fire, sweetheart," Steve warned, grabbing Jesse's hand as Jesse went back to his crotch. He brought the thumb over his cock for another swipe, dragging Jesse's thumb to his own mouth, sucking it slowly. "You don't know what you're getting into."

"Yes, I do." Jesse said firmly.

"No, I don't think you do baby." Steve's voice dropped, deeper and huskier then normal. "If we start this, we don't stop until I say so. Understand?" Jesse nodded, eyes widening. "Don't panic Jess. I'm not into any rough stuff." He watched Jesse's expression relax, thinking, 'Not until we know each other a little better.' Aloud, "I'm going to teach you to make love Jesse, to make love with me." He rubbed Jesse's cock through his pants, smiling as Jesse moaned. "I'm going to seduce you, and by the time I am done," Steve's voice got even lower, "you are going to beg me to fuck you into oblivion." He kissed the younger man softly, tucking Jesse's arms in his, basically trapping him. "Tomorrow."

"Steve...." Jesse pouted.

"I love you Jesse."

Jesse gave a sigh of defeat, and snuggled closer. "Love you too."

He could wait for tomorrow.

THE END...(or the beginning??)

Authors Note: The scene where Steves tells Mark he had to 'Catch up to Jesse' in Tequila shots was inspired by the classic film *The Thin Man*. Nick Charles meets up with wife Nora in a bar, and quickly consumes six (I think) martinis to "Catch up with her."

Read 'Aftermath 2'