- 12/15/03 -- Significant update to the Farscape page. I've been working on HTMLizing 'The Red and the Black' and have made it available in two different versions -- a complete one for those who are happy with the overall warning, and separate sections for those who are too squicked by parts of it to read all the way through, but want to read the parts that aren't too scary ;)
- 12/10/03 -- Added a Farscape picture that is sort of an illo for 'Half of Believing'.
- 12/7/03 -- Finally finished a Farscape story -- a 'fix-it fic' set in 4th season, Half of Believing. It is definitely set in the 'The Red and the Black' universe. Also did a skin for my Hum MP3 player for my handheld PC -- I call it Twisted Triangle. Again, it's from the 'TRatB' universe. ;)
- 11/5/03 -- Lots of little updates on various pages; link buttons added to the improv list page; and another entry to the Creative forum's single character challenge. This one's Lionel Luthor from Smallville. Just generic PS6 brushes, and then a few light bursts and flame images overlaid and brushed away where I didn't want it completely covered.
- 11/4/03 -- I've gone insane and started an improv list: Farscape Monthly Slash Improv. Things will be up & running in the next few days, but I've gotten a lot of the coding for the site finished. Need to make buttons & get the whole yahoogroup thing set up, and then it goes live. EEEEEEK!!!!
- 10/30/03 -- Finally got my single character challenge entry done for the Creative forum. This is a challenge I suggested -- do a blend of pictures of a single character, minumum 3 pix, maximum 9 pix, using any methods, blending modes, brushes, etc. I picked Bialar Crais from Farscape, since I had done the one earlier of Crichton and wanted a matching piece, anyway. This one uses the generic PS6 brushes and my Evanescence brushes, smart blur, and various desaturated layers of the picture layered over a colour blob background using screen & overlay.
- 10/11/03 -- Re-did the 'The Red and the Black' title card. The original version was done three years ago, when I was just learning Photoshop and doing everything the hardest way possible. Since then, I've learned all about blending modes and masks, and no longer have to select an image by trying to draw a selection around the exact outline I wanted... Brushes from Roshi.web and Linzee, font is the "Moya" font.
- 10/6/03 -- Added the John Crichton illo to the artwork page -- did this the same way I did the purple variant Jackson Haisley mentioned on 9/23/03, using the good old Peacekeeper red & black on the colour blob background. Heh.
- 9/26/03 -- MANY updates to the Quizzes page. MANY...
- 9/25/03 -- Added my LiveJournal link to the main links, a page for all my Quizzes (definitely in progress...), and added another Creative forum challenge. Again, this one is from the 'PSD Challenge', where we had to build on a pre-made foundation file. Screencaps from my Farscape DVD's, brushes just generic PS6, font is Rage Italic.
- 9/23/03 -- Played with the 'Haisley Study' picture and my Evanescence brushes. This one's desaturated and over a purple blobby background. Also did another Jack & Danny picture.
- 9/20/03 -- Still waiting for cable to come back, so I've been busy again... Added the Lex character illo, and another animation challenge entry. This one is my fave Disney character, Maleficent, from Sleeping Beauty Maleficent uses brushes from Insomniac and Aurora, and in keeping with the rest of the set, the Lex picture uses brushes from my Evanescence set.
- 9/17/03 -- Added the Terri Lowell character illo.
- 9/14/03 -- Split out the single-character Agency illos, added the Joshua Nankin character illo, and added my entry to the Creative forum's 'PSD Challenge', where we were given a file to use as an image foundation, and then could do pretty much anything we wanted from there. I did mine using screencaps from Yami no Matsuei.
- 9/12/03 -- I think I got all of the cosmetic changes finished. If anyone finds something I missed, let me know! :)
- 9/11/03 -- 2 Years, and I still can't look at footage from 9/11/01 without tearing up... This is a very hard day for me, as a New Yorker, and a government worker... Never forget.... On a lighter note, I've started more of the cosmetic changes. You'll see there are no underlined links here -- they're a different colour, and if you hover the mouse pointer over a link, the underlines will show up. I've changed a couple of other pages in the site so far (starting at the back of the alphabet, so they're not all done yet. Did the tarot ones & the stories page). I've also done the 404 error page. :)
- 9/10/03 -- First cosmetic change using more coding -- I've changed the artwork page so that each piece of art opens in a new browser window. There will be other changes -- things such as removing underlined links & using some kind of mouseover change or text colour change, and my own 404 page :)
- 9/6/03 -- Finished the second character study piece -- Robert Quinn. Again, same brushes & methods as the Haisley one (with the exception of the nerdish charm... this man is a human shark), and I forgot which font I used for 'Robert', but 'Quinn' was done in Sin, which is a really cool font... I also added a separate section for the illos done using animated source material, since I've now done 5 and there will be more...
- 9/5/03 -- Decided to do some The Agency character study pieces. First one up (of course) is Jackson Haisley. Brushes used for this were the standard PS ones, and my Evanescence brushes. I forgot what fonts I used -- my excuse is that I had tested so many I forgot which ones I settled on... Fun with Smart Blur, Diffuse Glow, blending modes, and a suitable application of "nerdish charm".
- 9/4/03 -- Added the Sizzler Awards graphic for 'Half-Truth' -- soon will be putting up the story, since issue 2 of the zine is now out.
- 9/2/02 -- I've been wanting to do an 'Angelic Lex' picture for a while, and finally feel like my Photoshop skills are at a level where I might be happy with the result. I think I am, and you can see it here. The only part of it that is actually from a Smallville image is Lex's face -- if they ever show us naked-Lex on the show, I may be able to do one with Michael's real body, but they haven't yet... Wings (three pairs, as any proper Seraphim should have) are from a picture of a bird in flight, the soft flying feather background is from 'Descendents of Darkness', an anime show dealing with supernatural beings, and the naked man is from one of those nifty gay wallpaper sites (sorry -- can't remember which one!). No brushes used other than the generic PS ones, for masking & such. I wanted to make Lex's face a little clearer, but the original I was using (which was nearly at the right angle, but was from a shot in the Talon with odd coloured lighting) had to be changed significantly to match the body, and it lost a bit of definition. Smart blur is my friend... ;)
- 8/26/03 -- Another Agency picture -- this one uses the generic PS6 brushes, some starry ones by Aurora & Insomniac, and my own Evanescence brushes. Lots of layers in this one, with some smart blur, diffuse glow, and all kinds of stock photo light bursty things. Now, I have to get back to writing the story... :O
- 8/25/03 -- Another Totoro picture -- this one is the Nekobus (Catbus) and uses the regular PS6 brushes & more Angelic Trust brushes. I want my own Nekobus!!!
- 8/22/03 -- Added a Totoro picture. This one uses the regular PS6 brushes & some sparkly starry brushes from AngelicTrust.net. I love this movie, so now that I've got the DVD screencap ability, there may be a lot of these on the way :)
- 8/20/03 -- Added A Single Star - Medley, the next "Stealth & Wall" story, to Leviathan's page.
- 8/17/03 -- Added a Dunbine picture. I only have the first DVD so far -- expect there to be a lot more of these when more of the series comes out :) Brushes used on this are the standard PS ones, and some cool starry things from Angelic Trust.
- 8/16/03 -- Added my 'Evanescence' brush set to the artwork page. I'm pretty proud of them. If you download them, please link to my site (a button is enclosed with the brush zip file) and let me know what you use them in -- I'd love to see it! Also added my two entries for the Creative forum's "Action" challenge -- the 'race to the ford' from The Fellowship of the Ring [This one used only screencaps from the DVD, two stock images from Gettyone.com, and the standard Photoshop brushes & filters. JUst played with lots of motion blur and blending modes, and I'm pretty pleased with the result...] and 'Boromir's Last Stand' also from The Fellowship of the Ring [This one again used only screencaps from the DVD, and some blurred stock photos with standard Photoshop brushes & filters. It was even easier than the first one. Scary!].
- 8/13/03 -- Minor update to the CLFF links on the Club Zero page -- updated to refer to the current challenge instead of the one two back (oops!).
- 8/8/03 -- Three new pieces of artwork, my cover illo for my 5th wave CLFF story, Paradise, a Jack & Danny Stargate SG-1 illo, and a Frodo image from the first Lord of the Rings movie. Also added Paradise to the Club Zero page.
- 7/31/03 -- Updated the two versions of the Secrets & Lies (The Agency) screensaver. Unfortunately, they're big files -- tried to compress them as much as possible...
- 7/25/03 -- Changed the WebRing code for the Smallville Slash webring. Not too keen on code that's controlled by a site that forces me to add in a different coloured background just so it can be read. They don't let you change the code itself, so... ::sigh:: But it's updated. :)
- 7/23/03 -- Because I've done so much Agency artwork, I decided to make it a separate section of the page. The rest of the non-Smallville and non-Agency stuff is in the 'other artwork' area.
- 7/22/03 -- I decided I'd done enough Agency art focusing on Quinn & Haisley, so I did this team one. The people shown are the ones in Quinn's 'Incident Response Team' that he gets to form in the beginning of the second season. The quotes are from the Assistant DCI and the PR person talking about how to announce the team. Still need to update the screensaver; added some direct links to individual images from here.
- 7/20/03 -- Again, in the 'variation on a theme' category, I did an entirely different version of the picture -- this one uses brushes from Tere & Vered, the fonts are 'Sin' and 'Close to you', and the lyrics are from Evanescence's "Surrender" and have to do with Holland's obsessive thing for Haisley in the story I'm working on. 52 layers went into making this picture. Still have to update the screensavers...
- 7/17/03 -- Yet another Agency picture -- Mole Hunt. I'll have to update the screensavers this weekend. Brushes by Tere, Linzee, Roshi.web, and one I made from a screencap of the 'nyah nyah' message the Mole sent Holland...
- 7/14/03 -- I just bought a screensaver maker program -- first products are available on the artwork page -- two versions of an Agency screensaver, one with music (a large download) and one without (much smaller), and one of a bunch of my artwork (not that large a download, but still a few MB -- sorry, I tried to compress them more, and it didn't do anything at all...) More to follow...
- 7/6/03 -- My second-ever collage from an animated source -- the faeries from the Nutcracker Suite segment of Fantasia. Brushes from Roshi.web, Tere, & Linzee.
- 7/5/03 -- In the 'variation on a theme' category, a white borderless & colorized version of 'Fields of Innocence'. It's official -- I'm obsessed... Brushes from Roshi.web, Tere, Vered, Linzee (I think that's whose pen-tool swirlies it was...) and Beautiful-Sin.
- 7/4/03 -- Another Agency picture -- the lyrics on this are from Evanescence's "Fields of Innocence" which is SO much a Haisley song... (Haisley's the one in the picture who still has some hair -- in the show, he's always struggling to do what's right as well as getting the job done. Quinn, on the other hand, always does whatever is necessary -- this leads to some pretty obvious conflicts, and I can't help seeing the two of them as reflections of each other...)
- 7/2/03 -- Got a little braver & took out some of the lyrics and re-did the 'Restless' picture a little. Brushes also from Roshi.web.
- 6/30/03 -- I did an image for the Imaging Buffy 'Restless' challenge -- the title of this is "The Rhythm of the Heat" and the words on the image are the lyrics to Peter Gabriel's song of the same title. I thought it was fitting... Brushes by Tere, lyrics by Peter Gabriel, everything else by me. I love DVD programs with screencap capability...
- 6/28/03 -- Updated Leviathan's page to put the G-rated stories first.
- 6/27/03 -- Another Agency picture -- this one's a skin for my Jornada 820's MP3 player. There are buttons & such that overlay it, but I figured I'd put it up here without them. Played with overlaid light bursts & such on this one.
- 6/20/03 -- I think joining the Creative forum has done some really, really good things for my Photoshop skills. Just added another Agency piece - it's actually 4 collages put together, since each of the colour 'photo' sections was its own individual collage. The main picture was desaturated after I finished doing the collage, then put on top of a colour-blob background with darker brustrokes on that background (brushes from VBrush), using various blending modes. I'm starting to think about the Gladiator piece I'm going to make -- got over 1000 screencaps off the DVD...
- 6/18/03 -- Okay, Leviathan's banner is done. Also, added the second Creative forum challenge -- Nick Lea. ::purr::
- 6/16/03 -- Added the Stargate SG-1 Awards link to Leviathan's page. I'll be making a banner for her site to exchange tonight. Also, I added another illo I did from the 'blending challenge' images, but I don't think this one will be my second entry at the Creative forum -- I discovered they have a Nick Lea one in the X-Files section, so I'm gonna do my Ratty! This one's an Alias illo. I got kinda artsy with the blending modes, and I still want people to see it, though.
- 6/15/03 -- Okay, I'm nuts. The Creative forum has a 'blending challenge' so I've already done one entry for it. Another one will be along in a day or two. This one's Nicole Kidman, one of my favourite actresses.
- 6/11/03 -- Did another Agency illo with the images over a 'colour blob' background This one's sort of a cover illo for a story I haven't written yet...
- 6/8/03 -- After seeing Tere's tutorial on the Creative forum, I tried a 'borderless' (it's not completely borderless, obviously) collage of Haisley & Quinn. Not sure which way it looks better, the white background where it actually is more borderless, or the black background where the colours are stronger. So, I saved both...
- 6/7/03 -- I broke down & ordered a DVD burner for my laptop -- now I'm getting all kinds of lovely screencaps from my various DVD's. The results so far: another Babylon 5 piece, and a Lilo & Stitch piece to the artwork page, and updated the bi-colour Haisley & Quinn pic.
- 5/29/03 -- Added Leviathan's Stealth & Wall Soundtrack to her page. Yeah, we're both nuts... :)
- 5/27/03 -- Added the Smallville Tarot page -- it's still in progress, mainly because now I need to find all kinds of images that aren't CLex... So far, The Magician and The Lovers are finished. Also added some more art to Club Zero & the artwork page.
- 5/22/03 -- Added all of Leviathan's stories to her page. Enjoy!
- 5/14/03 -- Added the buttons for this page, and more artwork to both Club Zero and the artwork page.
- 5/9/03 -- Changed the setup of the whole site, so that this is the first page you see, and it will have updates for everything and links back to all the pages, not just the artwork and Smallville pages. :) Also did a new, pretty picture for the frontpage illo -- copied the guy onto a blurred background, then grew his hair and added in the wings, then copied the whole thing in different blending modes, overlaid a blurred photo of a rave with cool lights and then used brushes to do the border and clear up some of the colours over his face and body. I think it looks pretty cool, even if I do say so myself...
- 5/7/03 -- Added links to the Creative forum and Imaging Buffy YahooGroup to the Art gallery page.
- 5/6/03 -- Another illo added -- had fun with bright glowy colours & Club Zero...
- 5/1/03 -- Uh... More art. Lots more art. Somebody stop me! And yes, that is Nicole as Lillian in "The Luthors" -- not any casting I ever expect them to pull off on the show, but what the heck :) And you can blame my partner Leviathan for the illo from "The Agency" -- expect something to show up with that pairing over on the Stories section sometime soon... Argh.
- 4/22/03 -- Added another Smallville wallpaper -- this one using some of the cool images from Visitor along with things from Rosetta. I like the way the expression on Lex's face worked with it -- kinda like he's looking over at floaty Clark and thinking, "Cool!" Also split the illo tables into two separate ones, one for story illos & one for 'other' artwork.
- 4/19/03 -- Added 3 of my own Photoshop brush files to download. You can get them from either the Downloads section of Club Zero, or from the Art gallery page. Yeah, they're all Smallville themed. Also added a piece for the Imaging Buffy mailing list "use a single picture" challenge, and the Stargate skin I did for my roomie's MP3 player.
- 4/16/03 -- Added "Knowledge is Power", the wallpaper I mentioned below. Also set up the Art gallery page.
- 4/15/03 -- okay, I figured out what I did wrong on changing the colours, so now all of the Club Zero buttons have the same size zero on them! D'oh... Added some just plain "portrait" collages for Clark, and for Lex & Lionel. I spent last night working on some wallpapers for my roomie & I, and have realized I'm going to have to add a 'Non-Smallville Art page'... Stay tuned!
- 4/11/03 -- 12 little link buttons done -- basic designs so far, using a kind of neon rainbow of colours :) [Okay, so the zeroes aren't all the same shape/size. I couldn't get it to change the colours on the original correctly, so I had to keep re-doing it.] Check them out in the Link to Me area.
- 4/10/03 -- An update to the gallery (Unwanted Acceptance, which isn't written yet), a new addition to the Links section, and an update to the soundtrack again. I'm also thinking of doing a bunch of those little link buttons for folks to use -- the banner one is nifty, but I see the small ones are much more popular these days [among all of the folks who for some bizarre reason think that we who work on computers all day have great eyesight...]
- 4/5/03 -- My Smallville story in Silk and Flannel 1 won a SIZZLER award at this year's Connexions Convention.
- 3/31/03 -- Inspired again -- this one I've been thinking of for a few days, trying to figure out the composition of it. I finally settled on the diagonal progression of Lex & Lionel with the brandy, since that really was one of the most slashy moments I've seen on the show, and one of the key moments in Unwanted Alliance. A few stock photos of flames & some fun photoshop brushes, and there you go. Check out the cover for Unwanted Alliance.
- 3/24/03 -- Okay, I was really inspired this time -- I'd been thinking about this one all day long, and when I got home I fired up Photoshop & had lots of fun. I got some nice new brushes from Beautiful Sin, and some pix of various raves & clubs, and... well, check out the cover for Unwanted Accolade (yeah, I know, I'm going out of order again. So sue.)! The hardest thing was getting the parts of the picture in the right places. Once that was done, it was a breeze! A couple of overlays of rave & club pix, brushed out until they were clear over our main pair, and kind of scritchy-scratchy-grungy over the rest of it, and voila!
- 3/22/03 -- There's no way I can keep doing a cover a day, but I was inspired, so I've added the cover for Unwanted Attention. I kinda like the firey overlay on the three illos surrounding the "hug" -- adds to the feel of a possible Brimstone crossover... By the way, if anyone wants these in other sizes, let me know -- I can re-size them for bigger monitors.
- 3/21/03 -- Another image to the Cover Gallery -- this one is (finally) the cover for an existing story (Unwanted Alibi). :) With the exception of Lex in the doorway, I had to use images from episodes other than X-Ray, because Lionel actually isn't in that one at all. But they gave me such an opportunity that I just had to... I also re-sized the 'Be the Te' image, because it was too big for some screens. If anyone has a problem with it still, let me know! My monitor at home is pretty big, so...
- 3/20/03 -- I just noticed that I had the last update listed as being the 23rd. That's quite interesting, since that hasn't happened yet. Anyway, I'm guessing it was the 13th instead. This time I've added another image to the Cover Gallery -- this one's not a cover, just a piece I did after reading some fantastic Photoshop tutorials at Vrya.net. I've discovered that I've been doing half of my photoshop stuff the hardest way possible. Oh well, live & learn...
- 3/13/03 -- Just discovered Photoshop user-defined brushes (no, don't ask me where I've been hiding, apparently under a rock), and am starting to add a Cover Gallery (check it out in the Miscellaneous Stuff area)... Of course, the first one is for a story that isn't written yet. Consider it a tease...
- 3/9/03 -- And MP3.com has some nice Goth/Darkwave stuff available, too... another update to the soundtrack.
- 3/7/03 -- My Blutengel CD arrived from Germany -- another update to the soundtrack...
- 3/6/03 -- I made the mistake of finding a goth/ethereal/darkwave internet radio station -- needless to say, updated the soundtrack again. On the plus side, Fleetwood Mac's site had a pay-to-download-the-single thing for Peacekeeper so I don't have to wait until April. Whew!
- 2/28/03 -- Another update to the soundtrack -- damned Daredevil CD... And on top of that, there's a Fleetwood Mac song that aired during Third Watch that I Must Have, but it isn't coming out until APRIL! Argh...
- 2/24/03 -- Added the LexSlash "A Dark Knight In Smallville 2002" contest story Holidays Alone to the stories. It's a pre-Smallville Bruce/Lex PWP of no redeeming value at all. I'm beginning to think I've written the most varied Lex/Male-who-is-not-Clark stories out there, but I'm not 100% sure. Also updated the soundtrack again.
- 2/18/03 -- Finally got Unwanted Attention finished and added to the Luthorcest section. It's about time, eh?
- 2/17/03 -- Added Osianna's beautiful wallpaper to the Brimstone and Angel Wings section.
- 2/14/03 -- I've started to do some banners for various sections of Club Zero. So far, I got the Downloads and Luthorcest ones done.
- 2/9/03 -- Another significant update to the soundtrack -- finally went through the lyrics of my Enigma CD's and added 12 (really 15...) songs. Argh. Then again, what can I expect from a group that has songs based on passages from 'Revelations'?!
- 2/4/03 -- Finally gave in and added Sixpence None the Richer's cover of "Don't Dream It's Over" to the soundtrack.
- 2/3/03 -- Added my Third Wave CLFF story, Experimentation.
- 2/1/03 -- First, my deepest sympathies to the families of the Columbia astronauts, and to anyone involved in the space program.
Second, I've updated the CLFF link & banner with the new 4th Wave ones. I'll be putting my 3rd Wave story up hopefully Monday or Tuesday.
- 1/28/03 -- Another update to the soundtrack. Still looking for a good, simple passwording script to add to the site...
- 1/16/03 -- Small update to the soundtrack, and the addition of the Kardasi.com Security mailing list link to the Advent Calendar & CLFF info.
- 1/1/03 -- a HUGE update to the soundtrack -- we made the mistake of watching two tapes of songvids last night when we were over visiting some friends, and had to hit Best Buy today to pick up more CD's... Argh.
- 12/27/02 -- Added the Advent Calendar stories to the site, including the Spike/Giles one on the Stories page.
- 12/10/02 -- Okay, I've finally decided to do a what's new page to try and keep up with all of the site changes. Today I've just updated my Smallville Soundtrack to add in some Julia Ecklar songs. Julia is an excellent singer and is one of the "big names" in "filk" singing. Her voice is wonderful and strong, and the songs are not just to an accoustic guitar. Instead, many of them have full orchestration. Check out Divine Intervention at Prometheus Music.
Use one of these buttons to link to me. Please save the images to your own server to save bandwidth. Thanks!
© 2003 arkadi_1@yahoo.com
Last updated December 15, 2003
All html with the exception of code supplied by others (such as webring or button/link code) is written entirely by Penemuel. No web publishing software has been used.
This website is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to infringe on the copyrights held by Trilogy Entertainment, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer MGM/UA Distribution Co Inc., ABC Television, 20th Century Fox Television, Alliance Television, TEAM Communications, PolyGram Television, the Showtime cable network, The Jim Henson Company, Hallmark, the SciFi Channel, Stu Segall Productions, USA Cable Entertainment Distribution, Babylonian Productions, Warner Brothers, NBC Television, John Wells Productions, Millar-Gough Inc., TNT, Chuck Lorre Productions, Millar & Gough, Warner Brothers, DC Comics, or anyone else who has Superman copyrights!