The Triple Agent Who Came in from the Cold By: Julie Morningstar Feedback: Please julie_morningstar@yahoo.com Category: Sk-Sc-K Rating: NC-17 Summary: This is a world where John Doggett does not yet exist. Post-Requiem. Post-colonization. After the colonization, Skinner and Scully find themselves sharing a mountain hideaway with Alex Krycek. Can they find a way to live together? Text Version - Chapters 1 - 7 (170 kb)
Comments: Further: If my descriptions of the practices and rituals of the Orthodox Russian Church are not accurate, I apologize in advance. I certainly mean no disrespect. I have been inspired by the amazing Skinner-Krycek and Skinner-Scully fiction that many of you share so freely with us. This is my first attempt at slash and only my second attempt at fan fiction.