The Triple Agent Who Came in from the Cold

Triple Agent


The Triple Agent Who Came in from the Cold


The Triple Agent Who Came in from the Cold
By: Julie Morningstar
Feedback: Please
Category: Sk-Sc-K
Rating: NC-17
Summary: This is a world where John Doggett does not yet exist. Post-Requiem. Post-colonization.
After the colonization, Skinner and Scully find themselves sharing a mountain hideaway with Alex Krycek. Can they find a way to live together?

Text Version - Chapters 1 - 7 (170 kb)

I fell in love with the Great Smokies on a visit to Ashville NC 8 years ago. I have dreamed of the area ever since. For those of you who may be lucky enough to live in that part of the world, please know that if my descriptions of the area aren't realistic, they are, at least, true to the way I dream them.

Further: If my descriptions of the practices and rituals of the Orthodox Russian Church are not accurate, I apologize in advance. I certainly mean no disrespect.

I have been inspired by the amazing Skinner-Krycek and Skinner-Scully fiction that many of you share so freely with us.

This is my first attempt at slash and only my second attempt at fan fiction.

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