The Place of Our Legacy

About The Place of Our Legacy

Obviously, "The Place of Our Legacy" is an archive for Stargate and Star Wars fanfiction.  It started out as a very small archive for SG-1 fanfiction... my first introduction to fanfic.  :-)   It was originally made more as a place for where I could find some of my favourite fic quickly, without having to wade through the hundreds of sites I've got bookmarked, but it rapidly grew into this place for lots of fanfic - I loved whatever I could get my hands on.  The site 'officially' opened on 17th February 1999...  then in June of the same year another fandom hit me like a brick wall...  Star Wars.  <g>   Like SG-1, I couldn't get enough of it!  And within 2 weeks of seeing all four of the SW movies the full way through I was seriously contemplating a dual SG-1/SW archive...  <shakes head>   I knew it was a bad idea (being my last year of high school and all), but it was just too tempting!  <g>   So, that's what it became.

The name "The Place of Our Legacy" is actually a reference from a Season Two episode of SG-1 ("The Fifth Race" - one of my favourite episodes).  Daniel was referring to an archive that was, literally, a place of legacy for a certain race of aliens.  I felt that a fanfiction archive was not entirely different - it's a place to pass on our thoughts and ideas, in essence, our legacy.  Despite the fact that the title isn't Star Wars related, I still felt that it was relevant.

I had plans to expand the site (add fandoms and so on), but they've fallen through as I seem to be getting less and less time to spend on the site. So, for the foreseeable future, TPOOL will remain Stargate and Star Wars only - sorry, folks. :-)

Well, that's enough blab from me!  Go forth and read some of that wonderful fic!!

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