- Star Wars stories added: "Aging of a Master of the Sith", "Another One of Those Days in the Old Age of Yoda, Jedi Master", "A Change in Plans", part 4 of "The Chasing of Obi-Wan Kenobi", "In the Beginning", "Knighthood", "Life Without the Senile Old Despot", "Lost Light", "Miracle", parts 6-7 of "Old Flames", "An Old Friend", "One of Those Days in the Life of Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Apprentice", "Performance Anxiety", "Plotting Our Future", "Poof!", parts 1-11B of "Realities Collide", parts 10-16 of "Something Borrowed, Something Blue", "Their Journey Home", and part 1 of "Written in the Stars".
- Stargate stories added: "Accidents Will Happen", "After Nick", "Appearances", "Cat-astrophe", "Coffee Nerves", parts 3-7 of "Doppleganger", "Happenstance", "Last Laugh", "Medical Considerations - Shades of Grey", parts 8-19 of "Mishap", "Missing Scene - Shades of Grey", parts 1-9 of "The Past Remembered", "A Price Too High", "A Sense of Belonging", "Spores", "Through the Gate", "Trust is a Two-Way Street", "Waiting", "Where the Heart Is", parts 9-44 of "Where Roads Meet", and "Why".
- Submissions - I've made some more slight changes to the submissions guidelines. GO AND READ THEM IF YOU SUBMIT FANFICTION. I'm now asking that you please send chapters of stories separately if that's how they're written. And if a story is over 150KB when you're sending it to me, please send me an email before to warn me - I don't want to be wondering what's taking over 5 minutes to download off my mail server. Thanks.
- Submissions - folks, I can't emphasise this enough. PLEASE format your work properly. It won't be archived if it's not formatted correctly when sent to me.
- Submissions - for those of you who use the submission forms to submit stories, don't worry if all of your story text is bunched on the 'receipt/thankyou' page, but you sent it properly formatted. That's just a funny quirk of Response-O-Matic's (the people who process the forms). If the formatting was correct in the original text box of the form, it came through to me just fine.
- Search - I've added a search engine to the site (you can find it towards the bottom of most main pages). It may only be temporary, depending on how useful it is, and how well it works. For those of you who may try it, if you could please email me at tpool@unbounded.com with your thoughts about the engine, it will help me come to a decision on whether or not to keep it. Thanks.
- Interactive - Just a note to everyone - the message board and chat room are there for whoever wants to use them. I know I've been really slack in the upkeep of them, but please don't feel that they should be avoided. If you want to organise to meet some friends in the chat room, by all means do so. I can also advertise a time to chat there if the feedback is good. If you'd like to start a thread on the message board or ask for help with a story, then please don't hesitate. That's what they're there for. *smile*
- Links - if you want your site linked from this one, don't worry about emailing me. Just go here and add your link - there's no need to ask my permission. Just make sure you add it in the right category. *smile* And vice versa - if you'd like to link my site on yours, please link away! (But PLEASE link to the warning page - more info on linking to me here)
- Links - slightly changed some things on the Link to me page.
- URL - As most of you will know, I generally use a redirection URL for the site (http://ancientservant.cjb.net/). Now, CJB, the people who run the redirection service, sometimes have problems, so if CJB is acting up, you can access the site via https://www.squidge.org/~ancientservant. If you still can't access the site, chances are the server is down, so you'll have to try again later. Just a little FYI. *smile*