- Wishing everyone a fantastic New Year, century and millenium - hope next year is a blast!
- Star Wars stories: "Bathtime", "A Call to Joy", "Choice", "Confessions of a Tired Padawan", "Connection", "Counting Coup", "Deep in the Night...", "Doing the Wash", "The First Few Days","From the Tales of Rent-A-Jedi", "Home Leave", "Just Another Day", "Language, Language", "Laundry Duty", "Legacy" (by OzKaren), "Legacy" (this one by Shana Nolan), "Lessons in Concentration", "Mine For the Asking", "The Mission to Rakari", "Mists", "Prelude to Destiny", "Protector", "Requiem", "Role Model", "Royal Origins", "Sabé's Journal", "Sa're", "The Senator's Daughter", "Shock", "Sneaking Around", "Sometimes You Learn the Hard Way...", "A Spiritual Journey Home", "Sugar Returns", "Time After Time", "Time Again", "A Time For Pain", "Timeout", "Their Journey's Beginning", "The Trials and Tribulations of Cooking", "A Trying Time", "Under the Mistletoe", "The Visitor", "Xandabo Maneuvar", "Your Place In the Middle", parts 1 & 2 of "All My Days Are Dark", parts 2-5 of "Banished", part 12 of "Connection", part 3 of "Escort", chapters 1-16 of Part 2 of "Mosaic", parts 2-4 of "New Allies", parts 1 & 2 of "Old Flames", and parts 2-7 of "Shipwrecked".
- Stargate Stories: "All I Want For Christmas", "Blood Ties", "The Gift", "Redemption", "Star Light Star Bright", parts 1-11 of "The Devil to Pay", parts 18-43 of "The Hunting Fields", and parts 1-10 of "Take Me Home".
- Story Indexes: Alright, hopefully this will be the last time (for a while) that I have to fiddle with the index pages for the stories. It is now only an option to view the full index of stories in either archive - you will not be taken automatically to it after finishing a story. I'm trying to work on a better system, but who knows when that may get done... if ever. *smile* Eventually, each letter of the alphabet will probably have it's own page, but not for some time yet (I hope).
- The Star Wars story "Treachery at Kalla" has been removed as the author is rewriting it and making lots of changes. Allie (the author) has been very busy recently, but I hope the story will be returning soon. *smile*
- We've moved! (Well, duh) *grin* I was sick of Xoom's servers going down all the time - it made viewing pages and uploading them a continual pain, so I decided to take advantage of the great deal Squidge (https://www.squidge.org) offered. My thanks to Squidge for hosting the site!
- Some exciting news! (Well, for me, anyway *grin* ) The Place of Our Legacy is now the official archive for TheFabFive mailing list which runs out of Onelist. Thank you to List Mom Amy for allowing me this opportunity! *waves* TheFabFive is a list for fans of the handmaidens from the Star Wars prequels. To subscribe, go to http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/TheFabFive.
- I recently realised that the counter on the Stargate main page wasn't working, so I've added a different counter. The last amount of hits that I saw on that page was a number of weeks ago, and was just a couple shy of 11,000, so that's where this new counter is starting from.
- Changes have been made to the submissions and FAQ pages. Now that we're based at Squidge, I can accept slash stories, which (hopefully) means a greater variety of submissions, authors, and fics. *smile* So for any of those authors who wanted to submit something but were worried about the slash content, never fear. *grin* Now you can submit your work with no worries. I also made a slight change regarding disclaimers for the stories.
- As well as updating the FAQ, I've also added links on the submissions page to the new Stargate betas page and Star Wars betas page. These lists contain the names of other fans willing to beta any work you want to have archived. If you also wish to be listed as an available beta reader, fill out the proper form on the relevant page and send it to me. I'll have your details up on the next update.
- I've added two submission e-mail forms - one for Stargate submissions, and one for Star Wars submissions. Some people may prefer this option of submitting their story, so it is now available. But please follow all instructions and fill in all fields as necessary. People are still quite welcome to submit their stories the old way (in an e-mail or as an attachment, via their own e-mail address) - these forms simply present another option.
- Another Stargate beta reader listed
- Because of the greater potential for adult content, there's a new warning page that people must pass through before entering the site (unless, of course, some are cheeky and decide to bookmark particular pages already within the site *wink*)