Before you submit your fic, you MUST read everything below.
I. ACCEPTABLE FIC: The Place of Our Legacy accepts all types of fic. It was my goal to have the least amount of restrictions (content-wise) on fiction so that it was easier for people to find a place to archive their work. This means:
- YES: we accept adult content.
- YES: we accept slash fiction.
We accept all walks of life with one exception: NO ACTOR FIC (ie works of fiction which uses names of actors). All sorts of trouble could possibly result for the archivist and the author from this, so I've had to decline offers to archive pieces like this.
Check the Submissions FAQ for more on each of these subjects.
II. COMPULSORY INFORMATION: The following fields show up on the STORIES PAGES, in order to give the reader an idea of what he/she will read. They must be filled out. I won't archive any fiction that doesn't contain what is specified below. I don't have time to chase people up on this, and it shouldn't take any of you more than 5 minutes to do - please send these headers along with your story. If you don't, the story will not be archived. If your fic doesn't relate to some of these fields (for example, 'Season/Sequel info') simply write "None". However, things such as 'Summary' must be filled out.
- Author's Name and E-mail: Do you want your real name displayed, or a pseudonym? I also need an e-mail address where feedback can be sent (however, this can be witheld at the author's request).
- Title of Story: *grin* This one is as obvious as it seems. I need a title for the work folks!
- Category: is your story an angst, smarm, hurt/comfort, drama, romance, adventure, missing scene/epilogue, action, AU (Alternate Universe), ABH (Anywhere But Here)? You can also put here "Cross-over", but please remember to mention what the story is crossing with.
- Summary: a short summary of your story is good. It doesn't have to be long - just a sentence will do.
- Spoilers: are there any episodes/movies/books that will 'spoil' people who haven't seen the episode/movie? If so, just list them.
- Season/Sequel info: does this story take place during any particular season? Is it a sequel to another piece? An ongoing series?
- Rating: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17
- Pairing: If your fic is a romace piece and/or a slash piece, please indicate who you have paired and whether it is male/female, male/male or female/female. If your fic doesn't contain the above, simply write 'none'.
- Warnings: any warnings you see fit - language, character death, etc.
For more information, see the Submissions FAQ.
III. ADDENDUMS & BETA READERS: Some authors like to include AUTHOR'S NOTES, a chance to thank beta readers or other certain people that they may choose. These are optional, but are also welcome.
If you are looking for a beta reader to edit your work, this site now has two separate lists - one for Stargate fanfic betas, and one for Star Wars fanfic betas.
For more on beta readers, see the Submissions FAQ.
IV. SUBMITTING FICTION: First thing before you even think about sending the story to me - make sure it's properly formatted. By this I mean please start a new paragraph (see sample story) each time a new character speaks, or there is a new 'movement'. The sample story has more information.
Please don't put two (or three, or four) enter spaces between each new person speaking. This makes the story an unbelieveable pain to archive, and I won't archive your story if you do this. One enter space between each new action or quote is enough. (see sample story)
And if it's a scene change, add something (for example, *****) to indicate where a horizontal rule should go. Just as the story will not be archived without all the header information, if your story isn't formatted properly, it will be sent back to you until it is. I will not archive fic that isn't properly formatted. Sorry people that this may seem harsh, but with university this year I just won't have time to spend on the site like I used to.
If your story is in chapters, please send each chapter separately (and label which chapter of whatever story it is) - it is much easier for me to format like this. I would especially prefer it in chapters if the entire story is over 150KB - I don't want to wait up to 5 minutes to download one story.
If you have more questions about this, contact me at If your story is properly formatted, read on about actually submitting it.
- BY EMAIL: When sending your stories by e-mail, it is easier if the story is sent typed into the e-mail, in several parts (and numbered) if necessary. However, attachments are also accepted by my e-mail program - send your story whichever way is most convenient for you. Attachments can be in the form of any Word documents, WordPad files, Microsoft Works files, Rich Text documents, HTML documents, or plain text files (.txt) from Notepad. All submissions should go to:, with 'Story Submission' in the subject line. (NOTE: If sending your story in an email in HTML/Rich Text rather than plain text, please make sure the formatting is not on "paragraph" or "formatted", but is on "normal". Using either of the two former effectively gets rid of the paragraph breaks when cutting and pasting to my HTML editor)
- BY SUBMISSION FORM: There is also another way to submit your work - via the submission e-mail forms. All you have to do is fill in the relevant information and paste your story into the text box. There are separate forms for Stargate Submissions, and Star Wars Submissions. Please follow the instructions and fill in all necessary fields.
- BY LINK: If your story is archived on another site, but you would like it archived here also, you are most welcome to. If you could please send me the direct link to the story, it would be greatly appreciated. However, you will still need to send me the information for the fields given above (ie category, summary, etc) to be filled. I will still need to put your story on the index page, and this is the information I will need. As well as this, I will need an email from the site owner telling me I have their permission to link to the story. It may be your story, but it's their site - I need their direct permission before I will archive the story.
V. DISCLAIMERS: All stories will be provided with the disclaimer for this site (below), placed at the top of each story page. However, any addendums for this standard disclaimer must accompany the story. e.g. If the story contains song lyrics, then there should be a disclaimer which mentions the artist and record company/companies. If there is dialogue directly from an episode/movie, the episode/movie's name and the writer of that episode/movie should be mentioned. Despite the fact that it will be replaced with the site's standard disclaimer, I do ask that you include a disclaimer (no matter how simple) as part of your submission. You are quite welcome to cut and paste the one(s) shown below, but please use a disclaimer.
This is the disclaimer attached to all story pages:
- For Stargate SG-1 stories:
"DISCLAIMER: All characters and property of Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM/UA, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions. This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it. Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author."
- For Star Wars stories:
"DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox. This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it. Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author."
VI. EDITING SUBMISSIONS: I do not make any changes to the stories when they are sent to me. This includes checking or editing any stories for spelling or grammatical errors - this is the job of the beta reader(s). See above ('Addendums & Beta Readers') for more info.
Once you've made sure that you've done all of the above (and I know it's a lot, but it will make things easier), send your story to me and it should be up on the next update! I do ask that you be patient, because I will eventually get around to updating.*smile*
Now that I've finished this long and complicated ramble, all I have to say is thank you for submitting your fanfiction!