MISHAP: Part 18

by:  PHO
Feedback to:  phowmo@mindspring.com

DISCLAIMER: All characters and property of Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM/UA, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

The man on the platform barely maintained his composure as the woman's words, 'You may address me as major', rang out across the stadium. He raised himself to his full height, cleared his throat, and banged an annoying gavel against the table in front of him. "Very well, Major, please be aware that this is an interview not a trial. Do you understand?"

'Looks more like a lynching to me.' Sam barely restrained herself from voicing her thoughts aloud. Instead, she put on her best officer look, answering simply. "Yes."

Silence dominated the stadium as those on the platform waited for something, anything from the pair beneath them. When it was obvious that she would say no more, the man spoke again, this time not quite so self-assured. "I am High Councilor Vraxas."

Sam felt herself tense involuntarily as he spoke his name.

The councilor continued. "What manner of Goa'uld magic is this device? He held up the radio gingerly, as if it were a snake poised to strike.

The young officer barely restrained her annoyance at the obvious question, turning her irritation into sarcasm. "It is not Goa'uld magic."

Vraxas' tone betrayed his doubt. "Then what manner of magic does it contain?"

Sam took a deep breath. 'Keep it simple, Sam.' "It contains no magic. It is a mechanical device built by my people, the Tau'ri, for sending sounds over long distances."

"How long a distance?"

"Our units can cover a distance of ..." she paused, suddenly realizing that her units of measurement would probably mean nothing to the man, '...a distance from here to the St.., the, uh, stone ring, at least."

"To the Goa'uld ring."

'Shit, Sam. Stupid!' "It is not a Goa'uld ring. They just use it."

"As did you."

"Yes. My friends and I did come through the ring. We're peaceful explorers..."

"Then why have you harmed our good friend, Tiamon?"

"We have harmed no one."

"But he lies gravely ill after contact with you." Vraxas smiled condescendingly down at the woman.

"He also had contact with you." Sam returned his smile, "Perhaps he found your company not to his liking."

The fury in Vraxas' tone was evident. "I am not on trial here."

"By your own words, neither are we."

"Major Carter?"

"Yes, Teal'c?" Sam sat cross-legged on the floor, chin resting dejectedly in her palms.

"You did very well."

"Right. That's why we're still prisoners. I'm only surprised they haven't told us when the trial is." She eyed their untouched meal trays skeptically. "At least they brought us lunch."

"I do not believe Vraxas would have allowed us to go free, regardless of your arguments."

"Well, I shouldn't have mentioned Vraxas being with Tiamon when he collapsed."

"On the contrary, that was the best part of this morning's events." Sam looked up to see Marne standing in the doorway.

Teal'c looked appraisingly at the little man. "Vraxas did not appear to think so."

Marne frowned. "No, he wouldn't.... But that is not why I've come. Tiamon grows worse. Councilwoman Andrex insisted that you be required to face all your accusers."

"We missed one?"

Marne looked confused.

Sam smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry. I just meant that it looked like the entire village was present this morning."

"Most were. But Vraxas has made it part of his argument that Tiamon also accuses you and according to our law, you must be allowed to face all your accusers or be released."

Sam rose quickly to her feet. "Teal'c, get our m..things. Marne, we would very much like to confront Tiamon."

Marne bowed. "I shall so inform the council. You will be summoned at the third call." The man slipped quietly from the room.

Sam stared after him for a moment. "Teal'c?"

"Yes, Major Carter?"

"Just what is it with these people and threes?"

"I do not know, Major Carter, but the number is not without precedent."


"Daniel Jackson once told me that the Tau'ri have a saying 'third times the charm'. Perhaps this will work to our advantage."

"Ya know, Teal'c. You may just be right. Let's eat."

Daniel's breathing was growing more unsteady as he jogged along the northern trail, and the ache in his side was beating in rhythm with the ache in his back. Instincts developed over years spent traveling to third world locations with limited resources allowed him to keep careful mental track of the time and distance he'd traveled. He knew he was fast approaching the point of no return, where he'd have to choose to go forward, or turn back. Actually, there was no choice, not really. Jack would not survive a night alone in the cellar, and Daniel would not abandon him.

But what of Sam and Teal'c? They could be injured, or de... No, he would not think that way. But something was wrong. He'd seen absolutely no tracks, the dirt further north being a clay base which eluded his minimal tracking skills. The last true signs of anyone had been near the 'gate, and there any signs of his teammates had been obliterated by the rescue SG team, and the creatures.

Hell, for all he knew, Sam and Teal'c had returned to the 'gate, and ... Stupid! The rescuers wouldn't be heading north if his friends had been at the 'gate. If only... "Whoa!" Surprise laced his tone as he got his first real view of the temple. Even in its decimated state, he could tell it had been beautiful. Beautiful, but deadly. He'd have to make sure he had a talk with Rothman when he got back to the SGC. Classifying these ruins as Greek bordered on incompetence, but he'd give the man the benefit of the doubt. He hadn't seen the images himself, perhaps they were bad. As he stared at the remains of a pyramid, he really hoped the UAV's pictures had been very bad indeed.

The young archaeologist stood perfectly still for a moment, allowing his racing heart to cross the finish line, and his out-of-control breathing to rein itself in. He didn't see any signs of the rescue team, but maybe, just maybe they were inside the ... temple. For that matter, maybe Sam and Teal'c were in there, too. Urging aching legs into motion once more, he headed for the temple.

The door to their prison swung wide once more, this time admitting SG-2. "Lucy, I'm home." Ferretti's voice rang out as he entered the room.

Teal'c looked vaguely puzzled. "I believe that to be a phrase O'Neill would use."

Sam muttered softly. "Right. Major, nothing personal, but are you guys prisoners?"

"Not that we're aware of. They offered us other accommodations, but I wanted to see you and Teal'c first. They let us in with no trouble."

"Yeah, but will they let you out?"

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