by: Cheshire Cat
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Author's Notes:  As I've rated this as G/PG, I'm not going to tell you what Obi-Wan actually said. I'm sure your own gutter-dwelling minds can think up something suitable. *wink*

DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

Obi-Wan sat in his quarters at his desk. He was trying to compose a letter of apology to Knight J'ten for his inappropriate vocabulary in class earlier that day. He'd already written to the class in general. That one hadn't been too hard, seeing as most of his classmates were his friends. The content of that letter had been something to the effect of: "My Master's making me do this, so don't laugh at me." Writing to the Jedi Knight was harder. He actually had to sound contrite. Sounding contrite was something Obi-Wan had mastered years ago - but in writing it was a different matter. He scowled at the data pad. He drummed his fingers on the desk. He tapped his forehead. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

After about two hours of self-torture, he finally settled on the "I'm sorry. I'm wallowing in self-blame," approach. A little voice somewhere deep down reminded him that lying to a superior was a major breech of protocol, but he told himself that he really did feel sorry. Maybe not sorry for swearing in class, but he was sorry about disappointing Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan had a feeling he'd be doing menial chores for a long, long time. He sighed. Life was so unfair. He was interrupted from his self-pitying-ness by a soft knock on his door.

"Yeah?" He called out.

Qui-Gon opened the door slightly and poked his head in. "Are you done, Padawan?"

"Yes, Master." Obi-Wan held up the two data pads on which he had composed his apologies. He had a sudden panic surge that Qui-Gon would want to read them before he transmitted them. That would not be good. Especially after what he had implied - rather heavily implied - in the note to his classmates.

Qui-Gon merely nodded. "You may transmit them now, Obi-Wan. As soon as you are done, we will walk over to Padawan Rac'ne's quarters so that you may apologize to him in person."

Obi-Wan tried not to squirm and failed miserably. Qui-Gon pretended not to notice. Instead, he merely opened the door wider, and gestured for Obi-Wan to get up and use the transmitter. Obi-Wan didn't move. He sighed. He wrinkled his nose.

"Obi-Wan, I'm counting to ten."

Obi-Wan's eyes widened. Qui-Gon hadn't done that in years. He jumped up from the desk and hurried to the transmitter in the main room. Qui-Gon chuckled softly to himself. He loved shocking his Padawan. It wasn't something he got to do very often.

Qui-Gon strode firmly down the hallway, his long legs making it difficult for Obi-Wan to keep up. Usually when he was in a good mood he'd alter his pace to make up for Obi-Wan's shorter legs. The fact that he was not waiting was a bad sign. Obi-Wan grimaced. He was so enmeshed in his own thoughts that when Qui-Gon stopped at Rac'ne's quarters, Obi-Wan nearly ran into him.

Qui-Gon knocked sharply three times. A Jedi Master in her late forties opened the door.

"Master Jinn, what a pleasant surprise! Please, come in."

"I'm afraid, Master Zella, that this is not a social call. My Padawan has something he'd like to say to yours." Qui-Gon turned slightly, nudging Obi-Wan forward. "Isn't that right, Obi-Wan?"

Master Zella was slightly surprised that Qui-Gon's Padawan had flushed a deep crimson and his eyes were firmly focused on his boots.

"Yes, Master," the boy muttered.

"Very well," said Master Zella, somewhat confused. She turned back into her quarters. "Rac'ne!"

Rac'ne appeared from around the corner. His eyes widened when as he noticed who was at his door. He bowed to Qui-Gon, who acknowledged him with a brief nod.

"Yes? Why do you want to see me?" Rac'ne was obviously confused.

Obi-Wan squirmed again. "I, uh, I wanted to apologize for calling you a-"

"That's quite enough, Padawan. You needn't repeat it." Qui-Gon's tone was very stern.

Obi-Wan blushed. "Um, yeah. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it. I didn't mean it. Well, okay, that's a lie, I did mean it - OW!"

He broke off again as Qui-Gon clamped his hand down sharply on his shoulder. "Enough, Padawan. Obviously, this was a mistake. My apologies, Master Zella. I had hoped for a better response."

Master Zella looked amused. "Qui-Gon, it's alright. They're only boys. I'm sure Rac'ne won't let Obi-Wan's comments affect him."

"No," Qui-Gon countered, "it's not alright. I'm not going to let Obi-Wan grow up thinking that the things he says have no impact. He will meditate tonight and in the morning he will offer a more…appropriate apology."

Obi-Wan squeezed his eyes shut. "Respectfully, Master, I will do it now. I do not want to put it off any longer."

Qui-Gon nodded curtly. "Very well, Padawan. You may continue."

"Rac'ne, I'm really sorry. I hope I didn't offend you when I said - uh, when I called you those names. I'm not actually sure if that's physically possible…" He trailed off, but a glare from his Master made him continue. "Um, so, I guess I should ask you to forgive me."

Rac'ne was somewhat surprised by the whole conversation. He'd had no idea Master Jinn was such a stern Master. He was grateful for Master Zella.

"Sure, Obi-Wan," he said with a shrug. "I don't really care." As an afterthought he added, "I'm sorry. I reacted…badly, too." Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Master Zella nod her approval.

Obi-Wan spent the next four hours on the meditation mat in the main room. He was supposed to be 'thinking about his actions,' but in all actuality, he was thinking about a computer program he was supposed to create for his "Discrete Structures" class. He shifted his weight, hearing the bones in his hips pop with some satisfaction. He tilted his head as well, cracking the vertebrae in his neck. It was going to be a long night.

"What's the matter Obi? You look like bantha poodoo."

"Thanks, Kat'ri." Obi-Wan grimaced at his friend. "I didn't get much sleep last night. I didn't start on the program for Discrete Structures till about midnight. Plus, there was all that reading for Behavioral Psych. I feel horrible. I don't think I slept more than 3 hours."

"Why? Are you coming down with something? 'Cause if you are, you'd better not give it to me." Kat'ri began backing away, holding her fingers in front of her face in the universal sign of warding.

"No, I'm not sick. At least, I hope not. I got in that 'verbal dispute' with Rac'ne yesterday in astro-nav and Qui-Gon heard about it."

"Oh, yeah, I got your note. I thought it looked like a 'Qui-Gon induced communiqué' as soon as I opened it."

"Yeah, well, it took me two hours to write the one to Knight J'ten. I sort of went numb halfway through. I hope I didn't embarrass myself too badly. And then, I had to go over to Rac'ne's quarters and apologize - in front of my Master and his. It was *so embarrassing* - I wished the floor would just open up and swallow me. And then, when we got back to our quarters, Qui-Gon made me meditate for four hours. So, that's why I didn't get started on the program till midnight. Not to mention the reading."

Kat'ri laughed softly. "Well, don't fall asleep in class today. Somehow I have a feeling that would be detrimental to your Apprenticeship - especially after yesterday."

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "Thanks," he grumbled dryly.

"Don't mention it. Hey, Obi, don't worry. If you look like you're drifting off, I'll kick you or something." She laughed again as Obi-Wan stuck his tongue out at her.

Their banter was interrupted by the arrival of their teacher and they each took their seats hurriedly. Kat'ri grinned at Obi-Wan from her seat. He leered back at her.

"Padawan Kenobi, did you enjoy yesterday so much you want to repeat the experience?" Knight asked dryly.

"No, ma'am."

"I didn't think so. Now if I may teach this class…"

Obi-Wan nodded, miserable. /Give me strength/ he thought, offering it up to any random deities who might be listening.

Part 1    Part 2

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