
Presented By:






Episode 4




Cast of Characters:
Jim Ellison, Our Calif. Firefighter
Blair Sandburg, Calif College Professor
Henry Brown, Chopper Pilot for Fire Dept.
Simon Banks, Capt. of Firefighters Unit
Megan Conner, Firefighter and wive of Simon
Sarah Michaels, Fellow Teacher at the college


For the next four days Jim was on duty. He hated being apart from Blair. Every time he had a chance he called him on the phone. Megan came through once and smiled at Jim as he was on the phone with Blair. Jim said, "I think they're starting to figure out that I'm talking to you and why. I don't think I'll have to tell anyone."

"And how are they taking it, tough guy?" Blair asked laughing softly, letting Jim know he meant it in the kindest way. "Jim, when are you going to be here again? I need you bad."

"I'll be off tomorrow at noon. So as soon as I sign out, I'll be over. Are you going to be at the university? Or will you be home?"

"I'll be home. I'm taking the day off. In fact, how about I make a really nice dinner?"

"Jesus, what you do to me. I hope you know that I can't sleep after I talk to you until I make a run into the bathroom."

Laughing again, Blair said, "Well, I'm not going to complain about that, buddy."

"I better go, Chief. I'll see you tomorrow. I can't wait."

"Jim, do you believe in love at first sight or do you think that is stupid?"

"Not stupid at all, Chief. In fact, I believe now."

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow, Jim. Night."

As Jim hung up, he felt lost. God, he hated being separated from him. Megan came walking through and sat next to Jim and touched his leg. Jim looked over at her and she smiled as she said, "so, tell me about this new man in your life? I'm dying to hear all about him. When can we have you two over for dinner? Are you going to tell Simon or do I have to?"

"Slow down, Megan. Geeze, I should have known you'd know what was going on. You always do. I'll tell you this much. I'm falling for him and falling fast and hard. I'm crazy about him. He's smart, gorgeous and the best thing I've ever had in my life. Yes, I'll talk to Simon tonight, okay? Don't worry about it. You can have us over for dinner as soon as Simon tells me that he's okay with this. I'm not certain how he'll take it."

"Jim, I can't believe that you don't know Simon well enough to know that he'll accept whatever you tell him and continue loving you. You're his best friend. The only problem I see is that he'll feel awkward at first, beings he's used to having you all to himself. Simon is not a man that enjoys sharing, Jim. You know that. So have a little patience with him, okay?"

"Okay, I'll talk with him tonight and I'll get back with you and tell you how it's going."

"Night Jim, I'll talk to you in the morning, unless there's an emergency."

"Night Megan. Sleep well."

As she walked out, Simon walked into the room, he stopped long enough to kiss his wife goodnight and then came over and sat with Jim. "So Jim, what was that all about?"

"I have some things to tell you, Simon and I need to talk to you tonight. Megan wanted to hear some of it before you. You know how she likes to have that upper hand."

"Tell me about it. You have no idea how hard it is being married to someone that already knows it all."

Both men laughed for a few moments, almost dreading the talk. Simon knew that Jim had something serious to tell him and didn't want to push him. Jim, at the same time, knew that Simon and his relationship would change forever from this day on.

"Simon, I wanted to tell you that Blair Sandburg is not only my guide and friend, but he's also my new lover."


"No, that's it, Simon."

"Well, damn it, Ellison, I thought you had something terrible to tell me. I didn't even want to hear it, really. I already knew that."

"How could you have known that, Simon? I didn't know until the last few days?"

"Jim, anyone watching you knows you're in love. We were all talking about it on the way down the mountain today. And we all agree that the kid seems to be good for you."

"I can't believe that everyone is okay with this. I really dreaded telling you, especially after the run in with my dad."

"Hell, what happened with your dad, Jim?"

"He disowned me in the middle of a restaurant. He was so pissed off it wasn't funny. I'm still a little angry at him for what he said to me and to Blair."

"Try not to dwell on it Jim. It doesn't help things to just think about the bad things. Believe me, I know."

"Thanks Simon for being here for me."

"Well, I'm going to bed, you should too. Goodnight, Jim."

"Night, Simon. Tell Megan to plan a night next week for dinner, she was asking about that."

"See you in the morning, Jim."

Jim went into the bathroom and got ready for bed. As he crawled into his bunk, Brown said, "so how is Blair doing tonight?"

Smiling widely, Jim answered, "he's great, H, thanks for asking. Night."

"Night, Jim." H said quietly as he turned over and started falling asleep.

Jim looked at his alarm clock next to the bed and wondered why he was waking up at two in the morning. Then he realized that he could smell smoke. Why hadn't the alarms gone off? Where was everyone and why weren't they up at the top. Jim jumped up and yelled to everyone, "Smoke, there's smoke up on the mountain. Get hopping."

Everyone got out of bed and Brown pulled the alarm and said, "Jim, how do you know?"

"I can smell it, H. Can't you?" Jim asked.

They all looked at him like he had lost it, but they all got on the trucks and started for the mountain. Before long, everyone could see a fire starting. Not a bad one, but one that would have been bad if Jim hadn't given them an added hour or two to get it under control.

Simon said, "Jim, I don't know how you have them, but thank god for those sentinel senses."

Brian said, "I totally agree, this fire is going to be so much easier to fight than a huge one two hours from now."

Everyone went to work and once the other folks from the fire departments got there, no one said a word about the sentinel senses. They had all agreed that it wouldn't work to have everyone know. Jim would become a person that would be watched all the time. Almost like a lab rat.

Once the fire was under control, they all started to go to the trucks and Simon said, "Jim, I'd like to talk to you."

He got in the truck with Megan and Simon and said, "so what's up, Simon?"

"Jim, Megan and I both think that perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to tell the city about you and have them build you a place up in the mountains. You'd have control of a fire alarm system. You'd be first on the scene. But always ahead of time, what do you think?"

"Simon, they would all know about me then."

"Jim, I think that Simon's idea is a good one, but maybe we could do it with only telling one person. The mayor. Would you consider it then?"

"Simon, don't you think it will seem weird to everyone else that the city would build me a house?"

"That's just it, Jim. We don't tell them they're paying for it. For all they know, it's yours."

"And Blair could come and stay with you, all the time." Megan added with a smile.

"Now that idea I like a lot."

"Megan, don't encourage him. He needs to make up his mind on his own, don't give him any ideas."

The rest of the ride down, they decided that they'd meet with the Mayor in the next few days and see what they could do. Once they got to the station, Simon said, "Jim, I know it's shitty, but do you think you could stay on for the next four days?"

"Simon, why would you want me to?"

"Because this is the dry season and we have a fire bug out there that is trying to ruin our lives and everyone that lives up there and around here."

"Fine, I'll stay on. But can Blair come for dinner or something. Shit, I'd like to see him."

"Not only can he come, but you can borrow our room. Right Megan?"

Megan just stood there with her mouth hanging open and said, "I can't believe he just said that."

They all laughed on their way into the station. Jim called first thing and left a message on Blair's answering machine and asked him to come up to the station.

They all sat down at the breakfast table and decided to talk to Jim. Brown started by saying, "Jim, I have to say this sentinel thing is going to work out great for our line of work."

Rafe said, "I totally agree with Brown. Joel and I were talking on the way down the mountain and we realized how lucky we all are. This is a blessing, Jim."

Jim smiled as he looked at all his friends and said, "Well, it helps that you all know about it. Let me tell you, I thought I was nuts."

Joel said, "Oh you are nuts, but the sentinel senses can't hurt."

They all laughed as they enjoyed a nice breakfast. Everyone chipped in cooking or cleaning. They were like a big family.

The phone rang and Joel answered it and called out, "Ellison, your brother is on the line."

Jim walked slowly to the phone, picking it up he acted like it was a snake. "Ellison."

"Jimmy, dad called me this morning with some crazy talk and I needed to talk to you before I told him off."

"Steven, he isn't crazy, I do have a new lover, he's male and dad did ask me to choose and I chose Blair."

"Yeah, that's what he told me and I couldn't believe it. What's going on, Jimmy? First of all, I couldn't care less who you date. We've just become good friends, I'm not blowing that for anything. Okay?"

"Thanks, Stevie. I'm glad to hear that. At least someone in the family still wants me in there."

"When are you off, Jimmy? I'd like to meet this Blair."

"Well, you can come up to the station tonight for dinner, he'll be here. I'm working another four days. Some things have come up and I can't take off."

"What's going on Jimmy?"

So Jim proceeded to tell Steven all about the sentinel senses. Finally finished, Jim said, "so what do you think, Stevie?"

"I think it's great that we finally know what caused you to do this. Now you won't think you're nuts."

"So you going to come for dinner tonight, Stevie?"

"Count on it, Jimmy. See you at around 6:00. Okay?"

"Have a good day, see you then." Jim hung the phone up and smiled and turned around and saw everyone watching him and he realized that he hadn't tried to hide it at all. And they were all smiling. He went back over and sat down and the questions began.

The phone rang and Joel answered it again and said, "Jim, it's for you again. This keeps up and I'll charge you for the answering service."


"Jim, what's going on? Who the hell else is calling you?"

"Blair, he's talking about my brother, Steven. Not to worry. Did you get my message?"

"Yeah, I'll be there around 5:00. Is that all right?"

"That's perfect. I miss you. If you want to bring some camping stuff we can camp outside. I might be on duty, but they can't tell me where to sleep."

"All right, I'll bring my two man tent and sleeping bags. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect. We'll see you in a few hours then. Bye."

"Bye Jim. Be safe."

"You too, Blair, bye."

Again he turned around and found everyone watching him and smiling. "Man, I have to get my own cell phone."

They all started laughing their heads off as they walked into the living room and started making up the charts for the next month for the sleep and work schedule.

Brown called Sarah and asked if she wanted to come to the station for dinner. When she said yes, Brown was walking on air. Smiling at everyone he came in contact with.

"Brown, what's going on?" Jim asked, "you act like you have a secret."

"Sarah is coming for dinner. I just told Megan and she said I need to run to the store for more supplies but she was happy about it. I think that Megan gets lonely out here, what do you think?"

"She's bound to miss having a woman to talk to. Men aren't that big on talking. Well, most of us aren't anyhow."

"Well, I gotta go and get the supplies. Talk to you after a bit."

Joel walked up to Jim and said, "you think Blair knows any other women at the university he could introduce friends to?"

Jim smiled as he said, "Ask him when he gets here, Joel. The worst he can do is say no."

"True, Rafe and I are hoping that he can find someone for us."

As Joel walked out of the room, Jim picked up the phone to call the university. He had to figure out what classes to take. He knew that he'd have to put them off for a while. Until they got all this figured out, he wanted to not have to worry about it.

The woman that answered the phone was very helpful. She told Jim that she'd send the brochure's for him to look over once he decided on the date to start. Jim found himself looking forward to having something else to do. He went to the bedroom and got his book. He was right in the middle of a good mystery. He loved them. Didn't matter who wrote them, but he really loved a well written one. There weren't that many writers out there that were better than James Patterson. So Jim sat down on the sofa and started to read. The next time he looked up it was almost 5:00. *Hot damn, it's almost time to see my main man. You're such a sap, Ellison.*

The phone rang and Jim picked it up, saying, "Ellison."

"Jimmy, I need to talk to you." William Ellison said.

"Dad, I think that we talked about as much as we're going to. You made your stand perfectly clear."

"Jimmy, you can't be serious. You've never been with men before, I could tell. I know that this is just something you feel you have to try out."

"Dad, don't you think it's a little late for me to want to try being a homosexual?"

"Jimmy, are you saying you've been one all along?"

"Put it this way dad, I've always looked, I never acted, but Carolyn wasn't doing a thing for me. I tried, I really did. I prefer the look of men, especially certain men."

"Jimmy, I'm going to make an appointment with a doctor friend of mine. I want you to see him. He's very good, especially dealing with sexual problems. He'll get you all turned around and you can drop the little fag."

"Dad, we're done talking. Don't call me again." As Jim hung up the phone, he was saddened to think that this is the man that brought him up. No wonder Jim never knew exactly how to feel about anyone or anything. His dad always made him feel uncertain.

He was just standing and looking out the back door when a pair of arms slid around him and Jim smiled and took in the scent of Blair. He loved his smell. He turned around and hugged him really hard.

"Jim, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"No, I just missed you is all. I'm crazy about you, do you know that?"

"Yeah, I do know but I don't mind hearing it, believe me."

Jim leaned down and kissed him. Blair pulled away and said, "Jim, we're at work, well, at least your work."

"Chief, what would you say to moving to the mountains here. I'd buy you a 4x4 truck to get up and down the hills easily."

"What are you talking about man?" Blair asked with a look of total confusion on his face. That made him look all the more adorable to Jim.

Smiling at him, Jim went on to tell Blair all about Simon's idea about the Mayor and him living closer to the fires. He filled him in on everything and then said, "so, what do you think?"

"I think it's a great idea. That way you would be looking out for your tribe, what you're destined to do. And yes, I'd love to move in with you."

"It'll be a few months to get it built, but you and I can chose the floor plans. I thought it would be fun to design it ourselves. What do you think?"

"Sounds great, Jim. Now I think I should go and ask Megan if there's something I can do to help."

"Okay, I'll help too. I love cooking, you know?"

"I'm learning something new about you every day. I'm crazy about you too."

As they walked into the kitchen, Jim was tempted to tell Blair about his dad calling, but decided not to tell him. His brother would be there in the next few minutes and he was nervous enough about that. He didn't need any help with anything else.

When the doorbell rang, Jim went to answer it. Seeing Steven, he pulled him into a bear hug and said, "it's good to see you, Stevie."

"Same here, Jimmy. I'm so glad that you asked me up here. Thanks."

"Come on in, Blair is in the kitchen. I want you to meet him and you need to meet everyone else too."

"Lead the way, big brother."

As they walked into the kitchen, Megan and Blair both looked up smiling. Jim said, "Steven this is Simon's wife, Megan and this is Blair Sandburg."

Conner leaned over to Blair and said, "Well, at least you got a last name."

"Sorry, Mrs. Banks." Jim said laughing.

Steven shook hand with both of them and said, "it's very nice to meet both of you. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Smiling, Megan said, "yes, there is. We have tons to get ready, so get this apron on and I'll put you to work."

Jim walked outside to check on Simon. He hadn't seen him in awhile and wondered where he was. He saw Simon sitting down on the step of the fire truck.

"What's up, Simon, you look like you lost your best friend."

"Well, I'm concerned about Megan. She's been sick for a while now and keeps putting the doctor visit off. She's afraid that something will be wrong."

Jim said, "well, what's wrong?"

"She's just really tired all the time. She can't get enough rest. She goes to bed exhausted and wakes up exhausted. I'm just worried. You know that's my middle name when it comes to her."

"Yeah, I know. I think it's great. Let's get her to go in a little earlier."

"You see if you can talk to her tonight, okay?"

At that very second, they were summoned to dinner. They both walked into the house and could smell the wonderful food that was waiting.

Tune in next week for: As always my beta remarks are part of the story.
Will Jim's dad continue to bug him? But, of course!
Will Jim talk Megan into a doctor appt? He better!!!
How will everyone take to having Jim and Blair sleeping outside in a tent? Together?"
Won't bother them none.
Will Blair have any friends that he wants to meet Joel and Brian? Are you kidding? Blair could start his own dating service.
Does Everyone like Blair? What's not to like?
Does Steven like Blair? I hope so...
Will they get any news about the house and new job? Yes!!!!
How will Blair take to the idea of moving to the woods? He's going to be so lost in the beginning.
Will Jim get to meet Blair's mom soon? Oh yeah! Can't wait.


Episode 5

Back to Monday
