
Presented By:






Episode 5




Cast of Characters:
Jim Ellison, Our Calif. Firefighter
Blair Sandburg, Calif College Professor
Henry Brown, Chopper Pilot for Fire Dept.
Simon Banks, Capt. of Firefighters Unit
Megan Conner, Firefighter and wive of Simon
Sarah Michaels, Fellow Teacher at the college


As everyone sat down to dinner, there was talk from all different parts of the table. Jim was having some problems trying to hear what he was supposed to hear and what he wasn't. Being a sentinel was a lot harder than anyone thought. Well, except for Blair. He knew that Jim had to get this under control or he would be a mess. Blair saw the look on Jim's face during dinner and he rubbed Jim's back as he said, "try to focus on just the person you are trying to listen to but don't focus too much or you'll zone out on their voice."

Jim tried it for a while, but could tell that it was going to be slow going. That was all right, though. He liked spending quality time with Blair practicing this sentinel stuff. He'd have a lot of time to practice if the City came through with plans to build a home for Jim and Blair. Jim would love to live up there. He watched Blair as he was animated in the middle of a conversation and realized that Blair probably wouldn't like being alone up there as much as Jim would. Maybe this is something they should discuss some more. * Well, we'll see what he says about it tonight.* Jim thought

At that very moment, Blair was thinking about spending the night with Jim. He had brought all of the necessary supplies for them. Blair wanted Jim to fuck him so badly that he could think of little else these days. Now, hopefully, Jim would see things the same way. Some men were fine until they had to actually do the deed and then they freaked out. Blair just hoped that Jim wouldn't be one of those guys

"Dinner is wonderful, Megan," Blair said, "how did you get the mashed potatoes so creamy and smooth

"It's a family secret," Megan said smiling, "if I told you, I'd have to kill you."

Everyone at the table started laughing. Conner got up and started clearing the table off and Blair and Sarah started helping. Jim got up and did his part also. He didn't want to be the only insensitive one there. Then he looked around and saw the bums sitting around the table not lifting a finger. "Hey guys, you got broken arms or something?" Jim asked laughing on his way into the kitchen.

Well, they didn't want to be outdone by Jim, so they all got up and started clearing the table and making room for dessert. Megan had made a delicious looking strawberry-rhubarb pie. Everyone was talking about it as they sat back down at the table. Jim carried in the vanilla ice cream to go along with it and knowing that there wasn't going to be a person here that didn't love Megan's baking.

"Megan, this is terrific." Blair said after the first bite.

"Oh Megan, you have to give me the recipe." Sarah pronounced as Henry told her how much he loved it.

"Simon, do you ever get tired of having people fall all over Megan because of her cooking?" Jim asked laughing.

"Nope, never do." Simon said, "I'm so damn proud of her it's not even funny. Everything she does is great

Jim watched Simon and could tell that something was wrong, and asked, "Simon, could I talk to you for a moment

"Sure, let's go outside." Simon replied

As they walked outdoors, Simon lit his cigar that Megan would never let him have in the station or their quarters. * Smart woman,* Jim thought to himself.

"So what's up, Jim?"

"Well, nothing is up with me, I just felt like there was something up with you and wondered if you wanted to talk to me about it."

"Jim, it's not something I can talk about right now."

"Why not, Simon? We discuss almost everything around here, why not you?"

"Fine, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. The doctor told Megan that she might have some problems, but she's pregnant."

"Congratulations, Simon. That's great news."

"Jim, didn't you hear what I just said? He said there might be some problems. She's having pains and some spotting. So he told us not to get too excited about the whole thing."

"Okay, I'm sorry, Simon. I just can't believe that it won't work out. Do you mind if I tell Blair?"

"Yes, I mind. I just asked you not to tell anyone." Simon growled out at Jim.

"Sorry, sir. I'll just go in and help clean up the dishes now." Jim said as he headed for the back door. Simon grabbed his arm and said, "Jim, I'm sorry. I'm just frightened for both of us. We want a baby and had hoped to have one soon."

"I understand, Simon. I won't tell anyone."

As Jim walked into the house, he heard Blair saying to Megan in the kitchen "are you pregnant?"

"Why would you think that, Blair?" Megan asked.

"Because you're so pale looking tonight and you've been suffering with nausea all night. I figured you were getting the flu or pregnant." Blair answered.

"Please don't tell anyone, Blair. Simon doesn't want anyone to know."

Blair glanced over to the doorway and said, "Too late, Jim's here. He just heard what you said."

"Jim, please don't say anything." Megan said with tears in her eyes. Jim walked up to her and said, "things will work out, Megan. The baby will be fine, you just wait and see."

Blair was confused. Why were they talking about the baby being all right? Why wouldn't it be? He was missing something. "Megan, I know of some wonderful breathing exercises that are good for the babies lungs and you too. I also know of some great recipes that you might want to try."

"That would be great, Blair, thanks." Megan said trying to be chipper.

Steven walked into the kitchen and said, "Blair, could I speak with you for a few moments?" Jim gave him an odd look and he said, "don't worry, Jimmy, it's not bad."

"Sure, Steven, we'll go for a walk, I need one after the big dinner we had." Blair said walking to the back door.

As they walked down the driveway, and around the bend, Steven said, "I just wanted to tell you a few things about Jimmy that you might not be aware of. He seems really tough, but he's not. He's actually very tender hearted, you can easily hurt him and I hope to god you never do. Because I won't be a happy man if you do."

"Steven, I'm in love with your brother. I don't plan on hurting him, ever."

"Well, that's good to know. I kid you not, he doesn't bounce back easily. Carolyn never understood him. She wanted him to be all strong and manly. And Jim's more tender than most people would think. I'm not saying he isn't manly or strong, I'm just saying he's both. "

"I love that about Jim. He's very nice, gentle and kind. All the things I love in a man or woman." Blair said with a big smile lighting up his face. Steven seeing that smile decided that maybe Jimmy had a better chance at love this time. "Well, Blair, I hope things work out for the two of you."

"Thanks, Steven. Is there anything else on your mind?"

"Well, as a matter of fact, do you know anyone that would be interested in a lovely woman, 34 years old and sweet as can be? She works in my office and I was going to introduce her to Jim, but I see now that would be futile."

"You bet your ass, it'd be futile. Yes, Rafe is looking to date someone new. He seems like a nice guy. I don't really know him too well. Actually, I don't know any of them too well, but he seems like a great person. Ask him if he wants a blind date."

"He does seem like a nice guy. That would be good. I date her sister. So, we'd be one happy family."

Steven and Blair laughed and talked for about an hour before going back inside. Meanwhile Jim talked to Megan about how strong a baby was. As he held Megan in his arms hugging her, he opened up his hearing and could hear a faint heartbeat. "Megan, how far along are you?"

"Well, the doctor said about four weeks, but I really thought I was about twelve weeks along."

"I think you might be twelve. I can hear his little hearbeat, Megan. It seems nice and strong."

"Jim, if you hear anything different about it, would you tell me right off, so I could have it checked out?"

"Sure, I promise. I really want this baby to be all right too, Megan. Things will be fine, I just know it."

As Steven walked into the living room, he went over to Rafe and said, "Brian, how do you feel about blind dates, if I know the person you're going to meet?"

"I guess I'd be okay with it." Brian answered.

"Good, because I want you to meet a woman from my office. She's 34 and she's really nice. So do you want me to have her call you, or do you want to call her?" Steven asked.

"Give me her name and number and I'll call her." Rafe said smiling and was very excited about a date in the future.

Henry walked through and said, "Brian, do you want to go out with Sarah and I? We can all meet for dinner and dancing one night."

"That would be great. Let me know tomorrow what night would be good and I'll call... hey Steven, what's her name?"

"Her name is Jennifer, she's 34 and she has a daughter by her ex-husband." Steven said.

"Man, I don't know if I want a ready made family. I'm not sure I'm up to that yet." Rafe said, trying not to sound too shallow, but was afraid it was too late.

Steven glared at him and said, "Well, that's fine, Rafe. Don't worry about it. I'll find someone that will want to date her because of Jennifer, not because of who she is."

"I'm sorry Steven, I was being a jerk. I'd really like to meet her. I just panicked there for a moment. I'll call her tomorrow as soon as I hear from Henry." Rafe said trying to save face.

Taggart walked into the room and Blair said, "hey, Joel, I have someone I'd like you to meet"

Joel got this panicked look on his face and Blair started laughing, "Joel, it's a woman. Don't worry." Even Jim started laughing at that one.

"Someone from your classes, or a teacher?" Joel asked guardedly.

"She's a teacher, Joel and she's great. You're going to love her. She wanted to meet someone nice, so I'm telling you, you're perfect." Blair said bouncing.

"What's her name? Do you want me to call her up for a date or what?" Joel asked nervously.

"Hey, why don't you meet with Brown and Rafe and you can all triple date that first time? What do you think, guys? Oh and her name is Mary."

"Hey Joel, you wanna meet us at a great restaurant tomorrow night? We're going to do this. You might as well make that giant step too." Brown said. "Course, I already know Sarah, so I'm not nervous anymore." Sarah smiled and hugged him.

They all sat and talked and talked into the night. They were all having a wonderful time. The phone rang and Jim answered it, "Ellison."

"Jimmy, I hope I'm not bothering you, but I wanted to talk to you." William said.

"What do you want, Dad? I think you made everything crystal clear this afternoon." Jim said angrily.

As Jim talked to his dad, he paced back and forth in the kitchen, until Blair came into the room and he stopped Jim. He took him into his arms and held him close. Jim said, "Dad, I have to go. I'm tired and I want to sleep."

"Okay, Jimmy, I'll talk to you tomorrow, we'll see if we can't repair this mess, okay, son?" his dad asked almost timidly.

"Yeah, whatever, Dad. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Jim said without much conviction.

Jim hugged Blair even harder when he got off the phone. Simon came walking through and said, "geeze you two, get a tent." He laughed as he left the kitchen thinking he was quite the comedian.

"You ready to hit the hay, Blair, I'm really tired." Jim asked.

"Yeah, whenever you're ready Jim. Let's go and say goodnight to everyone before we do that, though." Blair said walking to the living room.

"Well, everyone, I'm exhausted, so I'm going to hit the hay. Megan, dinner was wonderful, Steven thanks for coming for dinner and everyone else, it was great as always hanging out with you." Jim said in a rush.

Laughing at Jim's way of hurrying things along, Blair said, "Steven, it was wonderful meeting you. I hope we can get together again, soon."

Jim said, "Chief, I'm really tired and everyone started laughing. Jim's face turned beet red and he said, "I'm really tired, I'm not kidding." And with that said, he turned and walked out the door.

"What's up with Jim?" Steven asked. "He was fine a few minutes ago."

"Your dad called him. That's who was on the phone." Blair said.

"Oh, that explains it. Well, you go and take care of him. It was great meeting you, Blair. I hope to talk to you soon." Steven said.

As they shook hands, Blair then turned to Megan and said, "Great dinner, Megan. I hope to make dinner for you the next time I see you. I'm a great cook."

"Well, it was wonderful meeting both of you men." Megan said as she shook Blair and Steven's hands. "Now I'm off to bed. I'm exhausted too."

Steven and Blair said goodbye to everyone else and then Blair walked Steven out to his car. As Steven drove off, Blair went around the side and saw the tent was all up and ready. He crawled in and said, "Is it safe for me?"

"Yeah, always safe for you, Blair, always." Jim said with a husky tone that had just gotten there.

"Jim, I think that we should just sleep tonight. What do you say?" Blair asked.

"Okay." Jim said sadly.

"Jim, I love you, man. Nothing will change that. But you seem down since your dad called and I want you in top form." Blair said smiling.

"Okay, I'll agree to that. I'm really tired Blair. Can I lay in your arms?" Jim asked.

"Where else would you be, Jim?"

"I love you, Chief."

"I love you, too. Now sleep and we'll talk tomorrow."

Blair closed his eyes and was soon sound to sleep. Jim was sleeping soundly practically on top of him. Which was fine with Blair.

Tune in next week to find out:

Will Jim and Blair have a morner? (that's like a nooner, only sooner.) LOL You betcher booty!

How will Blair feel about the move to the mountains? Hesitant. Or will they even get to discuss it? Probably not!

How will the triple blind date turn out? Good...

How is Megan doing? Better than expected. What does Simon think about her being pregnant?" He loves it!

Will there be time next week to meet Naomi? God, I hope ... NOT!!!!


Episode 6 COMING SOON!!!

Back to Monday
