
Presented By:






Episode 6




Cast of Characters:
Jim Ellison, Our Calif. Firefighter
Blair Sandburg, Calif College Professor
Henry Brown, Chopper Pilot for Fire Dept.
Simon Banks, Capt. of Firefighters Unit
Megan Conner, Firefighter and wive of Simon
Sarah Michaels, Fellow Teacher at the college


Blair woke up with a kink in his back. Why? He couldn't focus on anything right now, he was tired, cold and weak. Then he remembered that they were in a tent. Sometime during the night, the air must have gone out of the air mattress and they were sleeping on the ground. Blair didn't like sleeping on the ground. He did the only thing that made sense to him.

"Jimmmmmm?" Blair whined into Jim's ear. "I'm freezing, can I crawl on top of you and get warm?"

"Sure, Chief." Jim said as he rolled over and let Blair crawl on top of him. Blair was right, it was a lot warmer that way. God it felt nice having him just around him. Jim knew that he was a goner when it came to Blair. He was hard as a rock with the feel of Blair's body on top of his. "Chief, this can't be comfortable for you."

"Speak for yourself, man. I feel great and you do too." Blair said almost laughing with happiness.

"Chief, I'll be sure to get a better mattress for next time. We lost our air midway through the night." Jim said.

"Jim, would you like a morner?" Blair asked.

"A morner?" Jim asked.

"It's like a nooner, only sooner." Blair said giggling. Jim pulled him closer and they began to rub their erections together when Jim smelled something that wasn't good. "Shit, Chief, I have to go." Jim said as he rushed out of the tent putting clothes on as he ran. Blair had no idea what was going on, but he threw his clothes on and ran into the station house.

Jim pulled the alarm and ran upstairs to get ready for the run up to the mountain. Everyone was moving in fast speed and were on the mountain within five minutes. Blair caught a ride with Brown and Rafe, after Jim told him he wasn't going along. Jim told him it wasn't safe, but it wasn't for Jim either if he zoned.

Once they all arrived, they located the fire easily and it was unproblematic to get under control. Every now and then Blair saw Jim glare at him, but he didn't say anything. Blair knew that he was in trouble, but this was part of what he had to do.

Once the fire was under control, they all proceeded back to the station house. Exhausted and dirty. Again, Jim went on the main truck, holding on to the side, didn't invite Blair along. Blair looked over at Jim and whispered, "I have to be here for you Jim. That's part of being the one that guides." Then Blair slid into the seat of Simon's truck.

Jim watched him through the back window and knew that Blair was right. He just didn't like a person up there that didn't have to be. That's why he'd asked Simon to have Megan put on leave until after the baby. He didn't want her lungs affected, and affecting the babies lungs. Blair turned around and saw Jim watching him and he gave him a sad look and Jim jumped off and opened the truck door and said, "I need to talk to you."

"Jim, you go ahead and take my truck back. I'll ride back with the rest of the crew." Simon said as he tossed the truck keys to Jim. Jim smiled and said, "Thanks, Simon."

He got into the truck and said, "I'm sorry Blair. I never meant to do that to you. I'm so used to trying to keep everyone safe and forget that without you, I'd be the one they'd have to keep safe. I won't ever do that again."

"Wow, you are a fast talker when you think you're in trouble aren't you?" Blair said laughing.

"Let's get back and get clean and then we'll talk some more." Jim said driving down the road.

"Sorry tough guy, but I have to teach. So we'll be talking at another time. Maybe tonight. Do I get to sleep overnight again? And this time could we have something to sleep on?" Blair said as he moved closer to Jim and kissed his smokey neck.

"Chief, I stink, don't kiss me now." Jim complained. "Wait till I take a shower and then you can kiss on me all you want."

"Nope, we'll see each other tonight. I really do have to teach a class and I'm busy most of the day. Hey who's on call tonight?" Blair asked.

"People you don't know. Everyone is off, remember they're all meeting at that restaurant? Hey, we could meet there, couldn't we? Then I could go to your place for a few hours and then come back. What do you think?" Jim asked all in one breath.

"Sounds good to me, call and let me know when and where. I love you." Blair said quietly and sweetly.

"I love you babe." Jim said.

"I've never been anyone's babe?" Blair said laughing.

"You're kidding? Wow, I refuse to believe that no one has ever called you that. Baby? How about that?" Jim asked.

"Never. But I have to tell ya, tough guy, the sexiest thing you call me is Chief." Blair said smiling and very serious.

"Well, Chief, I need some sex. I need it soon. So how about tonight?" Jim asked.

"Sounds good to me, Jim. Call me with the info later today on my cell and I'll meet you all there. This'll be fun."

"No, Chief. Fun would be going to your place right now and spending the whole day there." Jim said smiling.

"Oh and Jim, I want to talk to you about the whole house in the mountain thing. I really do. So lets not forget about it, okay?" Blair asked.

"Oh shit, you don't want to move in with me, do you?" Jim asked.

"Jim, I figured we'd talk about it tonight. Okay? " Blair said.

"No, Chief, tell me now. I need to know. Because I'm not moving there if you're not going with me." Jim stated.

"Fine, Jim I'll tell you. I don't want them to know about you. That's my biggest fear. So, if we do a house ourselves, that's another story, but not one from them. Then they would have to know." Blair said as quickly as he could.

"Why do they scare you, Chief?" Jim asked.

"Because they'll use you for a guinea pig and then put it out for everyone to read and see. You'll be like an attraction at the zoo or a museum." Blair said stubbornly.

"All right, calm down. I'll talk to Simon about it today." Jim said wanting to calm his lover down.

"Okay, thanks, Jim." Blair said and leaned over before they got to the station house and kissed Jim. When they pulled up, he grabbed his bag in the sleeping bag and ran for his car. "I'll see you tonight, tough stuff." Blair called out as he got into the car and took off down the road.

When Jim came through, Megan was glaring at him and he said, "What? What is that look for?"

"You told Simon to keep me out of the mountains until I have this baby. Jim, that's uncalled for and you know it." Megan said as she sat a cup of coffee in front of Jim.

Smiling at the woman who was mad at him but still got him a cup of coffee, made him love her even more. "Megan, I just don't want anything to happen to Baby Banks."

Megan hugged him and said, "I know, I just missed being in on the action. I love that part of our job. Ya know?"

"Yeah, I know. I would feel the same way, but it's for Baby Banks's own good."

"Thanks Jim. I need to be reminded of that now and then." Megan said as she started breakfast for the crew.

"Megan, you and Simon want to meet us all for dinner at that Italian Restaurant tonight?"

"Who all is going?" Megan wondered aloud.

"Blair and I, Jennifer and Brian, Mary and Joel, Sarah and Henry, Steven and Rachel and hopefully you and Simon." Jim said smiling.

"Oh I hope so, it sounds like great fun. I'll ask Simon as soon as he's out of the shower. Now go hit the showers, you stink." Megan said laughing.

"Okay, Mom. I'll see you in a bit." Jim said laughing as he walked into the locker room. He couldn't wait to get there and get clean. Stripping as he walked through, Henry said, "Hey did anyone decide on a time yet for tonight?"

"Not that I know of Henry. But Blair said he'd be willing to meet whenever everyone else did." Jim answered. Jim found it so comforting to have Henry standing there naked in the locker room with him and not being nervous or hiding from Jim. He'd have to tell him about it some day. Jim walked under the shower spray and started getting clean.

Brian walked in and got in the shower right next to Jim and said, "So everyone still on for tonight?"

"As far as I know, Brian. I asked Megan and Simon if they wanted to go too. I hope you don't mind." Jim said.

"No, not at all. It would be good for them to get out, ya know?" Rafe said.

"You getting nervous about your blind date yet?" Jim asked kidding.

"Oh yeah, a wreck is more like it. And that damn Joel is calm as all get out. You wouldn't believe it. He's so happy." Brian said.

"Good, now you calm down too, because Steven has very good taste in women. Not just looks, but there has to be something special about her. Know what I mean?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, I'll keep telling myself that all day long while I'm off and going nutso." Brian said laughing.

Joel came walking in and said, "Morning gentlemen, is this a wonderful day or what?"

Both of the other men almost laughed out loud when he said this.

"So Joel, what do you plan after the dinner?" Brian asked.

"I don't know, it's totally up to her. I figured maybe some drinks and dancing. But we'll see what she wants to do." Joel said stepping into the shower spray.

Rafe leaned closer into Jim and said, "See what I mean. I think it's sick."

Jim started laughing hard as he shut the shower off. "He's just excited, something you should be." Jim said laughing all the out into the changing room.

Brian followed him out and asked, "Do you think I could hang with you until it's time for the dinner? God, I'm so fucking nervous. You'd think I'd never been on a date."

"Sure, Blair has classes all day long and I won't see him until dinner. I was thinking of going to look at some land for sale, wanna go?" Jim asked.

"Why, I thought you were going to let them build you a house up there?" Brian asked confused.

Joel walked out and said, "You're not going to move up there?"

"Actually I still would love to live up there, but Blair doesn't want the city or any type of government to know about my senses. It scares him, so I want to build my own place. I've got lots of money set aside. I can afford it." Jim said while dressing and putting his socks and shoes on.

"Hey Joel, want to go with me and Jim to look at some property?" Rafe asked.

Jim looked over at Brian like he'd grown two heads. Joel saw the look and said, "No, that's okay. I'm going to hang out here. We'll see each other tonight."

Jim knew that Joel was hurt, so he said, "Nah, come on, big guy. Come with us, it might be fun. You can help me tease Brian about his new date."

Joel's face lit up and he said, "All right, you talked me into it. Jim, I never want you to do stuff with us you don't want to. I know you're probably sick of us."

"Joel, why would I be any more sick of you than anyone else?" Jim asked laughing as he walked out of the room.

Jim was sitting in the kitchen getting things ready for his trip into town when the phone rang. "Mountain Fire and Rescue, Ellison speaking."

"Jimmy, I need to see you today. It's important. I mean really important." William Ellison said desperately.

"What time, Dad?" Jim asked. "The reason I ask is because I have plans this afternoon and tonight."

"Jimmy, please come as soon as you can." William begged.

"Okay, dad. I'll come right now. Talk to you soon. Bye." Jim said and then hung up the telephone. Turning towards Joel and Brian he said, "Guys, could I ask a huge favor?"

"Sure Jim, you know we'd do anything for you." Joel answered.

"What's up, Jim?" Brian asked.

"I need someone to drive my truck, so that you can drop me at my dad's house and come back for me when I call. Which shouldn't take too long." Jim said.

"Sure, lets all go in your truck and one of us can drive it around while you're talking with your dad." Joel said getting up to get ready to go. "Move it, Brian, we're getting out of here soon."

Jim started laughing as he took things out to his truck and put them in the lockbox in the back of the truck. When he was all finished, out came Joel and Brian. They were all ready to go. Both men got into the truck and Jim said, "Hang on just one second while I tell Megan something."

Jim walked back into the house and knocked on Simon and Megan's quarters and Simon opened up the door and said, "Jim, could you listen for the baby?" Jim could see the panic in Simon's face.

"Sure, where is she?" Jim asked following Simon in. Seeing the look of fear on Megan's face even scared Jim. "Megan, what's wrong, why do you think something is wrong?"

"I slipped and fell in the shower, Jim. I hit my back and butt really hard. And the baby hasn't moved since." Megan said tearfully.

"Calm down, Megan. I need you to just relax." Jim said as he started to rub her belly softly. He just kept rubbing and had his ear down on her belly and Simon and Megan both saw the smile come up on his face and were relieved instantly. "Megan, that baby is doing flip flops now. You're just nervous. Baby's are tougher than they seem. The heartbeat is good and strong."

"Thanks Jim." Simon said as he pulled Megan into his arms and said, "I love you, Meg."

Jim had never heard Simon refer to her as anything but Megan, but this seemed so damned sweet that he almost got teary eyed. "Before I forget, did you ask Simon about dinner tonight?"

Simon answered, "yeah, we'll be there. Can't wait in fact. It'll be nice to meet everyone's dates. We're good at about 7:00. That good for everyone else?"

"I'll get back to you in about two hours or so. See you tonight. And Megan, please calm down." Jim said as he left the room smiling.

Jim got into the truck and drove into town. Pulling up in front of his dad's house, he said, "If I don't ever call or come out, make sure they investigate."

Joel and Brian both laughed and said, "Good luck." Jim shut the door, and Brian moved over and drove away from William's home.

William was looking out the window when he saw his son be dropped off by two of his fellow workers. He went to the door and opened it before Jim ever thought about knocking.

"Hi Jimmy, come on in. Sally has breakfast made in the kitchen." William said.

"Thanks, Dad. I'm starved." Jim said as he headed in to see Sally. He loved Sally, when she saw Jim she ran and hugged him. Jim held on to her for a long time.

It's been too long, Jimmy. Sit down and have some food." Sally said kissing the top of his head, just as she had when he was a child. It made him feel so warm inside. He never had those feelings when he was with his father. * It's really sad. *

"Sally I think we can handle this. You go ahead and take off to see your sister." William said. Jim stood up and hugged and kissed her again.

"Come and see me sometime, Jimmy. I miss you." Sally said with her moist eyes staring up into Jim's eyes.

"I promise I'll come and see you more often. I'm sorry I've been so distant." Jim said.

"I'll see you later tonight, William." Sally said as she left.

"Have a good day, Sally." William called out after her.

"Okay, dad, what's up? " Jim asked cutting to the chase.

"Well Jimmy I thought you would want to hear this terrible thing from someone who loves you. This Blair Sandburg is a slut. He's been with 28 girls since the beginning of the year. Is this really someone you want to hitch your wagon to?"

"Dad, I can't believe you had him checked out. And how do you know how many women he's been with? Oh shit. Don't tell me you went and asked questions at his University." Jim said appalled.

"Well of course I did. I would do nothing less for either of my boys. Then I turned your friend into the dean. The dean said some of those girls were his students, so he was going to have them expelled and Blair Sandburg fired from his teaching postion." William said with pride.


Episode 7

Back to Monday
