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Here it is, at long last! For those of you that missed seeing our dramatic television debut on the premier episode of "The Wild Wild Web," here we are, in living color, so give us two snaps up. We filmed this in July '97, and the episode aired in September '97. You know, you gotta wonder about folks who go to Bakersfield in high summer. Willingly.

Dan Hess did all the work of transferring my VHS tape to a digital format, and all he asked for in payment is some homemade cookies. Keep in mind that my cooking skill is limited to coffee, tea, cereal and those foods that can be cooked in the microwave, so you know that I was really grateful to him! Mom provided the adult supervision, so they actually got made and sent. Hopefully he hasn't had to visit the hospital yet... Dan broke the segment up into seven files to make it easier for those folks with slow modems. You'll need QuickTime (free!) in order to see them.

1. The adventure begins

2. Playing God

3. The Hollywood Hills

4. Baking in Bakersfield

5. Into the desert...

6. The poetic end(Added 1/28/99)

7. Back to the studio (Added 1/28/99)

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Material Copyright © 1997-2005 Beverly White