** Contact Info **
If Spain follows the media trends for the rest of the world, you should be able to send fan-mail to JDB via his agent: Torres y Prieto Asociados. Torres y Prieto Asociados S.L.
Since his mother runs the Christina Rota's Acting School in Madrid, you could possibly contact him via the school as well. However, I haven't been able to find an address for the school yet. ** Important Info ** I want to stress that I haven't tried to send anything myself, so I can't guarantee that my assumption is correct. If you try to contact Juan Diego Botto via these addresses, please let me know if you are successful. I'm not certain that anything sent will actually reach JDB, so remember to be kind and courteous when sending mail. If you don't hear back from anyone, please don't send repeat letters. It takes up to 14 days for airmail to reach Europe from the USA, and it takes over 45 days for lower-class mail to arrive by sea. According to several sites (and the movie "1492") JDB does speak English, so he should be able to read you letter just fine if it gets to him. I'm sure he's a very busy with his acting career, so don't expect a response. It's always nice to get a note back, but I don't know his personal policy on replying (or not replying) to fan-mail. Also, sometimes an actor won't receive their mail until months after it was originally sent; it's forwarded through another person/place. You might also want to tell him where you've seen his work. He mostly appears in Spanish films, so fan-mail in English is probably a rarity. This should help him connect your letter back to a certain project or timeframe in his career. Lastly, this web site is unofficial, so he probably doesn't even know
it exists. If you refer to the site, you might want to include the URL so he can
look at it if he wants to. :) |
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This web site was created to help English speaking people find information on Juan Diego Botto. It is not affiliated with either the actor or his agent. All information on this page should be considered unofficial and unconfirmed. It was created without permission, and no infringement upon anyone's rights is intended. No personal gain, monetary or otherwise, has been made from it.