Why did I create this web site? Basically, I was frustrated and disappointed by the lack of information about Juan Diego Botto on the web. I tried a search on AltaVista and didn't find much that wasn't in Spanish. I couldn't get the translation function to work, and I don't speak Spanish (Yo no hablo español) well enough to understand what I'd found. After searching the web for a while longer, I found some information that I could understand. I've compiled most of it together here, so others can benefit from my efforts. Juan Diego Botto is listed at the Internet Movie Database as all actors are. Be sure to check there for information about his current projects. There really isn't much here right now. If you have additional information about Juan Diego Botto or any of his work, please contact me. Most people in the USA will recognize Juan Diego Botto from his two English speaking appearances. First, he played Felipe, a mute teen, in the Family Channel series "The New Adventures of Zorro." The series aired on American TV for four seasons between 1990 and 1994. Second, he appeared in "1492: the Conquest of Paradise" for director Ridley Scott. In this US film production, he had a small role as Christopher Columbus's eldest son Diego. Detailed information about his other work is a bit more elusive. There are reviews posted for some of his movies, and there are official sites for several of them as well. Many of his movies are featured at international film festivals (especially Martin H), so watch for festivals sponsored by you local universities, film societies, or art/cultural centers. |
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This web site was created to help English speaking people find information on Juan Diego Botto. It is not affiliated with either the actor or his agent. All information on this page should be considered unofficial and unconfirmed. It was created without permission, and no infringement upon anyone's rights is intended. No personal gain, monetary or otherwise, has been made from it.