Vancouver, B.C.

[Duchovniks picture] I've traveled to beautiful Vancouver, British Colombia, purely because of the Internet.

I first bought my computer in order to interact with other "X-Files" fans. My first month on-line, I got together with the Duchovniks, a wild and crazy bunch of David Duchovny fans. Part of the group's activities was an annual "David Duchovny stalking tour" to Vancouver, where "The X-Files" was filmed until the end of the fifth season, in May 1998.

Mind you, we're very polite stalkers, but an extremely noisy bunch. The tour has since been renamed by popular demand to a "safari" to eliminate unsavory connotations.

That first year, although we didn't manage to run into our "prey," we had a total blast. Later, we did manage to meet David. In April, 1998, he invited us to an unprecedented set tour in Richmond, where he was filming scenes from the fifth-season X-Files episode, "The Pine Bluff Variant." I have not included any photos of that set visit because we have an agreement with David not to post our pictures of him to the Internet. If you want to see pictures of him, you can find commercially released photos in my David gallery and awards night pictures accessed through my David Duchovny page.

That's me on the
far left, standing ...

I've been to Vancouver three times now, and hope to go back again. It's a beautiful city with a lot to offer.
Even if you don't like "The X-Files" (or many other shows that are filmed in "Hollywood of the North"), you definitely will find something worthwhile in the city, where you're no farther than an hour's drive from skiing, hang gliding, boating, climbing, shows, bars, shopping, fresh seafood, good times and fun people.

[Another Duchovniks picture] Colin Borys has a neat Web site called the v-files, showing places you can visit in Vancouver where X-Files episodes were filmed.
Also, if you want news from Vancouver, there is a Web site that offers links to various Vancouver news sources.

Nic's Abode | Back to my travel page | Travel BC page | Duchovniks | My X-files page | The X-files official page | Colin Borys' V-Files page |

There's Walter, Beverly, Janet, Patrick and Patty (Nic, not pictured, behind camera)