Part Five: Some things are better left unsaid
Mac and LiAnne sat at the large conference table, waiting impatiently
for the Director to show up with Agent Mulder. The table seemed unbalanced to
Mac; he was not used to seeing that third black leather chair empty. It didn't
look right and it sure as hell didn't feel right. Mac exhaled heavily. He was
frustrated that this briefing was taking so long in getting started.
Vic's missing for Christ sakes. Where's the agency's sense of urgency?
If it were up to him, he and LiAnne would have been kicking open every door
to the storefronts facing the park by now, showing the proprietors of those
shops Victor's picture; checking out where he had been and trying to trace his
steps of where he had been going.
Another 15 minutes then I'm 'outta here; meeting or no meeting.
He looked over at LiAnne, who was making herself busy by inspecting her
impeccably manicured nails. She may have looked bored, but Mac knew that it
was just a cover. LiAnne was really a ball of nervous knots at the thought of
meeting Agent Mulder. Breathing deeply and concentrating on her fingernails
was just her way of coping.
The butterflies in her stomach had left LiAnne feeling slightly
nauseous. At dinner she had barely eaten a thing, opting to spread the food
around the plate with her chopsticks instead. Not only was she not so sure
about meeting the F.B.I. agent; but she was also very afraid for Victor's
safety. And on top of all that, a little voice in the back of her mind kept
questioning her as to why she had even broken up with Victorthe most kind
and generous man she had knownin the first place? And for what? Mac
Ramsey? What a mistake that had been.
The bottom had dropped out of her and Mac's relationship the minute she
split with Victor.
How could I have broken up with Vic? He was the best thing that ever
happened to me.
LiAnne berated herself. She was conflicted in her feelings for both Mac and
Victor. She had thought that she and Mac had some unfinished business to deal
with so breaking up with Victor was for the best, but in hindsight it had been
a momentous mistake. One that she would have to live with.
She had gone to Mac after breaking up with Victor, but he had shown
no serious interest in discussing past events with her, so she had ended
putting their relationship behind her as well; as he had seemingly already done
so. Truth was LiAnne had enjoyed living alone again; she liked not being in a
committed relationship. Or so she thought at the time. Now that Victor was
missing LiAnne wasn't really sure of what she wanted.
It was while LiAnne sat there that she came to a decision; when they found
Victor, alive, she was going to ask him to get back together. Yes, that's what
she would do.
Agent Mulder be damned ! He was probably just a passing fancy anyway.
Ignoring LiAnnewho was in turn ignoring himMac checked his
watch, it read, 8:25. He jumped up abruptly and started pacing.
Having been pulled from her thoughts, LiAnne looked up and calmly asked
the agitated man, "What?"
"If no one walks through that door in the next 5 minutes, I'm 'outta
As far as Mac was concerned he had been sitting there long enough
waiting for The Director and Dobrinski to show up. He was tired of hanging
around and waiting for Agent Mulder to come charging in on his white horse to
save the day. It was just too much shit for him to put up with. Mac felt like
his detective skills were being challenged. The Director acted that as if
without Agent Mulder there would be no hope in finding Victor at all. Mac
thought that it was total bull shit, he was just as good at his job as Mulder
was at his. Mac did not appreciate another rooster invading his hen house.
At times, it may have looked to others in the agency that Mac was
nothing but a big cut-up and that he was always goofing around, which was true
most of the time. But at a time like this, when one of his partners was in
danger his full attention was focused in on Victor and his being found. He was
serious now, and to prove it, he was even willing to put up with working with
Mulder, partnering with him. Providing that the new partner showed up in the
next 3 minutes.
Enough shit, I'm gone.
Mac grabbed his suit jacket and started to pull it on while he walked
towards the big glass doors. But before he could reach them though the
Director, who had entered through another door said to his back,
"Hold your horses. We're ready to start." She smiled inwardly at
Mac's impatience to begin; he was more worried about Victor than he liked to
let on. The Director began laying out 3 identical folders on the long table.
As she did this, Dobrinski pushed the main doors open and bustled through with
his hands full of papers. Following close behind him was another man.
Agent Mulder I presume. Thought Mac.
The agent sat down and watching the slightly rumpled man make his way to the
Dobrinski obviously had already met the man so he introduced him to everyone
else in the room.
Mulder asked the Director if he were to call her that, to which she smiled
and replied "yes".

When Mulder greeted LiAnne, she uncharacteristically ignored his
outstretched palm and gave him a hard stare in return. He pulled his hand away
and directed it towards Mac, commenting as he did so, "I heard a lot about you.
Vic spoke highly of skills." Mulder gave him a small lopsided
Mac pumped the other man's hand twice, secretly pleased that Victor
had mentioned him. As long as he didn't talk to much they would get along O.K.
How Mulder and LiAnne would fare together was another story. Mac hoped that
she was assigned some other duty in this investigation. He had not failed to
notice the look LiAnne had given Mulder. Ignoring his hand seemed to seal his
fate in her eyes. She was determined to disliked Agent Mulder before she even
met him.
LiAnne picked up Mulder's casual use of Victor's name. Hate'em
She did not speak one single word during the introductions. Preferring to
stick to the old adage of "If you can't say something nice, then don't say
anything at all."
Dobrinski instructed Mulder to take the empty chair then turned around
to tack up some photos to the surface of a large roll-away cork board. First
he put up a photo of a small pizza shop, then a black and white head shot of a
man, that was of a very grainy quality. Lastly, he pinned up another photo of
the same unknown man, that was taken quite a few years ago. In it he was
wearing a formal Marine uniform. Under the photos Dobrinski tacked up a large
map of the area around Ballard park. Having done that, he walked over to the
table and handed a copy of the black and white photo to each agent. They all
took the photo and studied it, waiting for the Dobrinski to begin.
The Director sat behind her desk working at her computer. She already
knew what Dobrinski was going to say so instead of listening, she was using the
time to pull up old records to see if she could find anything else that might
help the three reluctant 'partners'.
Dobrinski picked up a long pointer stick and without preamble began.
"The photo you are looking at is of a man named Jackson James Douglas. We'll
call him 'Jack' for brevity's sake. He is an American citizen, male,
Caucasian, age 45, born Aug 17, 1954 in Vancouver, Washington state. He's 6'4"
tall, has blonde hair and blue eyes" Dobrinski made eye contact with each
seated agent and as he looked at Mulder he said, "The last time he was weighed
he came in at 210 lbs. Judging by the most recent photo...,"
Dobrinski slapped the grainy black and white photo with his pointer,"
accurate measurement still."
Mulder grimaced as he studied the black and white picture.
He's a whole lot bigger than Victor The thought angered Mulder. If this
freak dared to hurt even a hair on his...
He reluctantly dragged his attention away from his private thoughts to
concentrate on what Dobrinski was saying.
"He was the only child to James and Fern Douglas-both deceased.
Jack's parents were murdered on his 10th birthday by a unknown male who broke
in during the family party. Jack's parents had been killed first then the
assailant set his sights on him. He raped and beat Jack, and when he was
finished with him he stabbed the poor kid. Lucky for Jack the assailant never
had a chance to finish the job. It appears that he was interrupted by a
neighbor who had happened to be returning some borrowed tools when he heard the
screaming. The neighbor saw the blood and went to call the cops, allowing the
intruder to escape. No one was ever arrested, but interestingly enough.."
Dobrinski flipped through his files and pulled out picture which he
tacked on to the board next to the others. It was a hand drawn sketch that
could have been Victor, if the 3 at the table didn't already know better.
"Here is a composite sketch of the suspect. Of course we know it's not
Mansfield because he would have been only one year old at the time of the
The composite drawing of young Jack's assailant had at first startled
both Mac and LiAnne, then helped them with answering the question as to why
Jack was targeting a particular type of man. Puzzle solved.
Mulder had been privy to all of this information while flying back to
Toronto, so he of course already knew before hand as to why Jack was focusing
was his attention on men who all were similar to each other. Jack was a whole
lot sicker than any of them had even realized before, including Mulder himself.
"Young Douglas, after his parent's funerals, was sent to Long Island
to live with his grandparents. There's no info on the subject for the rest of
his childhood and youth. However, we do know from.." Dobrinski went back to
his pages for a quick consult, "... a report that was made to Jack's family
physician by a school nurse that there might have been the possibility of
physical and perhaps even sexual abuse in the house. That report was
unsubstantiated though. Agent Mulder thinks it's most likely true ."
The other two agents swung their heads to look at Mulder. He shrugged
his shoulders and said, "I'm a psychologist" as if that explained it all.
The trio looked back to Dobrinski who picked up his thread of facts
and continued on. "Jackson Douglas surfaces again in 1970 when he joined the
Marines...," Dobrinski pointed to the colored photo of Jack, "...with the
permission of his grandparents. He served for 2 years then left. Records
showed that he was honorably discharged. Jack's role in the military was a
simple one. He was an expert marksmen. Translationsniper. And when he
wasn't out shooting the enemy from 200 yards he captured and interrogated
Vietcong soldiers." Dobrinski opened up a bottle of water that had been
sitting on the Director's desk, taking a long pull on the cool contents. No
one spoke; each agent was lost in their own thoughts for the time being.
Thirst sated, Dobrinski went on. "He virtually dropped out of sight
after his discharge. So where he's been or what he's been up to between 1973
and now is a mystery. We can however, safely assume that he is the perp we're
looking for in connection with Victor's disappearance, and the other 9 deaths.
This surveillance photo of him was pulled off a security camera hidden under
the rafters at this pizza place." Dobrinski pointed to the photo of the
"It's located across the street from Ballard Park and one block down
from Mansfield's apartment. This image was recorded about 15 minutes before
Mansfield left the restaurant and crossed the street to the park. The
restaurant owner, a man named Samuel Chan, says that Victor comes in about 3
times a week. In fact, he'd even mistook the dead man from the park for
Mansfield once."
Mac asked, "Come up with a name on the dead look-a-like yet?"
Dobrinski shook his head no. He didn't bother to tell any of them that they
weren't even trying to I.D. that poor guy. The agency left that job up to the
"Mr. Chan was working the night Victor disappeared, he said it was
really busy in the place and that Victor had come in and made his usual order.
He told Mansfield that it would be about a 20 minute wait so Victor said he
would come back. Mr. Chan saw him cross the street towards the park but, after
that he couldn't say. But Mr. Chan could confirm that he saw our suspect
hanging around for more than two weeks, he specifically recalled seeing Jack
earlier on in the evening of the night in question. Videotape confirms it."
Dobrinski clapped his hands together once and concluded, "So folks here
it is in a nut shell; Victor comes home late on Monday night and instead of
going up to his place, he, on an impulse, goes to the pizza joint for a bit of
take-out. Then decides to stroll around the park while waiting for his order.
And while there, this Jack guy somehow subdues Victor and carries him off to an
unknown hide-a-way to do to Victor, whatever it is freaks like him do."
Dobrinski nodded to Mulder, who stood up and walked over to the display
Dobrinski had laid out.
LiAnne asked sensibly, "Can we confirm he was even in the park? What
if he was snatched up by Jack from a waiting vehicle?"
"Victor's wallet was found by another agent this afternoon. It was
hidden in some tall grass near a bench. All the credit cards and cash were
accounted for," answered Dobrinski.
"Was it found by the same agent who came up with the surveillance
photos too?" snapped LiAnne rather haughtily.
Mulder was looking hard at LiAnne and wondering why she was acting so
bitchy. To Mulder she seemed like a spoiled child who was mad because she
could not get her own way. Scully would never behave in such a manner. Mulder
was having a hard time wondering exactly what it was that Victor had ever saw
in her in the first place. What did it matter who found what, as long as the
trail led back to Victor? He hoped that when it was time to go, LiAnne would
stay behind.
She's acting like this is a pissing contest. Silly cow.
LiAnne ignored the disproving looks that both Mac and Mulder were
giving her. Dobrinski nodded his head and said, "Yes. But I don't think a
vehicle is involved in this kidnaping. It takes too much time and effort to
have a vehicle. Besides it would leave to much of a paper trail."
Mulder cleared his throat as Dobrinski had settled himself on the
corner of the table. He began, "I used to work as a forensic psychologist in
the FBI'S Profiling Department. I'm trained to deal with serial killers along
with your usual run of the mill bad guys. In fact the weirder they are; the
better. It is easier to profile a person with a whole lot of kinks. But in
this case, seeing as how there aren't a lot of facts, the profile of this guy
is pretty slim. We missed a lot of important information the first time
around. Ironically this is the file that Mansfield" Mulder
recovered quickly "...and I were working on last weekend." LiAnne's steely
stare did not go unnoticed by Mulder, but he chose to ignore her and focused in
on what he had to say.
"I'll start off by saying that Jack is your typical anti-social
loner; we know that by his solitary job in the marines and his lack of any real
history on paper. I would also venture to say that although he is gay, Jack
has never had a real relationship with a man or a woman. He's not interested
in having a normal relationship, it's not what he wants. Jack can't or won't
form lasting bonds with any one person.
Childhood abuse at some point during his life, is unfortunately, a given
in a case like this. And the answer to why he kidnaps, rapes and kills his
victims is easy; he is subconsciously doing the very same thing as was done to
him. Jack has become fixated on a certain look and age of his victims. All of
them representing his own victimizer. He is in fact killing the man who took
his parent's lives and caused him to be sent to a house where he was further
traumatized. Killing the man who killed his childhood and all the dreams that
went with it. I could delve deeper, but I think to go on further would only
bore you and waste valuable time that could be spent searching for..Agent
Mansfield." Mulder concluded his talk with a few more facts for the other two
agents. Both were paying very close attention to what he was saying.
The Director, who had been silent for the whole time, stood up from
her chair and walked over to the map that was pinned to the board. She grabbed
the pointer from Dobrinski and outlined some areas on the map. The Director
split the group into two teams: LiAnne and Dobrinski where given the north side
of the park and all the warehouses that went with it. Mac and Mulder, whom she
wisely determined would do better without LiAnne, were given the south side to
check out.
There were a few old houses still standing amongst some warehouses and
two storage facilities. If Dobrinski was correct in assuming that no vehicle
had been used, then the area directly around the park would be the most likely
place to start searching. She gave them their orders and then dismissed them.
The four of them left immediately to begin their jobs.
The Director went back to her computer and brought up the photo that
she had been looking at. It was a picture of Walter Skinner wearing a tank top
and black bicycle shorts.
Well, well, well Walter Skinner, I hope you're straight 'cause YOU and I
have to meet.
The Director smiled suggestively at the screen.

Victor rolled to his left side and tucked his cuffed wrists up under
that side of his chin, stretching out his long fingers up the unseen, left side
of his face so that he could get a hold of his earring. Though he was awake he
kept up the pretense of slumber. Re-adjusting himself onto his side allowed
him to keep up the charade in case he had an audience.
Jack could be watching him right now for all he knew.
Surreptitiously, he began to work on the silver hoop, pulling it
slowly out of his lobe when he had it undone. No movement showed on his body,
only his broad back rising and falling in regular intervals. To anyone who
might be looking, Victor would still appear asleep. He used his thumb and
forefinger to straighten out the thicker part of the main body of the circle.
And after he had that done, Victor opened his concealed left eye and began to
pick the lock to the metal bracelets while keeping his right eye closed.
He was glad now, that when he was training for the agency, they had
shown him several methods to picking all sorts of locks and bolts. After being
shown each way, he was drilled and timed in order to perfect the act of escape.
Fortuitous was the fact that these cuffs most likely came from a sex shop
featuring bondage gear. Their types of handcuffs were easy to get out of.
Even if they had they been real police issue however, Victor would have still
been able to escape from them; it would've just taken him longer. In only took
about half of a minute before he heard the soft "click" of the small lock
opening. He smiled inwardly as he very slowly, very carefully eased the metal
away from around his left hand then did the same to the right.
Victor put the handcuffs together so that they formed a single circle.
Then he slipped them over his left hand and held them tight in his clenched
fist like you would hold a set of brass knuckles. He held the straightened
piece of silver between thumb and finger on his right hand. He knew that if
Jack was watching him; he would only have a few seconds before Jack was in the
door trying to stop him. Victor would have to defend himself with one leg
chained if he failed to undo the last remaining restraint.
Well it's a start Victor shut his eye and mentally ran through opening up
the leg cuff.
He visualized the lock by picturing the size of the opening and where it
would be located exactly. When Victor felt confident that he could successfully
attack the lock, did he sit up. His tools were ready and he began to work as
swiftly as possible. Acutely aware of the imaginary clock in his mind, ticking
down the seconds.
When the door to his bar-less jail cell did not immediately fly open,
he was relieved. And taking a deep breath, Victor concentrated on trying to
pick the lock that imprisoned his leg. The strong bond was proving to be
slightly more difficult than the cheap manacles. But after another minute or
so of trying, the lock gave way and Victor heard the simple 'tick' of it's
release, it was music to his ears.
Now all Victor had to do was wait for Jack to come to him, and when he
did, Jack would be the one regretting that he had dared to steal Victor away
from his friends and family.
Victor's Revenge, would be sweet.
He tucked the leg cuff under his pant leg to make it look like he was still
restrained, then he laid back down and waited for his oppressors return. Jack
was compulsive, Victor knew it was only a matter of time before he returned
wanting to hurt him again. Only this time he wouldn't be such an easy target..
And while he lay there Victor plotted his next move.
Once a Thief Net Serial Parts Six Ten