Part Ten: Honesty is not always the best policy
As the late afternoon sun went down, its warm rays spilled through the open
windows and delicately
kissed the bare skin of the two men who were intertwined around each other.
They were sleeping peacefully in the big bed that dominated the small roomóboth
men were worn out, though each for different reasons.
Normally, Victor was a very light sleeper. It was especially important to
be one in his line of business one; could never be too sure who was going to
come through the door unannounced. But the aftermath of the last few days and
nights, combined with the effects of a sedative he had taken the night before
worked against him. His senses were dulled and he was pulled into a much needed
deep slumber.
Beside him, Mulder slept deeply as well, which was his usual practice

LiAnne had been knocking on the front door to Vic's apartment for several
minutes already. When she received no answer after knocking several more times,
she became quite worried for her former lover's condition. She pulled out her
own personal key to Vic's apartment and unlocked the door quietly, taking care
to shut it as gently as she could behind her. LiAnne thought the apartment had
a eerie stillness about it; the heavy silence gave her the creeps. She knew
Victor should have been home. Normally, she would have seen Victor just flaked
out on the couch, resting while watching a hockey game. But unfortunately,
since nothing that had happened to Victor in the last 72 hours had been normal,
she wasn't completely surprised when she didn't find him on the couch.
LiAnne couldn't stop herself from looking around for traces of Mulder; but
when she didn't find anything that might have belonged to him, she just assumed
that he must have gone home already. It was then that LiAnne noticed Vic's
bedroom door was closed and guessed that he might still be sleeping. She
didn't want to disturb Victor, but she did want to see him so LiAnne thought
she'd just sneak a peek in on him to make sure he was okay. Figuring that she
could talk to him about her feelings for him and his
feelings for her later when he was up and about.
LiAnne was earnest about the way she felt about Victor, and she desperately
wanted him to take her proposal of their getting back together seriously. At
the same time, she was willing to hold things off for a little while more, or
at least until he was fully awake and alert.
LiAnne padded down the hall quietly as only a true thief could. Grasping the
bedroom's doorknob, she pushed the door open and then gasped loudly, shocked by
what she saw on the other side of the door. She released the doorknob
unconsciously and let the door swing all the way open. The sound of her loud
gasp and the door hitting the wall succeeded in forcing Victor out of his deep
sleep. He was up and out of bed so quickly that she didn't even see him grab
his gun. Before she knew it, he had somersaulted out of bed and landed on his
knees on the floor directly in front of her with his automatic aimed dead on
for her heart.

It took a couple of seconds for Victor to blink away the sleep that blurred
his vision and focus in on the trespasser. Comprehension of who the intruder
was finally registered on the armed man. "LiAnne? What the hell are you doing
here?!" Victor blurted out. Just as soon as those words were out of his mouth,
another thought hit him. Oh shit I'm naked!
Before he could ask LiAnne to leave the bedroom, she covered her mouth with
one hand and stammered, "Oh my god! Vic I'm sorry...I ...just..." Unable to
finish, she simply whirled around and ran back down the hall the way she had
come. Sighing heavily, Victor stood up and put his gun away. He
didn't hear sound of the front door slamming shut so he guessed that LiAnne was
probably waiting for him to come out and explain things to her.
He ran his hands through his hair, sighed and began hunting for his
underwear and the rest of his clothing. Why is she here in the first place?
How did she get in? Boy, does she ever have a lot of explaining to do to!
As Victor tugged on his jeans he looked over at Mulder, whom he thought was
still asleep, and discovered that man was in fact awake and lying on his side
with one hand propped up under his head, brown hair sticking out in every
direction while grinning up at Victor like the Cheshire cat.
Mulder had woken up the second Vic threw back the covers and popped out of
bed but he had decided to play it safe and pretend to be asleep until LiAnne
was out of the room. Whispering softly he asked Vic, "What's she doing here?
Should I leave?"
"No, you stay. I don't know what she's doing here but I plan to find out.
I'll be back after I talk to her. I think I'll take her to the coffee shop.
Want me to bring back anything while I'm out?" Vic whispered back. He had
finished dressing and was now running a comb through his short hair.
Mulder shook his head no while mumbling sleepily, "Mmm no thanks." He then
beckoned to Vic, enticing him back over to the bed. Mulder wrapped his arms
around Victor, who was leaning over
him, and kissed the man deeply before rolling over and mumbling, "See ya."
Victor slapped Mulder's perfectly rounded left butt cheek. It was a playful
gesture but the slap was still hard enough to leave a handprint. Vic pulled
the quilt up to Mulder's chin and tucked it underneath, saying a quiet
"Goodbye" before leaving the room and closing the door behind himself.

LiAnne was standing outside on Victor's veranda, face to the sun, trying to
figure out how she was going to say to Victor, what she had been wanting to say
to him for a few days now. Seeing him in bed
naked and wrapped around Mulder upset her more than she had thought it would.
Vic had looked so peaceful in the few seconds before he had woken up startled
and wide-eyed with momentary confusion.
Mac had already voiced his suspicions to her as to what Vic and Mulder had
been up to while the two of them had been stuck working in Greenland; but she
hadn't really, truly believed it until now.
Now what do I do?
She heard footsteps approaching from behind and turned around to gaze at
Victor. More determined than ever to get him away from the unnatural hold that
she believed Mulder had over him. But by the look on his face, she had a
strong feeling that she had her work cut out for her.
"Come on, let's go to Starbucks," Vic suggested in a voice that sounded a
lot calmer than he felt. LiAnne agreed and walked out of her former fiancée's
apartment towards the elevator.

Mulder had no sooner began to drift off to sleep again than the sound of
someone knocking at the front door had woken him up. He was tempted to just
ignore the annoying disturbance but then decided that too much sleep would only
work to keep him up all night, so he got up and threw on his jeans, not even
bothering to do up the buttons.
Answering the front door barefoot and shirtless, he was surprised to find
Mac standing on the other side holding a tray of coffee from, ironically
enough, Starbuck's. Mulder pulled the door open all the way and swung his arm
towards the living room, inviting Mac in without uttering a word. Mac complied
darting his eyes around and searching for Victor as soon as he was across the
Mac was a bit thrown off at the sight of Mulder opening the door for him,
especially since he had been told by the Director that Mulder's flight home was
early this morning. He had wanted to see Vic alone so that they could talk;
waiting intentionally until close to dinner time to come over and visit just in
case Mulder decided to take later flight out. Seeing as the man was still here,
all that planning had been pointless now.
"Mulder, where's Vic?" Mac asked the heavily-lidded man before him. "You
look like you just woke up or something."
Mulder resisted the urge to answer "or something" and settled for instead,
"Vic's gone to the coffee shop with LiAnne. They needed to discuss uh...some
stuff." Mulder hedged.
Shrugging his shoulders, Mac handed Mulder one of the mocha's and then took
the other for himself. He sat down on the love seat with apparently no
intentions of leaving just yet.
I guess he's going to wait for Vic to come back Mulder assumed.
Actually, Mac had decided, on the spur of the moment, that perhaps he should
take the opportunity since they were alone to talk to Mulder, and find out just
exactly what his intentions towards Victor were.
Mulder dragged a kitchen chair across the rug and settled himself on it so
that the back of the chair was in front of him. He peeled the seal off of the
cup and took a sip. Smiling at Mac, he said pleasantly, "Mmm, that's good."
He waited a second before asking Mac, "Okay, so what's on your mind?"
He's straightforward; just like Vic "Well...I think it's my duty as
Vic's best friend, not to mention his partner, to ask you just what your
intentions are in regards to him." As soon as the words were out, Mac wished
that he could take them back; they did not come out right at all. 'What your
intentions are' lame is that?! I sound like a jealous lover! Shit.
Mac shook his head in order to clear it, hoping that would help him think
better so he could say what he really meant.
Mulder snorted and then replied with a bit of sarcasm, "What do you mean?
Like when are we getting married? Or if I get him pregnant will I support the
baby?" He laughed at the absurdity of Mac's question and his answers. Mulder
felt like a high school boy being quizzed by an over anxious father before
taking out his virgin daughter. Mulder realized that Mac was concerned for his
partner and no doubt Mac had a clue as to what was going on between them, but
he couldn't help but feel a little insulted at Mac's
opening question.
Mac tried breaking the ice again by smiling a small lopsided grin at the man
across from him. He made another try, "Okay, that didn't quite come out right.
It's not what I really meant, but..." he hesitated, finding it hard to
verbalize what he was thinking, "...what I mean is, what happens to Vic when
you go home? Are you a 'couple' or what? I would hate to see him get hurt by
having a long-distance relationship that didn't work out. He's been through a
lot lately and it's not just with this whole Jack thing either. There's other
stuff which you have no idea about. Bad stuff dealing with the time when he
used to be a cop. That and family problems."
Mac paused and took a sip from his cup, wrinkling his nose slightly at
discovering that his mocha had turned from piping hot to lukewarm in a matter
of minutes. He put the cup on the table and looked Mulder in the eyes. "Look,
I have a rough idea of what's been going on between the two of you, but I don't
just how serious things are. I do think though, that if you really cared about
Victor, you would do the right thing and let him go now, before he gets too
attached to you. I don't think he could take another personal crisis." Mac
was playing the old If you love something set it free angle and judging
by the grim look on Mulder's face, he figured it was working.
Mac stood up, leaving his Styrofoam cup behind on the table. "Listen, I
can't tell youó-or Victor for that matterówhat to do. But what I'm concerned
about is what if, say, you continue seeing Vic for now and then later on, you
end up meeting someone else in D.C. Some one who is a whole lot closer. So
then you decide to break it off with Vic. Don't you think that will hurt him
more in the long run, than if you were to call it quits now?"
Mac fell silent, letting the question remain unanswered. After a beat he
continued, "And Agent Mulder, trust me when I tell you that if you end up
hurting him more than you had to in the first place, you'll have me to deal
Without waiting for Mulder to answer him, Mac walked to the front door. But
before leaving, he turned and called out pleasantly to the other man, "Have a
good flight home." He closed the door behind himself and stood in the hallway
for a moment. Mac was not proud of himself for planting the first
seeds of doubt into Mulder's mind, but he was sure that in the end, Victor
would be better off. He knew better than anybody about the difficulties of
long distance relationships; they never lasted. Not to mention the fact that
Mac felt Mulder was really only a temporary fling to Victor. He was certain
that eventually the distance alone between Vic and Mulder would be just too
much for them to overcome. And when Victor was ready; Mac was prepared to be
there to help him get over everything that had happened to him, including Fox
Mulder and their ill-fated, short lived romp in the sheets. Either way, Mac
would be there when Victor needed him, just like he had been there for him when
LiAnne had dumped him.

"You want to what?!" Victor, almost choked on his coffee at LiAnne's
announcement, he was stupefied. He couldn't believe that he had actually heard
her correctly.
LiAnne sighed heavily and repeated, "I think we should try to work stuff out
and get back together."
Seeing the strange look on Vic's face, LiAnne questioned in a frustrated tone,
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
Victor, who had been grimacing slightly at LiAnne, answered bluntly,
"Because, I don't believe you really want me back. I know you, LiAnne. You're
jealous, that's all."
LiAnne shook her head but before she could say anything else in her own
defense, Vic continued on in a harsher tone of voice than he had intended to,
"You broke up with me, remember? You were the one who said you
weren't ready for a full-time commitment. That maybe marriage isn't for
me, I believe were your exact words. You broke off our engagement just
because of some bad experience you had working with Mac on a case where you
guys had to pretend to be married. Do you wanna know how that made me feel?
I'll tell you howó-I was crushed and I felt rejected, that's how I felt."
Victor was more than a little surprised to find out how bitter he still was
over the whole experience even though a good amount of time had already passed.
"It took me a long time to get over it and an even longer time to figure out
just who I really was and what I wanted."
Victor took a sip of his mocha in an effort to calm himself before meeting
LiAnne's deep brown eyes. He continued on in a softer, more patient tone, "But
I finally did get over it and I finally got over you, LiAnne." He shook his
head sadly. "I know you well enough to see that the only reason you only want
me back is because you can't deal with the fact that I might be falling for
someone else. You did the same thing when you thought Ivy and I were getting
back together again. And then when Mac was going to get married to that arms
Victor ran the tip of his finger around the rim of his coffee mug. He
tilted his head sideways and shook it gently while smiling ruefully at his
former lover. " tried the same thing with him. But when it looked like
he might go back to you afterwards, you pulled away and came up with the same
excuses of why it wouldn't work between you two. I know that if we got back
together again you would only find a way to call it off when it came time to
talk marriage."
Victor looked into LiAnne's blank face then and realized that she didn't
know that he and Mac confided in each other on such issues frequently.
She was in fact quite surprised that Mac had told Vic so much.
"Mac and I talk LiAnne, we always have even when we weren't the best of
friends." Vic stopped there and swallowed up the last of the contents in his
coffee cup. His pause in speech gave LiAnne the entrance she was looking
She shook her head vehemently and denied the truth of his words. "No!
That's not true, Vic, it's not the same anymore. I really want us to get back
together because I do care about you. You have to believe that!"
"Oh, I know you believe that, but truthfully? I don't think you
really want either one of us, LiAnne. You don't want us but at the same time
you don't want anyone else to have us either. Let's face it, you liked it when
Mac and I fought over you. It was a great boost to your ego. I could tell that
you were never really thrilled about our becoming friends, especially since we
stopped bickering over you and started doing stuff without you. I know you
hated it." Vic knew he was hurting LiAnne by saying all these things to her,
but he felt that it was time for him to get everything out in the open. Or
almost everything. He was hopeful that once they had dealt with this issue and
made sure it was closed, that then they would be able to put this conversation
and everything else from the past behind them and move on.
"LiAnne," Victor held her small hand between his two large ones, "...there
are things about myself that I am just discovering. Things that I want to do
and need to try. And none of these things involve you. They can't involve you
"I'm sorry. You're my partner and a good friend and I will always care about
you and love you..." LiAnne's eyes had become glassy, and Vic's heart ached a
little as he watched a large tear spill out over the rim and slide down her
cheek, "...but I just don't love you in that way anymore."
Victor patted her hand gently and then got up and leaned over to press a
lingering kiss on her forehead. He whispered, "I'm sorry", before turning
around and leaving the coffee shop. He felt like the biggest jerk in the world
and was regretful all the way home. Victor wished it could have been different
for LiAnne's sake. That he could have said yes to her, and then pick up where
they had left off. But he couldn't lie to himself any longer. He also truly
believed that if he and LiAnne did get back together that it would hurt Mac
even more and that was something Victor didn't want to do. He knew that Mac
still had feelings for LiAnne even though she had trashed him as well. Victor's
rivalry with Mac had been exchanged for camaraderie. He felt good about where
he and Mac were at in their relationship. In Mac, he had found the
best friend that he never had beforeó-a friend to whom he could complain to or
just sit around with in a companionable silence.
It had taken a long time for him and Mac to click, but once their friendship
became based on other factors besides a former fiancée, it took off. Victor
didn't have a lot of friends. He intended on keeping the one he did have.

Victor unlocked the door to his apartment and walked inside, shutting and
locking it behind himself. He turned around and saw Mulder sitting on the love
seat with a beer in his hand. The look on Mulder's face warned Victor that
something was up. Something that wasn't good. Mulder raised his eyes and said
unsmiling and in an unemotional voice, "Vic, we need to talk."
Once a Thief Net Serial Parts Eleven Fourteen