Part Fourteen: Consequences and Truths
Victor walked down the long hall and turned the corner. His attention was so
focused in on processing the information that Nathan had given him that he
didn't even see Mac, who was lounging casually behind a cement pillar waiting
for him.
Mac had actually picked the position because he was hidden from
view; he didn't want anyone in the Agency spotting him in the building.
Especially not LiAnne or their the Director.
Victor, with his eyes downcast in thought, walked right by his partner.
Mac smiled slightly and thinking that Vic had seen him, pushed himself away
from his place of concealment, walking behind Victor in an attempt to catch up
to him.
Mac approached his partner from behind almost soundlessly, he had been a
thief for long, that walking softly was an unconscious habit. The fine art of
being a thief depended one's stealthiness. He reached out an arm and when he
caught up to Vic, he grabbed the other man's wrist, saying as he did so, "Hey
Vic wait up. What did Nathan..." Mac never had a chance to complete his
Startled out of his thoughts, all Victor's mind registered was that someone
suddenly had a tight grip on his wrist. He panicked and adrenaline took over
his body by reacting swiftly with violence. Striking out in automatic
retaliation he whirled around and landed a solid blow to Mac's left eye,
knocking his surprised partner down. Victor had his gun drawn and aimed for
right between Mac's eyes before the other agent even realized what had
"You bastard," Victor, wide eyed, hissed malevolently from between clenched
teeth. "I told you if you ever touched me like that again I'd kill you."
Victor was not seeing Mac his partner; but Jack Douglas, tormentor.
"VICTOR! It's me! Mac!" hollered Mac, suddenly very afraid for his own life.
He could tell that Victor wasn't really seeing him at all. His partner seemed
to be almost 'looking' through him.
Victor froze instantly at the sound of Mac's voice, he blinked his eyes clear
and realized immediately that once again, he had made another gigantic mistake
which involved his poor unsuspecting partner.
Victor knuckled away his vision of Jack. Then he quickly holstered his gun
and dropped to his knees directly in front of Mac.
Mac was only just slightly shaken up from being clocked a good one in the
head by Victor, the stars that he initially saw were already gone from his
sight. But he was very surprised by the fact that Vic, his partner, had almost
shot him dead by momentarily mistaking him for Jack.
"Oh, God. Mac, I'm sorry. So sorry," apologized Victor while he held Mac's
head and gave the rapidly swelling left eye a good looking over. He grabbed
Mac's hand and started to pull the partially dazed agent to his feet.
"What just happened Victor?" Mac asked sharply, unimpressed with being once
again, attacked by Victor.
"What's going on with you?" Mac asked more gently, when Vic's answer wasn't
immediately forthcoming.
"I'm... sorry. It was a... an instinctive reaction type of thing. I... you
came up behind me and caught me off-guard, that's all. You know how it is; we
have the same job." Vic felt terrible about hitting Mac, but he was unwilling
to tell Mac the real reason why he had over-reacted the way he did. He hoped
that Mac would buy his lame excuses.
Mac knew Victor well enough to be able to tell whether he was telling the
truth or not, for the most part. And Mac was fairly certain now that his
partner was lying to him. Only the look on Victor's face that made him hold
his tongue. Mac realized that this was neither the time nor the place to go
into it.
"Come on Vic," He said in a friendly tone. ì Let's go to your place and you
can tell me what Nathan said." Mac was willing to drop the unpleasant topic for
now, but he was determined to get the whole story of what happened to Vic
during the time of his captivity. But it could wait until later on, when they
could talk in private.
"Great. I'll stop on the way home and buy some beer. It's going to be a long
night; Nathan had a lot of interesting things to say." As he fell into step
beside Mac, guilty thoughts still coursed around the inside of his head.
Oh god! I almost shot my best friend! What's happening to me?

The trip back to Victor's apartment was a quiet one; the silence only broken
by an occasional comment by one or the other man. Mostly both were deep into
their own thoughts. Once they were inside Vic's apartment, Vic grabbed a brew
for each of them and handed Mac his, then he put away the beer in his
refrigerator. Victor pulled a single wooden chair from the kitchen into the
living room, and placed it across the coffee table from Mac. He sat in it by
straddling it backwards. Body language spoke volumes, and Mac could see right
now Vic's body was screaming to be left alone. He could see the message as
plain as day even though Victor's face remained expressionless. But instead of
mentioning it, Mac settled himself on the love seat.
Victor took a deep swallow of his beer and started right into what he and
Nathan talked about. "My discussion with Nathan proved to be quite
enlightening. In fact, Nathan was more help than I anticipated."
Mac drank from his own lager and then set his bottle down on the small wooden
table before him. "Yeah? What did the records rat have to say?" Mac grinned at
his own alliteration.
"He's really an okay kid, you know. You shouldn't be such a child and play
pranks on people. Actually, I promised him that you wouldn't pull anymore
stunts if he agreed to type and log your report for you." Vic grinned before
saying, "So do me a favor and wait at least two weeks before you put another
piranha in his water tank." Vic laughed lightly and wished he could have the
same light-hearted outlook on life that Mac had.
Mac laughed aloud as well. "Wellll," Mac drawled, "I'll try, but you know
what they say about the leopard not being able to change his spots. Besides, it
was only a goldfish, not a piranha."
"But I think I like the piranha idea better," Mac quipped after a beat. He
drank some more beer before asking, "Seriously what did he say?"
"Well, he says that the Director does have a safe in her office; it's hidden
behind her collection of Stephen King novels." Mac muttered 'Freaky' at his
comments and Victor agreed. ì Oh yeah isn't it?. Actually Nathan says that
they are decoysó-there are no pages in the books at all. Simply pull them away
from the back of the bookcase and there's her safe." Vic ran his hands through
his hair thinking.
"Anyway, knowing where the safe is, is the easy part; the hard part will be
getting past all the security between the front door and the bookcase without
getting caught. Nathan says that there is no video security monitor in the
office, but that the place is wired for motion and sound."
"Motion and sound hmm.. Well it'll be difficult, but not impossible. It'd
be a lot more helpful if we knew where the sensors were hidden," Mac mused
Victor put his bottle down and wiped away the small bit of foam that had
dripped down his chin with the back of his hand. Smiling brightly, he stood up
while still straddling the chair and fished around in the front pocket of his
jeans. When he pulled out his hand, he was holding a small piece of white paper
which had been folded several times.
"Here," he said as he flipped the small white square at Mac, "Nathan gave me
this. It's a scaled down photo copy of the plans showing all the sensors..."
"Yesss! Pay dirt." Mac eagerly unfolded the sheet of paper and began to look
over the floor plan.
"See I told you Nathan was okay. He even gave me a map to the Director's
apartment just in case what we're looking for isn't in her office." Vic,
still standing fished around in his back pocket this time and pulled out
several more pieces of papers. As he tossed them over to Mac he said,
"Directions to her apartment and descriptions of her private safe is and where
the security devices are located . He wrote it all down, just for us."
"By the way," Vic added as an afterthought, "he made me promise to burn those
papers once we had them committed to memory." Vic laughed lightly but Nathan
had been serious on the matter, and Victor could see the merits in getting rid
of the evidence. He too, did not want to leave a paper trail. Especially one
that could lead the Director back to helpful man. Victor beamed down at Mac;
hope, which had been absent for so long now, was finally starting to creep back
into his demeanor.
Mac looked up at Victor. He thought about commenting on the fact that the
only agent Nathan ever did stuff for was Victor, but he decided against it.
Mac actually suspected that Nathan probably had a severe
case of hero-worship happening towards Vic; maybe even a bit of a crush. But
Mac knew that Vic was oblivious to Nathan's feelings.
Just as well all things considering.
Mac unfolded the additional pieces of papers and started to read them. He
was actually impressed with the amount of details that Nathan had managed to
put into them.
Victor sat back down and picked up his beer. It was almost empty so he
drained the last dregs away. "Another?" he questioned Mac.
Mac was busy studying the notes Nathan had provided, he merely mumbled a
simple "sure" in response.
When Vic returned from the kitchen with the beers, Mac looked up from what he
was reading. Excitement glinted his eyes. "Breaking into the office will be
hard, but with the information on these...," Mac flapped the papers in the
air, "...the going will be a whole lot easier. I just wish we knew what kind of
safe the Director has." After a moment, he shrugged his shoulders.
"Doesn't really matter. Whatever it is, I can crack it," he boasted and
began to fold up the papers. He planned to look them over again later in his
own apartment.
Victor, grinning at Mac's enthusiasm, proceeded to finish telling Mac
everything else that Nathan had told him. When he was done talking, Vic sat
back and looked at Mac, waiting for an opinion since he was the expert thief.
It went un-spoken between them that Mac would be in charge of getting them in
and out of the Director's office and apartment-if needed-safely.
They were only really doing what they usually did for the Agency, when
they had to break into some place. Mac, along with LiAnne, would always do the
actual breaking in and entering while Victor provided the extra muscle and
back-up. Each man knew their roles; the only difference between this mission
and the ones before was LiAnne's absence, and that was only due to her
ignorance of what they were up to.
"I'll go over these papers and get back to you later about coming up with a
viable plan. Maybe we should we meet for breakfast?" commented Mac as he
tucked away the papers. Vic nodded in agreement.
Mac watched Victor as he took another swallow of his beer and after a few
seconds of awkward silence on Mac's part, he said hesitantly, "Er, Vic...?"
"Yeah?" Vic replied, Unaware of Mac's uneasiness. However, what he was aware
of, was Mac's swollen and purple eye. The bruised spot glared at him like a
neon sign flashing an warning of 'unstable partner ahead', Victor felt guilty
all over again.
"What?" Victor tore his eyes away from the bruise and when he saw the look
on Mac's face, his heart rate sped up. He had a feeling what was coming and he
had been dreading this moment since the incident in the hallway at the Agency,
and maybe even before that. Victor swallowed hard and told himself to remain
calm. After all, Mac might have something else on him mind all together.
Not with my luck.
"I want to know what happened to you today at the agency. I need to know
why you almost blew a hole in my head," Mac stated calmly.
"It was nothing, I told you. I just had a... a... I mistook you for someone
else for just a split second," Victor blurted out. "You know how it is." Victor
smiled weakly.
"No. No, I don't know how it is. Look Vic, you're having problems; that much
I can tell. You jump every time someone touches you and judging by the circles
under your eyes, you're not sleeping well either. Vic, I'm your friend. YOUR
best friend. You can tell me anything and I'll understand. I promise, nothing
you tell me will go beyond this room. But I have a right to know what happened.
We've been good friends and partners for long enough that I think I've earned
that much after all this time, don't you?"
Victor looked down and rested his head in his hands as he sighed heavily. The
last thing he wanted to do was talk to Mac about Jack Douglas. He had truly
planned on trying to bury the painful events that, even though they had spanned
only a couple of days and nights, they would remain with him for a lifetime.
He no intentions of ever telling either one of his partners the gory facts;
to re-tell them Mac was to relive the experience all over again.
Unfortunately, it looked like Mac was determined to drag the whole story out of
him; sordid detail by sordid detail.
Vic sighed again. Mac did have a right to know, and he had given him that
right when he had briefly thought that Mac was Jack and almost blew his head
off in reaction. Besides, Vic knew that Mac would persist until he eventually
pulled the story out of him.
There would never be a right time to tell him anyway, so it might as well
be now.
"Okay," whispered Vic after a moment. "I'll tell you."
And without looking up, Victor relayed his entire story to Mac. He started
with how he was abducted by Jack; by using drug spray. He went on to talk
about the humiliating experience he had to endure of being forced to urinate
while his captor held his cock. Victor told Mac what it felt like to be
betrayed by his own body, how he hadn't wanted to become aroused at Jack's
invading hands but had been anyway. Victor recounted what Jack had tried doing
to him after that-about how all he could think to do to stop Jack from
masturbating him was to provoke the man's anger, using the only way he could
think of; by smashing the back of his head into Jack's face, breaking his
captors nose. He talked of how Jack had then removed his belt and beat him
within an inch of his life, and how Vic had believed that having the shit
kicked out of him was better than having an orgasm brought about by a
psychopath's hand.
Victor paused to collect himself. He was choking on his admission.
Jesus Christ!
Confessing to Mac was turning out to be a whole lot harder than it had been
telling Mulder. Then again, he no longer had to deal with Mulder, while Mac he
had to see day in and day out. Vic knew that from here on in, everything would
change between him and Mac. From this moment on, every time Mac looked at him
he would see Jack Douglas and the crimes that he had committed against Vic's
body. Swallowing hard, Victor finally looked up to look at Mac, and his eyes
were full of misery, his handsome face conveying the pain that he was
experiencing by the retelling of the incident.
Knowing he wouldn't be able to continue talking while looking at Mac, Victor
hung his head again and concentrated on trying not to let his voice break.
"On my first day in the basement, when I came 'to' for the second time, I
found myself laid out spread-eagle and in four point restraints strapped down
to a steel table. Jack shot me full of heroin. He-he p-p-put a condom
between..." Victor faltered, trying to find the courage to continue. After a
few deep breaths he did. "...between my lips and a needle just below my eye."
Victor with looking up, pointed to the exact spot the syringe had been with his
finger. ìHe threatened to poke my eye out if I didn't do a g-good job."
Tears spilled over from his eyes.
A few of the drops landed on Vic's jeans and left tiny circles of dampness.
Vic wiped the ones on his face away with the back of his hand.
Distressed, Victor exclaimed, "He-he f-fucked my mouth, Mac. GOD! He-he made
me give him a blow job! "I...he said things to me-...he intentionally said
things to me that were degrading and humiliating. And by Christ it worked, I
have never felt so..." Victor paused before going on, "He made me feel like
human garbage. Then after a little, while the drugs took over and he didn't
even need to use the needle anymore."
Vic had since ceased in wiping away the free-flowing tears and was using the
back of his hand to wipe at his nose instead. "He called me a whore, Mac. He
was the one who forcibly crammed his dick down my throat and he called ME the
whore? Jack acted like I was the one who asked for it!" Vic shouted, his anger
stark through the tears. "I was powerless to stop it!"
Finally he raised his eyes and looked directly at Mac. "He's ruined me, Mac. I
can't sleep, I can't eat and IóI can't make love. I know because I've tried
all three." Vic went on a little ruefully, "Mulder and I had sex before he
left because he wanted to try and help me to forget; he wanted to let me know
that he still loved me in spite of what happened. But I couldn't make love to
him. All I did was fuck him. Do you understand what I mean, Mac? I was
punishing myself and Jack by getting rough on Mulder. Mulder told me not to
worry about it, but I do Mac. How can I not? I'm numb inside and I don't know
if I'll ever be able to feel again." Victor hung his head and covered his face
with his hands again. "So now you know why I can't stand to be touched... why I
pulled my gun on you."
Victor raised his head; his eyes were red-rimmed but the tears had stopped.
"I'm sorry, Mac. I didn't mean to be such a hard ass, but now can you
understand why I didn't want to tell you? ...Couldn't tell you." Vic implored
hoarsely, "Will you... will you forgive me?"
Mac with one hand covering his mouth, had remainded totally silent throughout
Victor's recounting of his ordeal. Now, not only did he feel guilty for making
Victor tell the story to him, but he was furious at himself for causing so much
anguish to his partner in the first place.
No wonder he's been so tight lipped!
The torment that Jack had put Vic through and the suffering he was going
through now was almost more than Mac could bear himself. A knife had been
twisting in Mac's heart the whole time during the telling of the events, and as
he listened to Vic stammer out the details to his sad story that ultimately
would have no happy ending. His arms ached with wanting to hold Victor close
to him and keep him safe. Always. Mac's heart bled for Victor and he truly
believed that his partner needed him now more than ever before.
"God, Vic,..." Declared Mac, ...There's nothing to forgive. Trust me." Mac
stood up and walked toward Victor, stopping a few feet away from him. He
yearned so very badly to protect his partner from everything and everyone. Mac
wanted to tell him that, but instead, he simply held out his arms to his best
Victor said nothing, but after a beat, he got up and walked into Mac's
waiting arms and allowed himself to be hugged in the name of friendship.
Mac closed his arms around Victor and squeezed him in a tight embrace. He
wanted this hug to mean so much more than just plain comfort, but he knew that
comfort was all Victor was seeking, so for now Mac contented himself with
providing that for him.
Mac promised himself that he would not only help Victor see his way through
this crisis of self confidence, but that he would continue to be there for him.
And when Vic passed through this dark tunnel and into the light on the other
side, he would be there waiting for him. Mac would bide his time until Victor
came to him of his own free will for something other than comfort. There was
absolutely no doubt in Mac's mind now how he felt about Victor. He loved him.
It was as easy as that. Mac was certain that one day, Victor would come to
feel the same way about him too. He squeezed his partner even tighter and
thought of all the things he would do if anyone, should ever dare to try and
hurt Victor again.
After awhile, Vic patted Mac's back with his hands and then pushed himself
out of his friend's arms. It felt good to hug Mac; Victor felt 'safe' with his
friend by his side, he was relieved that Mac had forgiven him for his previous
Exhausted from lack of sleep and the emotional drain of the last couple of
hours, Vic cleared his throat and said, "Umm, Mac do you mind if we call it a
night? I'm beat, I think I'll take a shower and hit the sack. I've got some
reading I should do." Victor shrugged his shoulders casually. "Who knows,
maybe I'll actually get some sleep tonight.
"Yeah, sure." Mac looked Victor over. "You're sure you're okay now?" He
asked doubtfully. ìAnd you and me? We're all right each other?" Mac was
concerned for Victor, he really didn't want to leave his partner alone to face
the nightmares, but if Vic wanted him to go there was nothing he could do about
"I'm okay now. Really." Victor assured him. "Why don't we meet at the corner
coffee shop for breakfast? We'll come up with a plan together then. I can't
think right now." When he saw the dubious expression on Mac's face, Vic added
hastily, "Don't worry. I'll be okay. If I can't sleep, I'll phone you, I
promise. Okay?"
"All right, I'll go home and run through the stuff Nathan gave us, then I'll
destroy it. Meet you at..." Mac looked at his watch. "...7:30 tomorrow morning
"Seven thirty it is. Good night, Mac." Victor walked Mac to the door.
Before he left, Mac turned around to face Victor. Reaching up with his right
hand, Mac grasped the back of Vic's head and neck as he stated encouragingly,
"Don't worry Vic, we'll get the Director's home movies back. You'll see." He
smiled reassuringly at Victor; Mac honestly believed his own words. He was
determined to get those tapes back for Vic, come hell or high water.
Victor gave Mac a small half-smile in return and answered simply, "I know."
After Mac turned away to leave, Victor closed and locked the door behind him.
He turned off all the lights before walking toward the bathroom, all the while
wondering how he was going to keep the nightmares at bay for another night.
Once a Thief Net Serial Parts Fifteen Eighteen