"I came in the middle of Monday's troubles.  I met her when she was a vicious horse.  I met Jo when she was trying her darnest to do "horse" body language with her.  It was such a joy to witness these two together, working together and finally, being together.  I think my favourite memory would definitely have to be when Jo left the stall door open and Monday walked out, into the arena, cantered around the arena, did some jumps that were set up already and walked back to her stall like nothing had happened....all this before Jo came back from the other side of the barn!   She was definitely an odd horse.  One can never say they knew Monday completely, once you thought you did, she would do something else that would throw you for a loop.  It saddens me that she had to leave so soon, especially when she was enjoying life to the fullest.   She will be missed.....no, that's not right, she will be remembered."
-Aynsley's tribute

"Whoever created Spirit: Stallion of Cimarron and the soundtrack MUST have known Monday.  That movie and soundtrack is all about Monday."

-Rianna's tribute

"Jazz got me back on a horse this year.  I’d taken a nasty spill in college and my fear of falling off managed to override my love of horses.  When I went up to visit her in Toronto, she took me for a lesson at her stable.  After my lesson on Barnaby, we went to meet Monday.

I’m not sure what I was expecting when I saw Monday.  Jazz had told me her entire story, from the abuse to the first time she’d ridden her to the accident last fall and to Monday’s subsequent recovery.  Having heard how terrified Monday had been of people, I expected her to shy away from me.

The second she saw Jazz, I could see Monday’s eyes light up.  I’ve never seen that in a horse before, but at that second, I could see their entire history.  Monday gave Jazz a look of such trust and adoration that I had trouble believing this was the same horse that Jazz had talked about to me.

I watched Monday nudge Jazz gently for attention, rest her head on Jazz’ shoulder—it was like watching  a little sister who adored her big sister and all she wanted was some attention.

We got the pictures back that I’d taken and laughed—we had a shot of Jazz next to Monday, who was sticking her tongue out.  That’s my favorite picture of the two of them.  Something tells me that we’d never have seen that shot if anyone other than Jazz had gotten Monday.  I’m glad I got to see it."

- Amanda's tribute

"Jo and I are big fans of Buffy.  There is a song from Buffy that reminds me of Monday and Jo's bond and friendship. Part of it goes like this --

I live my life in shadow
Never the sun on my face
It didn't seem so sad, though
I figured that was my place
Now I'm bathed in light
Something just isn't right

I'm under your spell
How else could it be
Anyone would notice me?
It's magic, I can tell
How you've set me free
Brought me out so easily

I saw a world enchanted
Spirits and charms in the air
I always took for granted
I was only one there
But your power's shown
Brighter than any of I've known.

When I first met Jo and Monday, they both had the identical twinkle in their eyes.  Like they knew something we didn't.  It would dance, that twinkle, something so magical and I never believed in magic till I saw these two together.  Jo has alot of net friends, but I bet not one of them ever looked at her eyes closely and saw that twinkle.  Even through the rough times, Jo would still have it.  Ever since Monday's passing, it died.  I haven't seen it since.  As much as we all miss Monday, I miss seeing that twinkle, the little spark that would tell me she would be alright.  Maybe someday it will return, but for the past months, I haven't seen it and it worries me.  I hope wherever Monday is, she's happy and watching over Jo.  She just isn't the same without that horse.  I miss Monday, but I miss Jo just as much now."

-Kara's tribute

"When I first arrived at the farm, I was watching a lesson.  I was thinking about taking horseback riding lessons for awhile now.  While walking through the property, I saw a horse and rider racing through the rolling hills, clearing enjoying themselves.  They jumped the cross country fences and galloped away.  I totally wanted to be her, to have that kind of freedom, to be able to ride like that, and so well too.  Later on, I had met someone on-line, a horse lover like me.  I was thrilled to meet another horse person.  When I met her in person, I realized who she was.  The same girl who I had seen in the hills of that farm, the farm I was now taking lessons at.  I have heard stories about Jo and Monday, but I never really thought I would be meeting this person and be her friend.  Jo has taught me a great deal about riding and came to most of my schooling shows to give me pointers as a coach and as a friend.  She was the one who took me through my first horse show and encouraged me to show more.  If she hadn't done that, I would never be showing now at all.  Watching her and Monday in a show is an inspiration.  It makes me strive to be better.  I want to be a great jumper like her.  I want a horse like Monday.  Monday and Jo are lucky, they had each other, even for that short time.....most people only dream of the sort of bond that they had together."

- Alex's tribute

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