"Sound the bugle now - play it just for me
As the seasons change - remember how I used to be
Now I can't go on - I can't even start
I've got nothing left - just an empty heart

I'm a soldier - wounded so I must give up the fight
There's nothing more for me - leave me away...
Or leave me lying here

Sound the bugle now - tell them I don't care
There's not a road I know - that leads to anywhere
Without a light I fear that I will - stumble in the dark
Lay right down - decide not to go on

Then from on high - somewhere in the distance
There's a voice that calls - remember who you are
If you lose yourself - your courage soon will follow
So be strong tonight - remember who you are
Ya you're a soldier now - fighting in a battle
To be free once more...
Ya that's worth fighting for."

Jo, I know this a tribute to Monday, but this song from "Spirit" reminds me so much of you.  I just left you and even though I was truly happy to see you again, it breaks my heart to see a different person.  You lost that will to enjoy life.  You smile but your eyes express sadness.  You laugh but it has hollow meaning.   It truly hurts me that you have suffered so much lost in such a short time.  I have a great admiration to you, even though Monday and you were enemies at first, you turned out to be the best of friends in the end.  She owed everything to you.  If it hadn't been for you, I would have called that vet and had her put down.  If it hadn't been for you, she would have never gotten to show the world what kind of horse she truly was -- a horse that you saw from the day you met her.

"Then from on high - somewhere in the distance
There's a voice that calls - remember who you are
If you lose yourself - your courage will soon follow..."

That voice is Monday.  Remember who you are, Jo.  There is no one like you.  There is no other rider that I had the pleasure of teaching that showed the courage you have shown.  Monday would want you to go on.

You're doing great on Griffen.  I witnessed how you looked when you rode him at first.  How you didn't put any heart into your riding.  I see abit of that heart and courage coming out now.  What a difference two months have made on you and Griffen.  I look forward to seeing you in the winner's circle again...where you belong."

 - Barb's tribute

Barb recommended Jo to me as a student.  I coach people for the big name shows.  She was moving back to Calgary and was sending her students to different coaches.  Jo was the only one she recommended to me.  She said to me, “There is something different about this girl” and explained everything to me – the rescuing of Monday, Monday’s comeback, the lost of Argyll and finally, Jo’s courage to go back into the show ring and compete.  I was honoured with the thought she was entrusting this team to me.  When I met Jo and Monday, they weren’t what I expected.  When I saw them out in the arena together, there was something different about them.  Not a lot of words spoken between them but they seem to understand each other.  That horse was crazy, there was no doubt about that but so was the girl who was riding her.  Maybe my fondest memory of the two of them would be just seeing them together.  Watching her laugh, watching Monday toss her head in amusement with Tuck sitting there adoring them – best friends just enjoying each other’s company.  They both had crazy dreams and in the end, lost those dreams.   I lost Jo as a student when she moved on to take on Griffen but I will always remember and I’m glad that she comes to visit from time to time.  We miss Monday at the stables and we miss Jo as our friend.

- Lisa’s tribute (former coach)

I never met Monday.  Jo told me about her but I never really knew her.  I feel like I missed out on something in her life, which, I’m sadden about.  When I heard she had a website dedicated to this horse, I had to come and see and I’m completely impressed by this horse.  I first met Jo when she came out to try Griffen.  I didn’t know what to expect, Griffen is not the type of horse I didn’t think anyone would take on.  I thought after the whole half hour experience with him, she would pack it up and Griffen would just remain riderless.  I was completely wrong, she called a week later and said she was going to part-board Griffen.  Since then I had the joy of teaching her.  I watched her struggle for months on end with Griffen, earning his respect, earning his trust and trying to get him to be the best he can be.  While the owners of Griffen aren’t sure if they are keeping him and might sell him to another owner, I am certainly not losing this girl as a student.  I will always find horses for her to ride – regardless.  I am blessed that to coach her now and blessed to watch her work.

- Cathy’s tribute (Jo's new coach)

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