Don't Pet the Duo
Beware the Dragon and the Phoenix
We here at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Bishounen Studies Department do apologize for the delay in the continuation of the Discovery Channel ~ Fangirl miniseries - ‘Bishounen: Quirks and Cautions‘. Our study subjects were frightfully camera shy and kept sabotaging the equipment when the shots were taken. But we are finally ready to finish the lecture series with our last two subjects.
First we explore the quirks of our second dragon species Chang Wufeium found in the L'five colonial Chinese regions.
Chang Wufeium are raised in extended familial packs, often comprised of not only parents and children but grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Ruled by tradition and with strict codes of conduct concerning ones place within that family and personal behaviors.
As a result they sometimes have a hard time adapting their view of acceptable behavior from females when encountering them outside the structured society of L’five. Chang Wufeium also has elaborate Honor code. A similarity shared with the Treise Krushendai (see previous section for details).
Chang Wufeium have a honeyed coloring and long black hair which they usually keep styled in a sever ponytail. They are known for their dedication to their chosen goddess Nataku and show their cultural pride in their dress. Though they are not adverse to wearing local styles to better blend in.
Wufeium had a close relationship to the Treise Krushendai, viewing them as a worthy adversary, sometimes mentor and occasionally they have been linked as lovers. Another occasional lover is the Zechs Merquisean, whom we will be discussing next.
More commonly though the Chang Wufeium develops a trinity relationship with either a mated pair of Quatre Winnerus and Triton Bloomium or Duo Maxwellius and Heero Yuyium.
Additional information about the Chang Wufeium can be found under the heading Dragon Clan and Galactic Bishounen Directory Sub-Category Pilot designation 05.
When we return we will be continuing our video lecture series with a look at the Zechs Merquisean.
Welcome back to the final installment of ‘Bishounen: Quirks and Cautions‘. We now begin our discussion on the Zechs Merquisean.
This showy warrior is most recognizable by his thigh length blond hair, love of hooker boots and his habit of donning a silver mask.
They are closely related to the Milliardo Peacecraftus. Which is another thought to be extinct species and part of the Royal house of Sank.
The Zechs Merquisean can most often be found in the company of Treise Krushendai. Waxing philosophical at one another and reminiscing about the past - when they aren’t busy screwing each other over, on top of, or underneath some antique or another.
A recent expedition has found evidence of their seduction of a younger lover. Namely one Change Wufeium. In such instances they spend hours alternately pampering and sparing with their conquest.
The Zechs Merquisean is rumored to have familial ties to the Relena Darlinian, but seems to avoid the annoying, pink bedecked female.
For more information look under the header Lightening Baron and Galactic Bishounen Directory Sub-Category Pilot designation 06.
Thank you for joining us. I hope you enjoyed the Discovery Channel’s Bishounen: Quirks and Cautions lecture series.
This is Haras Nesnetsrac signing off.
Other then that, I hope you all enjoyed it. ^__^
This is the LAST part. I don’t care how much whining you all do. This was a cute series and fun to do but I’m not getting drug into that ’Do this or that character! Plz!’ stuff.

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