So I bet you're asking yourself, just who does this guy think he
is, anyway? Setting himself up as an expert on gay sex, offering his opinions on books
and movies, and thinking he can answer all your questions.
Well, he's a thirty-something gay man, who's lived basically his entire life in the gay
community. Grew up in San Francisco, only a few blocks from the Castro District, and
Attended university at UC Santa Cruz, a resort town famous for its beautiful beaches,
wooden roller coaster, and high concentration of lesbians. Since then lived in Los Angeles,
Tulsa (hey, it seemed like a good idea at the time), New York City and now Provincetown, MA
gay beach resort town).
I discovered slash at the age of 13, coming across a K/S 'zine at a con. I was totally blown
away. The writing wasn't all that good, but just seeing a gay relationship positively portrayed
was a revelation. Knowing that there were other people out there, watching the same shows I
and seeing these things helped me immensely at a very troubled time in my life.
Since I didn't attend many cons, I didn't have much access to slash, and forgot about
it entirely until a few years ago when I came across
the Slash on the Net site
and discovered Paris/Kim. Instant addiction. I spent hours downloading, printing out,
and reading every piece of P/K I could find. My then-boyfriend actually broke up with me
because I
was spending so much time on line...
Then came Mulder/Krychek, Mulder/Skinner, Pendrell/Krychek, Duncan/Methos,
Hercules/Iolus, Fraser/Ray,
Ares/Joxer, Batman/Robin, Bashir/Garak, Mac/Victor, Bodie/Ray, Starsky/Hutch, Hawkes/West,
and best of all, Jim/Blair. At one point I was on a dozen different mailing lists, wading through
three or four hundred messages a day.
"Hello, my
name is minotaur,
and I'm a slashaholic..." |
Why the website? Well, I recently attended Friscon,
the all-slash convention in San Francisco, where I was the only boy type person for the
whole weekend (ok, so there was a male huckster, and two other guys who
attended for part of one day..). Throughout the con I was besieged with "can two guys..?"
questions, enough to show that there was a real need for someone willing and able to
serve as a technical consultant.
So here it is, my little contribution to the greater slash community. Peruse it at your
A couple of small points:
Go, my friends, and explore. I hope you enjoy it.