by:  Shana Nolan
Feedback to:  dpangel@thegrid.net

DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters (Shal-Nyx Cael), the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.  The original character of K'yllyn Myrrdin is the intellectual property of Caeryn Myer, and is used with permission.

"Somehow I don't believe you."

Her tone dripped mild sarcasm, "That's such a comfort. I'm fine."

"You were sick all this morning."

"And last night, no thanks to you and your obsession with Endorian eggs."

Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow, half-watching the metal skyline of Coruscant diminish through the porthole. "You used to like them."

"Stop, stop. Don't even finish that thought or I'll have to make a dash for it."

His hand landed on hers. "Of course, Shala. But are you sure you're fine?"

Shal-Nyx arched an eyebrow at him. "Its not my equilibrium that's off. I'll live, and if not, you get to endure right along with me."

"Is that a threat or a promise?"

Casting a quick glance to check that they were truly alone in the corridor of the Republic transport, she backed into his grip, taking gentle hold of his hands, sliding them deliberately onto her waist to rest them on her abdomen. "Barring the mission to this planet, you and I are involved in something that will change us forever. Now if you would be kind enough to abandon those nauseating omelettes until further notice, we can both work on adjusting our lives."

"And the mission? You know, the thing we're supposed to take care of?"

Her thoughts drifted gently over the Force. "It will be simple, our task quickly achieved. But I think it in my, or rather, our better interest that we extend the stay as long as possible."

"The Council will find out anyways... "

"Yes, I know, but not now. I really don't want to hear Master Yoda's high handed opinions about it; the ancient prune is bound to condemn us for carelessness."

The ship shuddered slightly as it left the atmosphere of the planet and turned towards its destination, the hyper drive engaged.

"So what is this place?"

"Cas'hay. Our job is to keep the unification of the two main continents alive until the alliance is signed."

"Negotiators of the Republic."

"Pretty much," she sighed, finally beginning to feel comfortable in his embrace again. "Cala wants its virgin wilds untouched by Caja's industrialisation and heavy commerce. Caja wants the organisation and harmony that mark's Cala's way of life. Both stand to benefit from each other but an ocean of distance has kept them apart in culture."

"No physical violence?"

"Not really, just spitting contests. Compared to some missions, this will be easy, and I believe we are to stay on Cala where the talks are happening."

"This is good, I presume."

"Yes. More privacy for us."

He chuckled at the irony. "Normally it'd be the contrary, but if its for the best... "

She jabbed him with a shoulder, "Trust me, it is."

"Yes, luv," he whispered, leaning down, tickling her face with his hair. "Whatever you need."

Shal-Nyx bit her lip, resting a hand free to push his mouth away. "Breath... can't take the smell... "

"Oh! I'll be right back then."

She nodded and gave him a gentle push, laughing in spite of herself. A week ago Endorian eggs with a side of spiced greens would have been divine... now it was enough to make her swear off consumables for... well, who really knew?

In the name of faith she stayed loyal to the Jedi; in the name of love she held Qui-Gon Jinn precious... so what was the name of the aspect that held her so conflicted over her "condition?" It was a natural thing, even to the Jedi (not all having hatched from eggs), why should she or anyone else for that matter worry so much? It was her career to ruin... her life to change...

What right did outsiders have over her body, anyways?

Shaking her head, watching the stars streak by through the little window, Shal-Nyx, formerly thinking herself as a methodical and cautious individual, saw that in this moment there was more chaos than order ruling her days. Yes, perhaps she had been careless, yes, she had intentionally not told the Council about the pregnancy and yes, maybe she was acting a little selfish over the whole affair, but what did one expect? Humility and rationality from someone who had spent more time in her bathroom within the last four days than she had in four months?

Her stomach reeled slightly at the thought, making her shove the psychosomatic effects down with the Force. This was ridiculous. She was a Jedi Knight, a justicar, a Guardian of the Peace and a skilled diplomat... how was it that her body was taking command of her life so efficiently?

By the time she had stopped over-analysing her physiological state, Qui-Gon had returned, a smile greeting her. "Better?"



She sighed. "Do you really want to go through with this?"

"This... ? I-- wait, you're not thinking of... "

"Of course I have, but it doesn't mean I have the strength to do it by myself... technically I can't make the decision alone anyways."

His smile turned to curious concern. "I want what you want, Shala."

"An antacid and a few hours sleep?"

"That's not what I meant."

"I know. I've never even entertained the thought of a family until now, I didn't figure it really fit into my life as a Jedi. But here it is and I'll be damned if its not strangely fitting. The Force is trying to tell me something and I'm not quite sure what it is yet."

"Then perhaps you should take what it has given you and let it guide you as you go along."

She took a step closer to him, close enough to see the mild 5 o'clock shadow on his face. "'Trust in the Force,' as Master Clira would say. This is a major undertaking; it's not going to be easy."

"If life were easy," he said with a shrug, "what would be the point?"

"Good question." Her expression was worn, a look that had been typical of her in the last few days, the clear indicator that the Jedi was wearing down to the will of the corporeal body. "ETA to Cas'hay?"

"Long enough for you to get some much needed rest."

She threw her hands up in the air. "The Padawan yields to better judgement."

Pointing to a turn in the corridor with a chuckle, Qui-Gon patted her arm. "Funny, you never did when you actually were a Padawan."

The greeting by the people of Cala was blessedly smooth and untroubled, their dignitaries and diplomats dressed in finery and pleasant moods.

Until a blaster shot streaked through the palace courtyard on the way inside. Missing the entire assembled group and striking a stone statue, the bodyguards tore off towards the source of the attack.

The Jedi, however, stayed behind at the beckoning of the pro-consul of Cala. "It's a terrorist threat, nothing you two can help with. There are some Calanese who disdain the alliance and we deal with them as we can."

Qui-Gon bowed his head respectfully, shoving back new found concern for Shal-Nyx. "Pro-Consul, I don't like being shot at, and neither should you. How long have these attacks been going on?"

"Since the talks were announced publicly. We've been negotiating for a very long time and we thought that the public should know something before we spring the joining of two continents to the populace."

Left to her own vices for the moment, Shal-Nyx was feeling out the area with the Force, her senses keener than they were supposed to be. The person behind the assault were gone, out of range, and the energy left behind was buzzing with irrational fear. Fear of persecution. "Pro-Consul, why would these 'terrorists' fear you?"

The man's eyes squinted at her, trying to detect the meaning of her question. "Because when we catch them they are summarily executed."


"It is our law, Knight, we do not expect you to understand why, we simply ask you to adhere to it and help us bring them to justice, particularly during these times."

Catching the scathing remark about to utter from her mouth, Qui-Gon coughed and offered, "We're here as Ambassadors, we are not your bodyguard."

"Of course." Seeing his actual bodyguards jogging back into the courtyard, the Calanese leader gestured to the palatial grounds. "This is the main house where the talks are taking place, the second floor is bedrooms and guest quarters for the Consulate. We would normally house you there, but as the household is overtaxed as is; we have a cottage just off the gardens where you may stay and you are welcome to eat with the main house, of course."

The pair of Jedi exchanged significant glances. ~Let the Force guide you.~ "As you wish, Pro-Consul," Shal-Nyx bowed humbly.

Once more moving towards the house, the little party seemed awkward. The Calanese were a race physiologically similar to humans, but their posture was somewhat hunched, giving them the appearance of forced humility. Nevertheless, the Pro-Consul held an air of aristocracy, even in the presence of the two robed Jedi, who held their authority quietly, their power often unrivalled even in the courts of galactic nobility.

Qui-Gon sought the attention of Shal-Nyx, who at the moment looked bored out of her mind. "These terrorists aren't just afraid, are they?"

She shrugged, drawing a breath as they kept pace. "There's something else. I get the distinct impression that the Cala body of law is not really people-friendly; I'm wondering what Caja is like."

"As I've heard they like to think of themselves as a smaller Coruscant."

"Then why are we staying on Cala?"

His eyebrow arched at that. "Good question. Maybe they need a Republic influence to help with their negotiations."

"Or the continents had a pissing contest and Cala won."

Qui-Gon stifled a chuckle.

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