by:  Mystery Jedi
Feedback to:  mystery_jedi@yahoo.com

Author's Notes:  Series 1 of 4.

DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

Somewhere within the Galaxy, a power stirred, and a change had begun. From within the darkness a storm broke, threatening to destroy what was dared to yet be created. Thick, dark clouds towered menacingly above a nearly barren planet, cutting out all outside light. Rain and wind swept dangerously across the land, taking with it trees, and anything else that dared cross its path. Lightning and thunder clashed noisily across a dark sky, briefly lighting up its surroundings.

Confusion moved through the wholeness-like state called by many - the Force. Curiosity now stirred and it hungered for knowledge. Knowledge that it could not hold, and it realized it was missing something. It needed something solid, something to hold this new knowledge.

Just underneath the surface, several rock tunnels stretched out in all directions. The storm could be heard from outside beating harshly against the rock walls.

Making it's way through one of underground passageways, a figure could be seen moving swiftly along through one of the tunnels - the silver-robed Jedi Master, hurrying to catch up to the group who waited for her. She could feel power shift in the air and knew it was almost time. They had waited years for this moment and had carefully prepared for it, now they had found it. Anxiety threatened to overwhelm her the closer she got to the source. Moving easily through the darkened cave, she searched out just the right footing as she turned into a large, brightly lit, round cavern. The clan of the Silver Jedi waited, forming a large circle surrounding a glowing center. Peering through the glare, she struggled to see its shape, and made out the form of a cocoon, lying there in the center of the cavern. Inside something looked as if it were forming.

New sensations began filling a once never-ending void. Where it once touched everyone and everything, now began to feel for itself. It sensed the limited space it now began to inhabit, a space it could use to gain more knowledge. Time had no meaning before and suddenly it now began to realize it's surroundings, to know, and it wanted more.

From out of nowhere, a dark hooded figure appeared in the doorway. It lifted its hand, and the Silver Jedi were blown to the other side of the room, all of them taken off guard. In a flash the dark Jedi was on top of the cocoon, his lightsaber swinging down on it, as it cracked, light flickering from it.

"What have you done?" The Silver Jedi Master demanded.

The dark Jedi stretched out his hand and suddenly withdrew it in surprise. His powers suddenly had no effect on them! They surrounded him, lifting their hands above them making a humming sound.

"What are you doing?" He demanded.

They ignored him continuing. The silver Jedi Master walked up closer to him. "Emperor Palpatine. " She whispered harshly, "Do you have any idea what you have done here today?" She asked, shaking her head.

"Who are you?" He demanded angrily. He snatched off her hood and suddenly drawing back. "You!" He exclaimed in surprise.

"You have just changed history!" She told him, ignoring his question. "You better hope it’s not for the worst."

Raising her hands with the others, the dark Jedi suddenly vanished.

How did he get here? They asked her in thought.

That is unimportant. She sent back.

Can we undo the damage? They asked with concern.

No. She told them regretfully.

Suddenly the light from the cocoon flashed violently and the last thing they remember, was an explosion.

On the bridge of the Millennium Falcon, Han Solo struggled for control of his ship, as another blast hit him from behind jolting the ship and sending it into an unsteady spin. He grasped the controls, smiling, as he once again got the control back.

Damn space pirates! He silently cursed.

He brought the ship around a small moon, hoping to catch the enemy from behind.

"Get ready Chewie!" He called into the Lift Tube.

Chewbaca sat at the gun controls below, waiting restlessly for the right moment to fire. The other ship was almost on their tails, as Han flung his ship around in a half spin, bouncing off the moon's gravitational pull and springing up from behind the other ship. He smiled again imagining their enemy's surprise. No one was going to try to board HIS ship and get away with it!

"Okay Chewie, hit it, hit it!" He called out impatiently.

Chewie pounded on the controls, firing and sending the other ship into oblivion. Han grinned in satisfaction, re-setting the ship's controls for the nearest re-fueling station. He set the ship on autopilot, springing out of his seat. Chewie roared a response, joining Han.

"Yeah, I know Chewie, that damn fool has been trying to get our ship for a month now! Bet he'll never..."

Han stopped in his tracks, passing the Main Hold. Chewie roared out a question, glancing at Han bewilderment. Had he just seen...? He doubled back his steps, peeking carefully around the corner. An unclothed child sat there against the far wall, her head resting on her knees. Chewie gave a soft curious growl, looking back at Han again with curiosity. He stood there, his hands on his hips, gazing down at the child in surprise. The girl raised her blonde head up at him, starring with blank eyes.

"What the hell...?" He whispered in bewilderment.

6 Years Later....

D'Nelle cringed from inside the small, cramped up room of the cargo hold in the X-Wing, as it began to shudder violently. She thought a moment and wondered if being a stow-a-way was a good idea after all. Hearing several excited beeps above her, she wondered what kind of danger R2-D2 had picked up.

Suddenly she felt several violent jolts and a loud splash, throwing her forward and banging her head into the hard metal wall. She stopped, rubbing her new headache, and listened for a moment. What kind of planet did Luke bring us to anyway? She wondered irritably. Sighing in frustration, she waited for Luke to leave so she could sneak out. She didn't know why she had done this, and she knew Luke would be upset with her. Too late now. She told herself, remembering the strange dream she had the previous night. That old man had visited her, telling her to go with Luke to Dagobah. She missed him, remembering the day they met. The same day they were pulled unwillingly into the Death Star, and she recalled his last words to her just before she had hidden herself in the small secret compartment in her crew quarters:

"The next time we meet, I shall be younger and you shall be older."

She wondered what he had meant, and spent a long time trying to figure it out, but it just didn't seem to make sense. Not wanting him to go that day, she insisted he stay behind, but he insisted he must go and hurried off with the others. He had that same haunted look in his eyes as they said goodbye, the same look he gave her when they had met. He never came back.

She shook her head, forcing the sad memory from her mind as she shifted her weight attempting with no luck to keep her legs from going completely numb. How she longed to stretch them back to life!

Suddenly, she heard a frantic series of beeps and a loud splash, and shook her head in frustration. Great Luke, you had to land us in a lake! She thought miserably, attempting to open the small hatch leading outside. She moaned, throwing herself against the jammed hatch. Then, without warning, she was quickly submerged in a lake full of dirty water, and came up violently coughing and gagging up a mouth full of slime. She peeked around the corner and saw Luke busy trying to fetch R2-D2 out of the same pond. She smiled slightly, swimming carefully around the ship, so not to be noticed. Grabbing onto a gnarled tree branch, she pulled herself out of the murky water. She looked around finally, taking in her full surroundings. Large trees surrounded her looming upward. She could hear the sound of several animals, too many to count. The entire planet was one giant swamp!

She wandered around for awhile, keeping an eye on Luke, while waiting to dry off. Suddenly the sound of a small, mischievous giggle sent her spinning around in surprise. A small, 2-foot, green creature with pointy ears stood grinning up at her.

"Mmmmm!" The creature moaned, nodding its head in delight.

D'Nelle backed up some, unsure what the creature intended to do. It took a few quick steps forward, never taking its eyes off her. She backed up as it did this, trying to figure out what it was. It giggled, mimicking its prior movements. They repeated this a few times until D'Nelle couldn't take it anymore shouting, "QUIT IT!"

It stopped, raising its ears at her.

"You don't bite, do ya?" She asked nervously, not expecting it to answer.

"Only what I eat." He smiled.

"Depends what you eat." She mumbled, taken aback that it could actually speak.

She relaxed some, finally noticing it's friendly nature. Somehow, she felt a strange feeling come over her as she watched the small creature and wondered for a brief moment if this is why she came.

The creature nodded again, as if reading her mind. "Yes, yes." It replied. "Alone, are you?" It asked.

"Uh...no, I sorta came with Luke.." She started to explain, pointing in Luke's direction.

"Luke, Luke!" It cried out with excitement, cutting her off and gleefully running away. She watched it go, shaking her head, sighing.

Exhausted, she sunk down against a large Gnarltree, watching from a distance the tense but humorous conversation between Luke and the tiny creature, until she herself drifted off into a quiet slumber. She had no idea how long she had been there, until a huge downpour suddenly sent her sitting straight up. The brief daylight from earlier was now gone, and she would have been in complete darkness if not for Luke's lamp by his campfire. She glanced around for him, walking over to the abandoned camp, but with no Luke or R2 around. With the sudden darkness around her and the mix of the unfamiliar swamp she was a bit nervous. She didn't like being out here alone, especially since Luke didn't even know she was here. The sound of a large Bogwing flying by sent her spinning around in fright. Looking around, she noticed Luke's footprints heading away from the campsite. She took the small lamp from the camp, and set out to find Luke. She followed the footprints until finally coming to a small lit up hut. R2 spun around making rather loud beeping noises at her, upon hearing her coming.

"Shhh! It's just me R2!" She told the nervous little droid, attempting to quiet it, "Man, you're about as jumpy as me!"

It made several more beeps, greeting her as she tried quieting it when suddenly Luke came bounding out of the small hut, looking around. He took one look at D'Nelle, sighed, placing his hands on his hips, scrutinizing her with a hint of anger.

"Just what are you doing here?" He demanded after recovering from his shock upon seeing her.

She started to explain, but was slightly distracted by an inviting smell from within the tiny hut Glancing back at Luke who impatiently awaited his explanation, then back at the small hut, she quickly made her decision.

"D'Nelle!" Luke cried, watching her disappear into the hut.

She went right over to the source of the smell, sniffing it uncertainly. Her hunger gave way, and she dug in.

"D'Nelle!" Luke said with exasperation, "Don't be rude, you just don't barge in and eat other peoples food, especially that of a Jedi Master!"

The words "Jedi Master", caught her attention and she glanced up with awe, realizing that this small creature was the reason they came after all. Making eye contact with the Jedi Master, she suddenly realized how powerful this small creature really was. As she looked at him, a strange feeling came over her, one that felt as if she knew him from somewhere, as if there was some kind of bond they shared. She felt as if this Jedi Master knew it too. That same funny feeling that had come over her when she had first met the old man.

"You're Yoda." She cried happily, clapping her hands.

Luke started to protest, but the Jedi Master held up a hand, quieting him. He turned to the girl, nodding.

"Why you come here?" He asked more seriously.

"I had a dream that Ben came to me and asked me to go with Luke." She responded quietly.

"Somehow, I doubt someone as small as you would be told to tag along on a mission like this." Luke told her, shaking his head.

"Judge not the workings of the force," Yoda rebuked him, "at my own council, six months does one start to train!" He paused, looking back at D'Nelle. "Destined, our meeting was." He said more quietly, "another path that awaits her here."

She looked back at Luke in quiet surprise, wondering what the Jedi Master meant. Luke said nothing, stirring his bowl of rootleaf stew.

D'Nelle continued to carefully watch Luke's training over the next few days, trying to absorb what he was learning. Bored, she had wandered off by herself one day, trying to figure what she even was supposed to do here. She felt a tug within her, knowing she was in the right place, but she just wished she knew why. Glancing up, she suddenly realized she had been daydreaming, and was now lost. She quickly jerked away her hand from a nearby Gnarltree in disgust as a small Vine Snake slowly slithered across her hand.

"Don't worry my little friend, they're harmless." A voice behind her informed.

Shocked by the sound of a familiar voice, she finally forced herself to turn around. She stood speechless as the form of Ben Kenobi stood smiling at her. She felt a mixture of overwhelming happiness as she stood seeing her old friend, and at the same time her eyes watered over at the memory of his loss. She had taken his death rather hard, and didn't understand the loss of someone when they died. She smiled finally, preying silently that this wasn't all a dream and he would vanish.

"It's all right, I'm not going anywhere." He informed her cheerfully. "Danny, you look a little lost."

She smiled finally, walking up to him. "I can see right through you." She told him, forcing herself into cheerfulness.

He continued smiling, waving to her to follow. "I see you got my message." He said happily.

"Why am I here?" She finally asked, never taking her eyes off him.

"For every life form in this galaxy, there is a reason and purpose for each of them. This is the road to the path that will lead you to yours." He answered mysteriously.

She smiled at his answer, "And I guess that I'll find out then."

He grinned wider, nodding. They stopped, finally coming to Yoda's hut. A worried look once again came over her again, realizing they came to the end of their journey.

Ben leaned down, looking her in eyes. "Danny, I will always be with you. No matter what happens, no matter how alone you might feel, you will always have me." He told her compassionately.

Tears finally escaped, clouding her sight. "You promise?" She asked, wiping at them.

He smiled warmly. "Yes." He promised, "now, go back in the hut." He instructed her.

She smiled, finally going inside. Tired, she nestled up on Yoda's bed, drifting off to sleep. A few hours later, she awoke with a start glancing outside. Night had finally fallen and she wondered where Luke and Master Yoda had gone to. They were usually back by now. She waited, not daring to get lost again, especially at night. Finally Yoda slowly walked in, sitting down silently, a sad look on his face. She frowned, wondering what could be wrong. D'Nelle went over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"What's wrong Master Yoda, where's Luke?" She asked.

"Gone, he is." Yoda said sadly.

D'Nelle felt a slight panic at the thought of Luke leaving her here alone. "Why? Why would he rush off?" She demanded.

"Incomplete was his training, rush off he did to save his friends." Yoda informed her without looking up.

She forced herself to calm down, and leaned over, hugging the small Jedi Master. "It's okay." She soothed, "Luke will come back, I know him."

He looked up at her, returning her hug. She would stay with him for the next six months. Six months that he would spend training her in the ways of the force, six months until Luke would return to find a sick and dying Jedi Master, six months until a new pathway in her life would open up, and changing it....forever.

Darkness settled across the giant swamp-covered planet of Dagobah. Sounds of life filled the night air as a large Sleen settled silently on a low branch, listening intently to the echo's of screeching Bogwings flying overhead. Its eyes gleamed with a hint of excitement as a small insect flew down, landing quietly and crawling slowly towards the unseen predator.

D'Nelle lay sprawled on the ground, watching with detached interest as the Sleen gulped down its meal in one bite. She knew the layout of the swamp by now to be able to wander the night without getting lost. Moonlight bounced off the thick haze, illuminating her surroundings.

A similar fog seemed to dampen and weigh down her soul that evening as well. She hadn't practiced her Jedi exercises all week. Seeking escape, she came out here quite often. Her sickly Jedi Master had noticed, but she tried to pretend nothing was wrong. The last thing she wanted was her Master to see that she was feeling sorry for him. He could barely get around recently, stopping every few steps to rest. The end was drawing close for him, she could see it in his withered looking face. The mere thought of losing him pained her, bringing tears to her eyes.

D'Nelle shook the disturbing thought from her mind, focusing on the dense life force of the planet. Tuning in to all the various life around her usually soothed her, but tonight something in the force didn't feel right. It tugged at her, whispering it's silent intentions, and she knew it was calling to her Master. She preyed she was wrong.

Suddenly, the trees around her began to vibrate, and a loud roaring sound passed her overhead, snapping her out of her thoughts. Her eyes widened in sudden delight as the familiar sound suddenly registered. Leaping to her feet with lightning speed, she quickly began running back towards the hut. It was the sound of an X-Wing!

After a mile or so of non-stop running, D'Nelle was forced to stop, plopping down against a nearby tree to catch her breath. She rested her head on her knees, realizing she was almost there.

"D'Nelle..." A voice called out.

Her head snapped up at the sound of a familiar voice. Smiling, she looked for the second time since her stay on Dagobah the form of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Her smile quickly faded as she saw the look on his face, he was not there to bring good news.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but Yoda has just..."

"NO!" She denied, cutting him off.

Something inside her seemed to break, and her face suddenly paled at the painful words that escaped from his lips. She shook her head, backing away from him.

"D'Nelle, Yoda will always be with you as will I." He tried comforting.

Hiding her face against the tree trunk, she shook her head blocking him out.

"Oh, D'Nelle. If only you understood the force as well as you know how to use it." He said sadly.

"I never even got to say goodbye." She whispered through her tears.

Before Obi-Wan could say another word, she charged past him, desperate to seek escape.

"D'Nelle, wait! There's something else I have to tell you!" He called out to the fleeing girl. But she kept running, ignoring any other harmful words he might have to say.

D'Nelle raced blindly forward, determined to outrun the painful truth that threatened to overwhelm her. She stumbled, scraping her hand harshly against a sharp rock that lay jammed half way out of a patch of dried mud. Cringing, she carefully examined the newly formed wound, cradling her bleeding injury. It was still no match for the emotional pain inside.

Grabbing for a nearby tree limb, she attempted to pull herself up, only to stumble back down to the ground, the planet now spinning uncontrollably around her. Trying to focus, the images around her only became several blurry objects instead. She let out a small whimper, feeling the life drain out of her until she was finally welcomed into the arms of unconsciousness.

Disorientation greeted the still sleeping girl as morning rays of sunlight attempted to rouse her. Suddenly a series of tiny sharp pains jabbed at her hand. She lifted her heavy eyelids at the curious sound of short, high-pitched twittering, catching the sight of a baby Jubba bird pecking curiously at her hand. She smacked absently at the pesky creature, only to be hit by a painful blast of nausea, sending her clutching at her stomach. She moaned, frightening the baby Jubba as it fluttered it's wings at her, then finally flew off.

Lying quietly on the ground a moment, she attempting to will away her sickness. She focused on the prior day’s events, suddenly remembering her heartsick loss. The memory of Luke suddenly sprang back into her mind and she forced herself to get back up, preying that she wasn't too late, and he was still around. With a newly formed hope, she began her trek back towards Yoda's hut.

Calling out in her mind, she hoped Luke would hear her. Strangely, she felt no response. Keeping her eyes open, she hoped to catch a glimpse of his X-Wing. She knew he had arrived, she felt his presence when he landed. Even more strangely, she now felt nothing.

Suddenly, she was forced to stop as an unfamiliar Gnarltree blocked her familiar path. She watched the tree a moment, confused. It was not there before, and now that she thought about it, the layout of the land was oddly different. There was something about all of this that she couldn't quite grasp. Her curiosity soon turned to worry as she reached her destination. For a long while she just stood there. Watching the empty space that once held her beloved master. But that wasn't what bothered her at the moment. She looked around, glancing about at the area she had lived for 6 months. She could have walked around blindfolded, knowing the layout that well.

Now, as she looked around, nothing looked familiar. What seemed more disturbing, was that Yoda's hut had vanished! Thinking back, she was certain she had taken the correct route back. But the layout of the swamp was different somehow.

Forcing herself to remain calm, she concentrated on Luke, preying desperately that he would hear her - nothing. Confusion seemed to glue her to her spot along with uncertainty. Where was Luke? Drawing on another hope, she called out to Obi-Wan. He had tried to tell her something, but she had run off. Now she wished she had listened. She wondered, did it have something to do with this?

She hugged herself despite the warm, humid air. Nothing, she sensed nothing! The situation began to eat at her and frustrated, she turned and began running back towards her original spot before all this confusion had set in. Could she have gotten lost during her emotional state? Searching the area, she recognized the spot she had awoken that morning.

"Obi-Wan!" She called out, trying another approach. "Luke?"

Her desperate cries rang out, and her only response was the various animals that shared the swamp with her. She sank down into the soft ground, unsure of her next step.

"Anyone?" She whispered quietly.

Night had soon caught up with her quicker than she had hoped. Rain broke from the sky, soaking the unprepared Jedi student. In one day, everything she knew, everything she loved, had somehow been taken away. Now, for the first time, she felt truly alone.

Three days had passed, but for D'Nelle, nothing seemed any different. She had been heading North, stopping briefly to rest, nibbling on some uncooked roots and get only a few hours of sleep. She had prepared no shelter, and was now constantly hacking and crouping, sick from not fully taking better care of herself. She had just about given up hope of Luke coming to find her. Oh Luke, she thought, not realizing how much she had really missed him until now. She curled up by a self-made campfire, trying to remember their last conversation together.

He had just came in, winded from a long, exhausting day of running, jumping, leaping and climbing exercises as part of his Jedi training. He helped himself to a bowl of Yoda's famous rootleaf stew, sitting down besides D'Nelle.

Hungrily, he shoved the food down his throat, barely catching his breath.

"Have a hard day?" She asked with a half smile.

He continued pushing the stew into his mouth, watching her in silent disapproval. Waiting anxiously for him to swallow, she wondered what he could be upset with her about.

Yoda finally walked in, sitting down in the next room, watching quietly from the sidelines.

"You," He said, pointing a finger at her, slightly vexed, "need to stick closer to me and Yoda! You're starting to wander off a little too far and there are dangerous creatures out there. I don't want you getting hurt."

Slamming her bowl down, she leaned back against the wall, rolling her eyes at him.

"Like what?" She asked, annoyed at being treated like a baby.

"Vine snakes for one...." He started.

She shook her head, half-amused. "I'm not afraid of a snake!" She declared.

"Swamp slugs, Drag.."

"Swamp slugs?" She asked skeptically, cutting him off. "You want me to stay close to you because I might run into a slug?"

The serious look on his face only made her break into laughter.

"D'Nelle!" He warned, silencing her with a look. He tapped her on the leg, getting her attention. "Well I hope you know, the slugs around here are about 10 times bigger than you are." He informed her.

Her jaw dropped open in disbelief. "Really?"

He smiled finally, watching the shocked look on her face.

"They could swallow you in one gulp and still have room for about 3 more of you. Fortunately, their only enemy is the Dragonsnake. I'd stay out of their way anyhow."

She started to protest, when Yoda walked up adding his own opinions.

"Right Luke is, stay close should you." He told her.

Moaning, D'Nelle dropped her head onto her knees. Well, that conversation was over! She crawled over to Luke, hugging him.

"Okay, I'll stick closer." She promised, giving in.

"Good." He said happily, glad to win the argument. He returned the hug, finally turning away and lying down to fall asleep.

D'Nelle began hacking uncontrollably, bringing herself out of the memory. Sweat dripped heavily from her feverish forehead. The sound of footsteps came up from behind her, but she ignored it, as the fever began to rise dangerously. Turning her head she tried to focus on the small, green being in front of her.

"Yoda?" She asked confused, unable to make out who it was.

It peered down at her, curious.

"No." It answered simply. Without saying anything more, it reached out it's hand and she was suddenly lifted in the air as it guided her towards safety.

Sounds of life rang through the musty night air, refusing to shut down for the evening. Rain sprinkled down, softly splattering against a mud and grass patched roof of a small, but well built hut.

Inside, a kettle of unknown contents boiled over a crackling fire, drowning out the sound of the rain.

D'Nelle stirred restlessly, drifting in and out of unconsciousness. Drawing in several ragged breaths, and moaning quietly in her sleep, she shifted uncomfortably in the hot, humid and muggy environment. Her fever was still high, but she was out of danger. She struggled to recall the events of the past week, but instead images of her past drifted through her memory and she saw faces she longed to be near. Yoda, Luke, Leia, and Han. She began to dream, remembering the first time she saw Luke and Ben.

They had stayed on that dusty, forlorn planet of Tatooine. Han had been doing his regular repairs to the Falcon and she had been hiding out in the ship, bored as usual. Suddenly, she heard yelling from Han and the ship took off so fast she, barely had time to blink.

Oh, swell, she thought, now who's he running from?

Curious, she came running our of crew quarters, about to turn the corner when she suddenly slammed into someone, both crying out in surprise. Startled, she jumped back, eyeing the stranger cautiously. He returned the same shocked look, and for a moment, they only stared at each other. He was about twice as old as her, with sandy blonde hair and a boyish look about him.

The silence was suddenly broken as she yelled out for Han, sending the boy back a step or two, startled.

"Han! Come quick, there's an intruder on board!"

"Intruder?" She heard him call out, bounding out of the cockpit to see what she was talking about. "What the hell....?"

He stopped in his tracks, upon seeing the boy. Spinning around, he only rolled his eyes and turned back to D'Nelle.

"That's no intruder, idiot! That's a passenger," He told her sarcastically," and they're payin' customers, so stay away from them!"

She frowned, turning back to the boy. Han simply shook his head, heading back to the pilot's seat.

"Hi," the boy said, "I'm Luke Skywalker, who're you?"

"D'Nelle" she told him simply.

"D'Nelle what?" He asked.

"What do ya mean D'Nelle what? I don't need a last name!" She snapped.

"Fine, just asking!" He replied defensively, turning around and disappearing into the Main Hold. "Hey Ben!" He called out, "you're never going to believe this, but there's a little kid on board!"

"Kid!" she huffed. Listening quietly, she tuned into the conversation, hoping to pick up on anything interesting.

There was silence a moment after he mentioned her name to the person named Ben.

"Ben, are you all right? What, do you know her or something?"

"Don't worry about it, go back to your lessons." She heard an older mans voice say.

D'Nelle frowned, heading back to her quarters. Weird crowd she thought.

After a while, as curiosity and boredom quickly caught up with her, she decided to sneak around through the port corridor towards the main hold and spy on the new passengers.

She immediately spotted the boy, Luke, who held a very odd glowing sword, which she starred at in awe. Two droids were among the crew, and an old man who wore an old brown, tattered looking robe.

Poking her head in a little more, she tried getting a better glance at the old man. Suddenly, he noticed her, inviting her in.

"Well, hello there little one. Don't be afraid, come in." Ben invited.

Tentatively, she stepped in, walking towards the old man. Luke stopped, retracting his lightsaber. He watched her with a slight smirk, and she eyed him right back.

"What are you looking at?" Luke challenged.

She glared at him a moment, finally turning back to Ben who smiled at her.

"D'Nelle." He said softly, more to himself than her. There was a strange, sad look in his eyes, and for a moment, she wondered if he knew her.

She started to say something, when he took her hand, holding it to him closely. Her first instinct was to pull away, but for some strange reason, she didn't feel uncomfortable by his touch. He let go, burying his head in his hands. D'Nelle glanced around uncertainly, wondering if she had done something wrong. Luke looked at them both curiously, and finally turned away. She held out a hand timidly, finally touching the old man on the shoulder. He looked up, with a forced smile, looking at her with haunted eyes. She frowned a moment, and did something she had not done with anyone in her life, she reached out and hugged him.

Suddenly, the memories turned, bringing her thoughts forward in time.

Now she stood in the same room, which now was empty. It didn't bother her until now as her thoughts turned to the old man, filling her with a bitter emptiness. After all the commotion died down, she had stepped out, curious. She didn't see Ben anywhere and didn't understand as Luke had uttered two words she didn't want to hear.

"He's gone!" Luke told her quietly.

"What do you mean he's gone?" She asked confused.

"Gone! Forever! He's not coming back! He's dead!" Luke snapped at her.

She shook her head in disbelief, stunned at his sharp words. Turning, she ran blindly out of the Main Hold, past the gangway where Han just stepped out, and back into her quarters.

"D'Nelle wait..." Luke called out, immediately regretting his words. She didn't listen, running away from him.

"What's wrong with you?" Han asked innocently, watching her storm past him.

Finally alone in her quarters, she just stood there, trying to absorb Luke's words. Her emotions raged around inside her, until finally she grabbed the nearest object, and threw it roughly across the room.

D'Nelle stood there in shock and surprise as a woman in a white dress ducked quickly, just avoiding becoming a target.

"Hey! Watch it young lady that almost him me!" The woman cried out.

She glared at the girl in anger, demanding to know why she would do such a thing. The girl only stared at her a moment, as her eyes began to tear up.

"You're a woman." Was all D'Nelle could get out, finally breaking into tears.

The woman stopped, confused a moment, but finally softened watching the girl expression. She reached out, hugging the girl, trying to soothe her. D'Nelle stiffened for a moment, then finally relaxed. After a while, she finally got through to her and realized the girl's turmoil as her story about Ben tumbled out between choked breaths. Finally, she got the girl to calm down.

"My name is Leia." The woman introduced. "What's your name?"

"D'Nelle." She replied, smiling at the woman's kind face.

"Would you like to come out for awhile?" Leia asked.

"Yeah, sure." D'Nelle agreed, taking the woman's hand.

They walked towards the Main Hold, hearing Luke and Han in a mid-conversation.

"I don't know, I just found this 7 year old kid aboard my ship one day and she just kind of stuck around." Han was explaining. "It's kinda strange, it took her about a month before she even said anything to me, hiding about the ship. It was like she was trying to figure things out for the first time or something. She eventually talked to me, and kinda stayed with me ever since."

"Does she remember where she came from?" Luke asked.

"No, that's the weird thing, she has no memory of anything before she came here."

“Where’d she get her name then?” Luke asked.

Han smiled at that, “A billboard sign on Corescant.”

He stopped, noticing the two girls walking up to them.

"You live with Han?" Leia whispered to her.

"Yeah." She answered.

"I really do feel sorry for you then." She whispered, patting D'Nelle on the shoulder. D'Nelle only looked at her, confused.

"Hey, D'Nelle..." Luke started, after they were alone. "I didn't mean to...uh...upset you like...."

"Hey, it's okay. I know. We both kinda miss him, huh?" She smiled.

He smiled back at her, offering a hand, "Friends?" He asked.

She grinned, taking it. "Of course."

D'Nelle's eyes snapped open as a cool wet cloth was placed over her feverish forehead, bringing her out of a past she yearned for.

"Shhh, quiet child." An older woman’s voice soothed. "Rest."

Turning her head, she looked on in wonder at the sight of a woman - the same as Yoda's species. She had long, soft dark hair that that fell to her shoulders, and wore a brown, tattered dress she should have thrown away years ago. The woman smiled at her. Suddenly, they both heard the sound of a child's cry from within the next room.

"Oh, Eton! Coming, mommy is." She called, placing the damp cloth back into the small bowl and disappeared into the next room.

D'Nelle looked around at her strange, new surroundings. Her bed compiled of leaves and an old blanket that lay on the ground. She was in a hut, similar to Yoda's, but slightly larger. The woman came back carrying a small child in her arms.

"How feel you, child?" She asked.

"Better, thanks. How long have I been here?"

"Oh in and out for about a week now I'd say." She smiled. "This is my child, his name is Eton. I am Ima"

Thankyou for helping me, I don't know what to say."

"Lucky are you to be alive, oh with that horrid creature out there, especially." She warned. Sitting down on the hard ground, she began rocking the child in her arms.

"Creature?" D'Nelle inquired.

"Not sure where it comes from, native it is to this planet. Dangerous it is. Force sensitive too."

D'Nelle frowned, astonished by what the woman told her. A force sensitive creature? How come Yoda had never mentioned it? And why didn't he know of this family?

"You know of the force?" D'Nelle asked, surprised.

"Yes." She answered, "Me and my husband Gris, both strong in the Force are we."

"How long have you been here Ima? How did you get here?" D'Nelle asked curiously.

She looked up at D'Nelle, suddenly sad at having to remember. "Our home planet we escaped from, two systems from here. Not many of us left now, our kind. Shared our home planet with the Hrethicians we did. Arrived in peace they claimed. Then one day, tricked us they did, began slaughtering us where we stood. Ran many tried, many going their separate ways. Me, my brother Shra, and Gris. Escaped in a ship, with a Hrethician after us. Gris and I, spotted this planet and landed to avoid being captured. Shra insisted on leading the Hrethician away he did, promised to return. Almost three years it's been."

D'Nelle looked at the woman sadly. She had never known that about their race. "I'm so sorry Ima."

"Live not in the past child. A reason there was for us to stay. Three long years have we stayed here, and three have we waited for you D'Nelle." The woman spoke mysteriously. "Hard trials await you, decisions that only you can make. Decisions which will affect the future of all."

D'Nelle watched the woman in silence. She had no idea how true the woman's words would soon ring true. Hugging herself, she wasn't sure she even wanted to know.

Moonlight filtered through the evening haze, blanketing the atmosphere in a soft light. From within a clump of undergrowth, the creature stirred from its deep slumber. It's eyes narrowed as a low growl rumbled through the swamp. Something was different, it sensed it. Something new that awakened its senses.

Scuttering quietly from out of a nearby Gnarltree, a small Murk Sloth sniffed curiously at the air, observing its surroundings with unease.

Without warning, a pair of glowing red eyes peered dangerously from within the brush, freezing the sloth in terror, at the same time quieting the night with an eerie silence.

The creature watched its prey with a growing thirst, clawing anxiously at the ground. A heavy scent of fear spread through the swamp like wildfire. Even the deadly Dragonsnake swam back and forth in agitation.

Suddenly the sloth twitched unconsciously, enough to send a signal to its deadly predator. In a single blur of teeth and claws, the creature struck, leaving no time for the poor murk sloth to even blink.

Heavy carnage dripped from its lethal fangs, as it eyed the swamp challengingly. Without lifting it's head, the creature searched, trying to locate the distracting sensation that dared awaken it.

A deep throaty growl escaped from its throat, its eyes darkened and its nostrils flared. There was an intruder in its territory, a new victim, and a new hunt.

D'Nelle awoke with a start, sitting straight up in bed. She stopped a moment, listening with curiosity and concern to a sound she had not heard before. Every creature in the marsh was screaming in fright. Biting her lower lip, she forced herself to focus through the terror of the swamp that threatened to rip through her.

Feeling around in the thick darkness, she called out to her friends, but received no answer. Her eyes finally adjusting to the dark, she looked around to an empty hut. They must have gone to investigate. She thought. There was something wrong, she could feel it.

Closing her eyes, she concentrated, using the force to try and locate them. At first all she sensed was the frightened swamp creatures. Then, without warning, it hit her full force. She gasped, bracing herself. It was the most cold, dark feeling she had felt since... She shook her head, not wanting to remember what threatened to come back. She focused again, closing in on the dark feeling. Suddenly a panicky feeling caught up in her chest. Slowly she opened her eyes as she realized its source.

"Ima? Gris!" She called, rushing out to aid her friends. Feeling her way through the thick marsh, she ran blindly towards the source of the danger. She suddenly stopped a moment, wondering if she'd have to fight the creature. No! She decided. I won't...I cant... Not after the accident with... She stood there a moment in panic, finally pushing it away and running off, remembering her friends.

She stopped so quickly she almost fell over. Standing there in horror and awe, it took awhile for everything to sink in. Strewn from nearly one end of the swamp to the other were the bodies of Ima and Gris. D'Nelle covered her mouth, backing up. She turned, gagging and coughing at the foul stench and sight of the death before her.

From behind her, a pair of red glowing eyes lit up, watching. D'Nelle struggled to collect herself, unnoticing the danger from behind. Nearly out of breath from the horrid sight, an internal struggle began inside D'Nelle. I won't fight it, I can't... not after, not after... She declared, drawing all the strength she could to remain calm. This is just like before...when..I... had been kidnapped by... Vader!

Suddenly the memory she had so longed to forget came rushing at her unmercifully. They had pushed her...and pushed her. She had tried so hard to just play along with their mind games... so hard to pretend and not be affected. Then it just happened... They were on Coruscant, several troops, Vader and herself. She warned him to back off, she was too worn out. Left alone with the troops, she tried blocking out their taunts as they continued to tease her. It happened in the cafeteria... Before she knew it there was screaming from all around her. She backed herself into a corner, sobbing as the power she never knew she had, finally came out, unleashing itself upon Vader’s troops. Everyone screamed, as fire consumed them, combusting all around them. One had escaped, from the skylight in the roof...A woman in a green dress... D'Nelle never saw her face, only the frightened soldiers as their bodies burst into flames....

The thought jarred itself free from her mind as a cry filled the swamp, A baby's cry. Eton! D'Nelle thought hopefully. As she turned she barely had time to defend herself as suddenly the creature moved upon her, threatening to rip her apart. She crossed her arms, as suddenly an invisible body shield surrounded her. She landed harshly against a tree, the wind knocked out of her. She glanced up, finally seeing the creature in the full light. It stood over her at least seven feet tall with huge razor sharp teeth and claws. Its body seemed twisted unnaturally, as if deformed. It almost seemed as if different creatures had been merged together and formed into a single deadly beast. Then she noticed, the creature had not been standing, but floating there in front of her.

Drawing in from the strength of the force, she moved, barely an inch from the monsters claws. It was fast, real fast! She ran the opposite direction, hoping to lead it away from the baby. The monster stopped as if reading her thoughts, then suddenly heading right for the baby! No! I can't let it get the child! She declared. She picked up the nearest rock, throwing it at the creature. It turned, suddenly grabbing for her. She jumped to the left, barely in time. She ran, grabbing the baby from inside a hollow log, and ran. Turning, she noticed the creature suddenly gone.

"Wha..?" She turned in every direction, trying to locate the monster with no results. Slowly, she realized where it was, looking up. It hovered above her, floating there, ready to strike. It swiped at her, knocking her to the ground, and sending the baby flying from her arms. It landed, not making a sound and sending a panic through D'Nelle. If not for her own body shielding she developed, she would have already been torn to shreds.

The creature moved upwards into the evening sky. She lay there out of breath wondering if the creature was leaving. Then she realized it was getting ready for a final strike! A low growl rumbled through the swamp, as suddenly it started heading right for D'Nelle, teeth and claws ready. Closing her eyes, she concentrated, focusing on for the first time since her dark training, on a killing blow. The monster closed in on her, then suddenly as if stabbed by an invisible sword, D'Nelle sent a force blow right into the creature, piercing it. Blood poured down from the monster's body, as it screamed in pain. She didn't have time to move as it's dead body landed on top of her, doubling her over. She pushed the dead body away from her, crawling towards the baby in a panic. Leaning herself against the nearest tree, she gently picked up the child. Relief washed over her as the baby began to cry. The wind had been knocked out of it! She broke down from all the fatigue, crying along with the baby.

A few hours later, she sat in the hut with the baby rocking it to sleep, and singing softly to it. It had stopped crying, finally closing his eyes.

"Guess it's just you and me now huh kid?" She whispered with a slight smile, "I won't leave you alone, I promise." She told him, snuggling into the sleeping child.

Leia heard several beeps from her com panel, waking her from a light sleep. She rushed over to the comlink speaking into it.

“Yes?” She inquired, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“Luke’s back.” A familiar voice rang out.

“Thanks Han, I’ll be right there.” She informed him.

“There’s no need, he hasn’t found her yet.” He told her regretfully, “He’s also talking about giving up the search.”

“What? No, I’ll be right there.” She replied, throwing on a robe and rushing out. Luke and Han stood talking, both with forlorn looks. Luke smiled, watching Leia enter and hugged her.

“There was still no sign of her.” He told her.

“What’s this about giving up the search?” She asked with worry.

Luke sighed taking Leia’s hands. “It’s been four years Leia. Surely there should have been some sign of her by now.”

“Maybe she managed to get to another planet.” Leia argued.

“There was no other way off Dagobah for her and I’ve been there several times and back. I felt nothing from her Leia.”

She started to say something then stopped reluctantly nodding and turning away. Luke watched her go not saying anything.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t keep our eyes open huh?” Han suggested.

Leia turned, nodding, then continued to her room.

D’Nelle leaned over the sick child with worry. “I don’t know what else to do for you.” She told him regretfully, wiping his forehead with a damp cloth. She concentrated, trying to use the Force as a healing agent, but there was still no change in his condition. She reached in, clinging to her heart necklace that hung on two clasps from two intertwined chains. On the back read an inscription: To D’Nelle from Han. It was a rare gift from him she got from him a year after they met. Taking hold of the locket she concentrated, breaking the medal in half, took one of the chains and placed the second half on the extra chain. “Here,” she told the child, “this is in case we ever get separated.” She explained, placing it around his neck.

“Mommy.” He moaned, grabing the necklace.

I’ve got to get you off this planet. D’Nelle thought desparately. Before this gets any worse. To tell the truth, she wasn’t feeling to great herself, as she got up wiping sweat off her own brow.

Suddenly a loud crash sent her spinning around in surprise. Frowning, she crept cautiously outside, peering from around a large tree. A space craft! She thought hopefully, creeping closer for a better look. She spotted two rough looking men wandering out of a small ship. Space Pirates! With all the luck! She fumed. Concentrating, she prepared herself for any fight they might start. Then she got an idea. Sneaking back inside the small hut, she picked up the small child, quieting it as it moaned softly. Sneaking back outside, she crept up and behind the ship.

“What’s wrong with it this time?” The heavier man demanded angrily.

D’Nelle spotted the entrance to their cargo bay, sneaking up. Concentrating, she focused and suddenly the men spun around in surprise.

“What was that?” The younger asked nervously, “ we better check it out.”

As soon as they were gone, D’Nelle quickly opened the hatch, sneaking inside. All she had to do now was wait for them to fix their repairs. Waiting, she knew there wouldn’t be too much air in the limited space her and the child managed to hide in. Finally, what seemed like hours, the ship took off. D’Nelle released the breath she had been holding hoping for the best. Any place had to be better than spending 4 years in a giant swamp. Her mind reeled at the possible places she might be headed. How ironic, I’m leaving the same way I arrived. She thought.

Coming out of light speed, she held onto the sick child, who continued to get sicker and sicker as time passed. D’Nelle felt her own warm forehead, crouping and coughing as the ship made a soft landing. As soon as the ship stopped D’Nelle opened the hatch, quickly climbing out and making a run for it. She ran towards a nearby lift not stopping to see where they landed. Before she knew it she was lost in the huge crowds. Glancing around her for the first time she was finally able to take in her surroundings. She gazed around in awe as huge skyscrapers towered above her while various craft took the airways above. People pushed past each other in attempt to get to their various daily tasks. Coruscant. She thought. Never had she seen so many people in so long. She threw back her head as a half laugh, half cry escaped from her throat. The child started hacking, bringing her out of her thoughts. She felt him shiver and she wrapped the blanket around him tighter holding him close.

Running to the nearest housing section she banged on the door, pleading for help. Someone peeked out scowling, then slammed the door before she had a chance to explain. She looked around in frustration heading to another house.

“What do you want?” A large burly man demanded.

“Please my child is sick and I need help…”

“HA!” He snorted, shoving her to the ground and turning back inside. D’Nelle picked up her sick child heading back towards the main city in dismay.

There’s got to be someone here willing to help! She thought desperatly.

Trying several more buildings, she only got the same results. Finally, she leaned up against a nearby wall, as any hope she might have felt drained out of her. Suddenly a short, dirt-caked, homeless woman walked up to her.

“Go to the temple, they can help.” She croaked.

“Where’s that?” D’Nelle inquired, confused.

The lady walked up, taking the child from her. D’Nelle panicked for a moment wondering what to do.

“Follow me.” She instructed wobbling off, “I’ll show you.”

D’Nelle followed her, stopping after about a half-hour of walking. Handing the child back to her, she turned, and walked away.

“Thankyou.” D’Nelle called out. The lady held up a hand waving it off, but kept walking.

“Is anyone here?” She called out, banging on the door, “I need help, please.”

Suddenly the door swung open reveling a young woman with silvery long hair. She was older and wore a simple brown robe. It suddenly reminded her of the one Ben had wore.

“Are you ill?” The lady asked?

“My baby…” D’Nelle pointed out.

“Come inside we will get you a healer.” She instructed.

Healer? D’Nelle thought curiously, following the woman inside. She was used to medical droids. They walked down a long hallway passed several rooms. The building was large and beautiful with white marble walls. Gold handrails lined the walls. They turned, as the lady opened up a lift tube.

“Here.” The lady said, as D’Nelle handed her the sick child. Arriving at the right floor, they headed down a small hallway and into a large medical room. After the lady handed the child over to a healer, she turned to D’Nelle.

“Who’s child is this?” She asked, walking with her into the hallway.

“Mine.” D’Nelle replied, confused she would ask.

“You are it’s mother?” She asked skeptically.

“I take care of it. The birth mother was killed by an animal.” D’Nelle explained.

“I see, and where have you been raising it?”

“Uh..on Dagobah.” D’Nelle replied hesitantly.

The lady scowled at her. “You’ve been raising the child on a swamp?”

“I didn’t have much of a choice, I was stranded. I was able to get off by means of a pirate ship I snuck aboard.” D’Nelle replied, not liking where the conversation was headed.

“I brought this up for two reasons. One, because I feel the force very strongly with this child and two…” She stopped, frowning for a moment. “Well, you’re almost a child yourself, and since you are so young I feel I have no choice but to insist the child stays here. You on the other hand will have to..”

“WHAT?” D’Nelle shouted, interupting the woman. “You can’t just take my child from me!”

“Since you are underage, I must inform you that you have no choice, it’s the law.” The woman insisted, “and since it’s birthmother was killed, I’m sorry but you are NOT it’s mother.”

Forgetting all her Jedi training at the moment, D’Nelle screamed, lunging at the woman. She watched wide-eyed, as she was suddenly tackeled to the ground in surprise. Suddenly D’Nelle felt two strong arms from behind her as someone attempted to restrain her. Two more people entered trying to help. D’Nelle struggled against them, swiftly overcome by an unexpected blast of dizziness, sending her to the ground into blackness.

D’Nelle stiffened as she awakened in the darkened room. It consisted of simple furnishings, a bed, dresser and a lamp, but nothing to brighted up or decorate the small living space.

Tentavely, she poked her head outside, but no one walked the empty halls. Closing her eyes a moment, she focused, sensing a strange but familiar feeling almost overwhelm her. Curious, she followed it down the hall, hoping and wondering if it would lead her to the child. Suddenly, she noticed the walls looked oddly different, older.

Frowning, she ignored it, following the familiar sensation up into a lift tube into a higher part of the temple. What was this place anyway? She thought back to the strange woman that greeted her and anger rose up, mixed with tears. She had to find the child, she just had to. He was all she had left.

Stopping outside of a single room, she realized this room was the source of the feeling. Anxiously her hand rested just above the door latch, but not yet touching, then straightening herself, she marched through the sliding door, determined to find her child and face anyone who stood in her path.

Stopping in the center of the room, she froze quickly as a dozen set of curious eyes suddenly rested on her, waiting patiently for her to explain her intrusion.

“Can we help you young lady?” Mace Windu asked.

Well, she hadn’t expected THIS. As she turned to him, her breath suddenly caught in her throat, as she stared wide-eyed at the person next to him. He was different, younger, but she knew him, she would recognize him anywhere.

She shook her head in disbelief and shock as she silently mouthed her realization, YODA!

“Hmm, read her I can’t.” Yoda said curiously, turning to Mace Windu

“How are you feeling?” Mace Windu asked.

“Fine thanks.” D’Nelle replied politely. I’ve time traveled, I must have, but how?

“We found you alone near the pool, can I ask what you were doing here?” Ki-Adi-Mundi asked.

D’Nelle’s mind raced, as she thought back to how many times she might have traveled. Could she have traveled without the child? Or was it somewhere in the temple?

“Where am I?” D’Nelle asked confused.

“Jedi temple.” Yoda answered.

D’Nelle couldn’t take her eyes off her master, would he be able to help her?

“I came here seeking shelter. I have been living on Dagobah for 4 years now.”

“Dagobah? Child, that is a swamp planet.” Mace Windu exclaimed.

“Yes, I know.” D’Nelle replied quietly. Not wanting to give any details of her time traveling or the future, she decided to be secretive. She suddenly had the strangest sense of caution come over her, to keep quiet about her jedi skills and who she was. She frowned, uncertain about how to continue.

“Do you not have family anywhere?” Yoda asked.

“No. I’m alone. I was with a child when I arrived, but I lost it.” She told them, trying to find a hint of recogition to what she said. She saw none, “It was one of his species.” She nodded to Master Yoda, not wanting to reveal she knew him.

“I’m sorry to hear that, the only ones here of Yoda’s kind are Yoda himself and Yaddle.” Mace Windu replied.

D’Nelle looked down in defeat, she HAD left the child behind!

“Know how you got to be unconcious by the pool do you?” Yoda asked.

“No, I don’t remember anything. The last thing I recall is stow awaying on a pirate ship that landed on Dagobah.” She replied, half telling the truth.

“And you are alone you say?” Mace Windu asked.

D’Nelle nodded. Mace Windu and Yoda exchanged glances a moment then looked back at D’Nelle.

“Tell us more about the child.” Mace Windu told her.

“I was taking care of it, the mother died when he was born.” She said simply.

“I see. Feel free to wander around the temple for now, we will discuss your situation and get back with you.” Mace Windu instructed.

D’Nelle nodded, slowly walking out. She wandered the temple, wondering what the council would decide. Suddenly she heard the sound of rushing water coming from a room. Curious, she wandered in. Awestruck at the luxurious garden and fountains that surrounded her, she stopped in her tracks. Sounds of two people talking snapped her out of her daydream, and she quickly hid behind a brush. An older man and a young boy walked through the gardens, chatting. They both stopped suddenly as the older man put up a hand listening. He looked at the boy and suddenly in her direction.

“Come on out here, I know you’re there.” He called.

D’Nelle poked her head up out of the brush shyly.

“Come on.” He coaxed.

She walked up to them smiling.

“Hello there, can I ask you what you're doing hiding?” He asked.

She shrugged, looking down at her feet.

“I’m the one who found you by the way, what’s your name?” The older man asked.

“D’Nelle. I’m okay I guess, just feeling a little lost.”

He smiled at her, nodding. “I’m Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and this is my padawan...”

“Hey.” She inturupted, “Do I know you? You look familiar.” She asked peering closely at the boy. He backed up some from her, half smiling.

“Obi-Wan Kenobi.” He said, introducing himself.

“OBI-WAN KENOBI?” She exclaimed looking him over again. Was this the same Obi-Wan she knew? It was, she knew it was!

“Do I..uh..know you? He asked cautiously.

“No, never seen me before in your life.” She replied, half telling the truth. Her glee suddenly overwhelmed her at the sight of him and she clapped her hands together jumping up and down.

“Oh wow, oh wow! It's sooo great to meet you Obi!” She excited girl replied happily. He gave her an uncertain smile at her sudden gleefullness. Suddenly she grabbed him by the waist and picked him up spinning him around.

“HEY!” He objected.

She giggled, not letting go. “Oh look at you, your so young and cute too.”

“Master, help.” He pleaded.

Qui-Gon put a hand on the girls shoulder. “All right child, that’s enough.” He told her firmly.

She let go of him, watching him blush.

“I’m waiting on the councils decision on what to do with me. They told me to wait, but I feel like I’ve been waiting forever.” D’Nelle told them.

Qui-Gon smiled at her. “Be patient.”

The garden gates opened and a young padawan woman walked in. “There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.” She told D’Nelle.

“What is they’re decision?” D’Nelle asked

“They are going to have you go to a children’s home.” She told her.

“WHAT? They can’t do that, I’m 16, I know how to take care of myself!..I...oh...” Frustrated, she ran off. Qui-Gon frowned a moment then walked off after her. Suddenly he found her, crying by some bushes.

“Why don’t you explain to me the situation.” He told her, sitting beside her.

Obi-Wan and the padawan girl walked up after them, catching up. D’Nelle told him what was said with the council and he nodded. He put an arm on her shoulder, smiling.

“Don’t cry. I’ll see what I can do about this.” He told her comfortingly.

She looked up at him hopefully, “Really?”

He nodded, smiling back.

“Master, what are you going to do?” Obi-Wan asked.

He stood up, thinking. “I’m going to go talk with the council. Why don’t you stay with D’Nelle, I’ll see what I can do.”

Obi-Wan nodded, watching his master stride off. All they had to do now was wait and hope for the best.

To Be Continued...

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