by:  My-Gin-Gone
Feedback to:  Spacefan@cybergal.com

DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  The character of Ardeth Fey is from the movie "The Mummy" which belongs to Universal Pictures.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

"I have done the best I can!" You say fumbling for your shoes. The winds outside howl wickedly. Suddenly you can't find a thing in your bedroom closet.

"Have my children ever gone without food?" Ardeth peers at you. Anger drips through the knight's defenses.

"No." You answer assuredly. They have always had a meal but you on the other hand...

"The taxes, how much?" Qui scratches his beard.

"Twenty thousand dactari." You find that elusive shoe and check the chrono on the wall. You're gonna be late for your job at the shop. Nearly in tears once again, you remove an extra heavy cloak from the closet.

Did they always cause you this much stress?

"This is ridiculous." Ardeth sighs, "Our entire life is in shambles."

Feeling like shit, you try to exit the room but Qui blocks your way.

"Where are you going?" He demands.

"To work." You stare at the floor.

"You just left." The Master insists.

"This is the other job." Folding your arms, "Listen, they can stay here with you or I can take them with me. Which do you want?"

"Chana there's a storm coming." Ardeth informs you annoyed.

"My boss doesn't care."

"I care and you are not taking my children out there!" Qui-Gon swings you around.

The tears you have been desperately trying to hold back are set free.

"I'm sorry I have done such a lousy job raising your kids and running this household. But it was me. I was here! Not either of you! I've been here for three years doing my best trying to raise them right... and too feed and care for them."

Your bottom lip quivers, "Nobody wants to hire an ex-soldier with two kids. I have no skills! So I clean house. It pays the mountain of debt I have and buys the food you guys ate and the toys they love to play with!"

You finger your clean yet tattered clothing.

"I know what it's like to be out there in the field with no money, no supplies but just the guts of your own will," You eye Qui and Ardeth, "I figured because we had a roof over our heads I could handle it. We would be safe. I had no ideas things would change so much here. All I know is that I didn't want you two to suffer. And they told me that you were suffering! I know you have children to care for and they *are* in the field with you. No child should go hungry be they a jedi or not. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to work." You sob pushing past Qui.

He stops you inside the kids' doorway.

"No. Let them sleep."

Your chest heaves. "Okay," You nod still unable to face him.

"Stay." His chin rests atop your head as he hugs you.

You turn to him, "Qui, I can't afford it. We have to eat."

"I have money." He sighs heavily. "Please stay."

You choke back more tears. Ardeth hugs you from behind. Sandwiched between them, you feel a little bit safer.

"If I stay I'll lose my job. And then when you leave again, we'll have nothing."

"No. No." Ardeth rocks you back and forth, his embrace is tight. "No. I promise we will take care of you."

You kiss he and the master and gaze into their eyes. "I know you can't. Your padawans come first."

Time is wasting. You must get to work. Attempting to leave, they stop you. Their firm grip holds you in the door way, causing you to cry.

Please stay I need you. Qui projects through your bond.

"Heart of mine do not go." Ardeth pleads. He weeps with you.

You awaken. The room is dark.

The children?? You shoot out of bed. They haven't eaten. I missed work. Oh GODS!

You dart into the livingroom and find Ardeth sitting on the sofa with Niti and Sakeri in his lap. He quietly reads them a story from a book you picked up at the antiques shop. They point to the pictures and glance at him with big eyes. He nods and smiles. You notice he is reading to them in Titanese not Galactic Standard.

"You're awake." Qui says drying his hands on a dish towel and craning down to give you a kiss. "Hungry?"

"Umm...did they?" You point to the kids.

"Yes a while ago. Ardeth went into town and bought supplies. Come let me fix you a plate."

You slowly drink the ice cold berry juice. This was a luxury you gave up long ago. They bought it for you because they know it's your favorite.

"You're so thin." Qui's eyes are red. "I had no idea." He shakes his head. "How often did you go without?"

You shake your head eating the last bit of bread, "It's not important."

Sighing, he rubs his face and sits back in the chair, "We have decided to move the family."

He isn't the only one with that idea.

"Tomorrow Ardeth will go to the Assessors' Office and make the necessary arrangements."

Chewing your bottom lip, you make your decision, "Yes, I've been thinking about that too and I agree. The kids and I will go to Alderaan. There is plenty of work there--."

"No." Qui frowns

"We can't stay here after you two leave."

"Chana I'm not going to be away from you that long ever again. You and the kids are coming to Coruscant."

You smile sympathetically. You stroke his bearded chin. Gods you love this man but sometimes he doesn't think...

"Where will we stay? Not in the temple. It's too expensive anywhere else."

"We will buy you a home. My children will be with me on Coruscant. I'm not letting you go Chana. I love you, I love our children." Blushing he glances down, "I haven't been the best father but I will make it up to them, to you. I promise."

Smiling slyly you watch your men dry themselves off after taking a long shower. Qui used the refresher in the master bedroom and Ardeth the one in the hall. They probably used up most of your hot water for the night. No matter, they are home.

Ardeth grins and tosses the towel aside. He stalks you and pins you to the bed.

"Mmmmm." He kisses you wantonly, "Three years of no sex."

You respond with a searing kiss. He stops to rip off your remaining good nightgown. Giggling you tell him to stop.

"No." He rips off your panties. "Shaved. Good girl."

"Ardeth,?" You gasp as he licks your mound, "Ooooh...Honey."

"What?" He asks his lips covered in your moisture.

"You better shut the door."

"Why? They sleep." He rubs his face against yours. The smooth hairs of his goatee brush your skin. Lovely.

"Msdtlejsphh...?" Sakeri cries rubbing his eyes.

Ardeth jumps off you in horror. Qui manages to acquire pants and pick up Sakeri. He shuts the door behind him. Ardeth lies next to you in a state of shock.

You try not to laugh. You haven't had sex in three years either but you know you won't be having it tonight if that door stays open.

"Things are little different now. We must be more discreet." You mount him and rub his beautiful pecs. "You know every day he looks more and more like you."

Ardeth closes his eyes and breathes deeply. He is flushed.

"Many nights I called to the Force to check on you. To see how you were and I all I saw was pain." He kisses your palm, "I didn't know if it was my pain or yours. Had I known I would've--"

"Shh." You silence him with a kiss. "Beautiful One, I know. I know."

He places you gently on your back.

"To come back and see my family in such straits," He kisses you desperately. At such proximity you feel the wetness in his eyes.

The bed creaks and sinks next to you.

"They sleep." Qui pulls you away roughly. Ardeth frowns and yanks you back.

"Uhh..guys.." You stammer in the midst of the tug 'o war.

"You always go first!" Ardeth barks

"She is mine!" Qui-Gon growls

I don't remember it being this bad.

"Will you two stop!?" You shush them, "You're going to wake--."

"I know how to handle children Chana!" The master contends

Ardeth grabs your waist not before Qui takes an arm.

"Ouch!" You yelp

"MOMMMY!!" Sagirah-Nituna wails outside.

Leaping out of bed you grab the first pair of clothing you see. Niti stands outside your door clutching her toy eopie.

"Bad dreams?" You coo and pick up your daughter.

An hour later you quietly slink back to your room. The light is still on. Hopefully they have worked out their differences because you would like to be with them tonight--you don't care in what order. Hell you don't even mind if it's together!

"Well, are you ready?" You turn from shutting the door. The smile leaves your face.

Qui and Ardeth are sprawled across the bed snoring loudly. Just the minutest hint of space is left between them.

"Welcome home." Sighing, you crawl onto the bed and take your place half on top of Ardeth and half on top of Qui.

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