THE TEST: Part 1

by:  Avlon
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DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

"Urrrgh" Groaned Avlon. It was past already past midnight.

The chronometer flashed 12.35 in bright bold numbers, yet She had to go through 9 more chapters of galactic history, A subject she detested. That made it up to 2 more data pads. She regretted leaving all this studying to the last minute and this time Master Qui Gon had stated that she was on her own for this test. But he was nice enough to stay up, Popping in occasionally to check if she needed anything.

To keep herself from falling asleep she had tied her braid to a hook fastened on the ceiling. It gave her head a hard jerk each time she nodded off to sleep.

Avlon scrolled down the page her eyes heavy and her body demanded sleep. She felt herself drifting to sleep, allowing the elastic that held her braid to slip off the hook, then Plopped onto the desk face down. Exhausted.

"Padawan? Are you still awake?" he called stepping into her room. He grinned when he saw her flopped on the table in an untidy heap. Obviously the hair-suspending act did not work.

He picked up his exhausted Padawan and tucked her into bed. Then he cringed with embarrassment when he recalled an incident that he vowed never to happen again.

About a month ago, Avlon had a test a history test. Thing is Qui Gon didn't know she had one. Through the force she had said " Master, who was the first ruler of Hoth? Could you tell me about him?" He had asked her why on earth she needed to know about Hoth. She replied innocently that she needed to do some research for a project. So he dictated the information to her through the force. Not knowing that he was helping her cheat in the test. Crafty Avlon jotted everything down on to the test pad word for word.

When the test results came out the next day she burst into their Apartment announcing that she had aced a galactic history test.

Qui Gon had been confused " What test? you didn't tell me you had a test."

She went over to him and thrust the paper into his hand " this test!"

He scanned the question quickly his voice rising " who was the first ruler of Hoth and give a detailed account of his life as a ruler! What! Avlon? how !? "

Avlon then planted a big kiss on the top of his head and ran out of the room calling " Thanks for your help Master!!". The sound of her laughter trailed down the corridor. Of course she did that before Qui Gon could catch her.

But of course he did catch her later and he did give her a huge lecture on integrity and honesty. Which he thought was delivered perfectly.

"Oh no no no way is this going to happen again!" thought Qui Gon firmly. he was NOT going to be fooled by dear Avlon AGAIN.

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