"It's never too late - in fiction or in life - to revise." -Nancy Thayer
Hi! I'm Werewindle. If you're here I suppose you'd like to know a little about me. I'm an eccentric, eclectic, geeky, fangirl with a major book addiction. I'm sarcastic and snarky, I like to tease and crack jokes. Got a slow temper, most of the time.
Fascinated by mythology and ancient cultures. Want to travel the world (the UK, Australia, Japan, Egypt, Russia, Hong Kong...). I'm a tom-boy, would rather mow the lawn then do dishes. I hate socks and am ambivalent about shoes. I prefer Pepsi to Coke and drink Mt. Dew in the morning instead of coffee. Spent half my life in Alaska, but when I'm really tired I still talk with a southern drawl.
I write Slash. In several different fandoms, more keep tempting me. Humor mostly, bit of romance, not real big on angst or darkfic. Will not write Non-con, mentioned in past tense maybe but not graphic. I read about twice as many fandoms as I write. Don't ask me to pick a favorite, it changes quite often.
I listen to many different kinds of music. Rock, hip-hop, punk, even classical. I like music from around the world as well - I'm on a bit of a K-pop kick at the moment. I like comedies and action movies but hate chick flicks and psychological thrillers. I like anime but won't watch Sailormoon; and I'm STILL mad at how Escaflowne ended.
I'm attending Uni right now. This has been a long road that isn't finished yet, but slow and steady as they say.
I'd love to be able to write novels for a living. More likely I'll end up teaching.

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