The Sentinel

NEW or UPDATED stories are highlighted in blue | |
Singles | These stories stand alone. Some one-shots, others are chaptered. Aranged Alphabetically. |
With Sequels | Stories that have been continued. Aranged Alphabetically, in groups by story-line. |
Blair, Jim and a midnight drive.
10/16/2007 - 2kb - pg - Fluff - Jim/Blair
Blair reminds Jim who he belongs to.
12/18/2007 - 5kb - R - Romance, Smut - Jim/Blair
Holiday Treats
It’s holiday time in Cascade and the boys make a bet. Written for the Seven Seasonal Sensations Fest at windles_orbit
12/4/2006 - 10kb - pg-15 - Humor, Romance - Jim/Blair
House Rules
Blair has a theory about Jim's House Rules. Written for sentinel_thurs challenge #139 house rules.
4/28/2006 - 8kb - pg - Humor - Jim/Blair
Blair does some thing special for Jim. Answer to sentinel_thurs challenge prompt 88 - tattoo
4/28/2005 - 8kb - Nc-17 - Smut - Jim/Blair
Mistaken Profession
for Boys of Summer Fest - prompt : "Anthropologist, or porn star?"
6/14/2009 - 4kb - pg - Humor - Jim/Blair
Should Have Known
Scribe's first line challenge: "Let's do it again."
11/18/2004 - 3kb - pg - Humor - challenge drabble
Virgin For Sale
Jim goes to an auction at Rainier University not expecting to find anything interesting. Written for The Sentinel... Harlequin Style Fest. Challenge: Take the title of a romance novel and write a story with the same title. I chose Virgin For Sale - by Susan Stephens
4/16/2006 - 10kb - pg-13 - Jim/Blair - Romance - Fest Entry
With Sequels
Spice of Life
This series is all about Jim/Blair/Simon. How they got together, how they live, how they love, and their often kinky sex life. Not for the faint of hearted.
6/1/2005 | 6/19/2006 - 31kb - NC-17 - Humor, Drama, Romance, H/C, Smut - Warnings: BDSM, daddy!Kink

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