-My Sites-
This is my and Grayswandir's update list:Twin Swords
This is our sister site run by Gray' :
Grayswandir's Gallery
Is a LiveJournal community run by me.
We have weekly writing prompts and hold frequent fest.
It's slash open fandom, open pairing. Come join us!
-Places I'm Currently Addicted To-
AresJoxerCupidStrife - for your Greek Myth needs.Bloodclaim - Spike/Xander goodness.
Flash Point Fiction - Y. S. McCool: LOVE her stuff.
Snape_Potter - Harry/Severus love
HarryLovesDraco - My first OTP in the fandom.
Smallville Slash Archive - One of the best places for CLex fics.
Worshipping the Geeks - LitGal's Fanfiction
-Ocasional Indulgences and Retired Addictions-
Gundam Wing Addiction Ah the G-boys! Still a 1x2x5 girl. ~_^835 Prospect The Sentinel (Jim/Blair.../Simon)
Andromeda Uncovered Harper/Tyr is hot.
Due South Fiction Archive Fraiser/RayK, it's the exsperimental hair. What can I say?
-The Pretties! or Art That Rocks-
Brevisse Lovely Harry Potter and StarGate etc.Nimori Hot Harry Potter
velvet_virago Spike/Xander - drool-worthy
-Stories: the Over and Over Again Reads-
My links list is huge and I just can't pick a few so instead I'm giving you the whole selection of fic links. That's right - most every story I've read and liked is there. Now I must admit that there are bunches not linked (sometimes I forget) but for the most part this is a record of my fandom addiction for the last four or so years.

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