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We are putting together a section where the same 10 writing-related questions are asked to one writer from each fandom. This writer would, ideally, be someone who is respected on as many fronts as possible, is talented and well known without having an enormous ego, and who participates in the fandom as opposed to just posting a story and taking off. The questions will revolve around common errors they see in characterization, what methods they employ to write kick-ass fanfic, what advice they have for someone just arriving in the fandom, etc. Who would you suggest we ask from your fandom? Mail your thoughts and suggestions to citizensagainstbs@angelfire.com. It would be deeply appreciated. We want to give air time to the right person, and we also can't be everywhere at once. For the purpose of this section, Buffy and Angel count as one fandom (and we already have our Buffy person) and Star Wars OT and TPM could count as two if we find enough people. For the RPS fandoms, we want someone from 'N Sync and Backstreet Boys, as well as someone who writes general RPS, if at all possible. |