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An overwhelming thing we have discovered is that there are writers out there who are desperate for good criticism. We get messages saying "PLEASE read my stories" simply because a mailing list seems to be too broad of a forum for someone to read your story and really tell you what they think. We have devised this message board for people who are willing to be beta readers, people who are willing to provide critiques, and people who need volunteers willing to beta and critique their stories. If you like to read, feel you are fairly savvy when it comes to fiction and the English language and you have some time on your hands to help nurture a new writer, consider putting your name down here. If you want your story simply beta'd or if you want someone to honestly tell you if it sucks or not, feel free to list yourself. BETA READERS: Please list your e-mail address, what type of fiction you're interested in doing (i.e. what fandoms you most enjoy and what you are willing to read) and what type of feedback you are willing to provide. Specify if you will simply check the story for spelling and grammar or if you are willing to provide feedback that is a little more indepth. If you have any particular strengths in this area, say that too. PEOPLE WHO WANT BETA READERS: Please list your e-mail address, URL for the stories in question (if applicable), if you have any particular aspects of your writing that you are unsure of and what type of response you are looking for. If you just want someone to check the spelling and grammar, say that. If you want someone to give you an honest opinion on various aspects of your story, say that. We just don't want there to be any miscommunication. Also, please do not start sending beta readers your stories until you e-mail them, introduce yourself and ask them if they have time. So post your wants, needs and capabilities. This board is not intended for discussion, but to act as a "classified ads" type of section to match people in need with people willing to help. |