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The editorials are now listed in alphabetical order according to title. Please, hold your applause. Boy band slash Boy band slash doesn't suck. Here's why. CABS Awards 2000 The good, the bad and the ugly of the year in slash. Careless underachievers "This is my first attempt at slash. Hope you like it!" Check your head Indicators that you have a big slash ego. Days of Our Live(Journal)s Posing for the sake of interactive slash fiction. Failed overachievers Overly serious slash writers. Girly men Men who call each other honey, sweetie and the ever famous "babe." How do you come? Screaming your head off and yelling out hockey scores? I want realistic orgasms, dammit. The List Owner God Complex So you moderate a mailing list. Get over it. The other bad fic sites Now it's their turn to get critiqued. Pain and suffering at the hands of slash authors Who knew there were so many damaged characters? The RPS debate Real person slash - we love it, we hate it, we can't agree on it. Sexy pregnant men? Where did this pregnancy fic stuff come from? Six Degrees of Badfic Six different ways a story can be bad. Pick one. Things you should never, ever do on a mailing list They sound like common sense, but they're so common that they're obviously not. To all the other guys: stop fucking with RPS Nancy Spungeon is mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore. Untapped slash sources Stuff people should slash but don't. The X-Men The older man, the younger man and all their friends. Why I don't read or post at Nifty Four reasons why you won't find C. Miller at the Nifty archive. |