Starting points: who we are recent updates anonymity news and views home Reviews: Buffy Highlander Oz Star Wars: TPM X-Files RPS those 70's shows Our recs Writing: Fanfic faux pas Interviews Tips, tricks and suggestions Rants: Slash-related editorials Top 10 lists Guest rants Interactive: The beta board Discussion board Contribute Promote the cause Letters to CABS Sign the guestbook View the guestbook Contact Other stuff: Links CABS corrections, clarifications and general f*ck ups Our birthday ![]() Click to subscribe to the updates list ![]() |
10/27/01 - Minor update to the news and views page and a birthday rant. 10/24/01 - The site has been redesigned. What do you think? You hate it, don't you? There is also a new guest rant called "Nicknames in 'N Sync Slash." That is one disgruntled fandom. 10/17/01 - A new section for 70's shows, a new boy band slash review, a guest rant called "Woman in Slash," an editorial called "Days of Our Live(Journal)s," a new reciprocal link and a little something on the "news, views and observations" page. 08/13/01 - A short and sweet Fanfic Faux Pas. 08/03/01 - A new guest rant, this one from Mel Blue called "The Never-Ending Story." 08/02/01 - BT answers our ten questions as our rep from the Eroica fandom. 08/02/01 - Nancy rants about anti-RPS attitudes. I got a Live Journal. 07/30/01 - Another Ian McDuff contribution - Slash 101 - The Second Semester. 07/24/01 - More "ten questions" victims: Jane St. Clair, kimberlite and Maygra. There's also a guest editorial called "The Art and Ethics of Boyband RPS," a new boy band slash review and a new reciprocal link. There's also a new letter. 07/16/01 - We added Gemma to the "ten questions" section. 07/13/01 - Added the lovely Bennie to the "ten questions" section. 07/12/01 - Three more "ten questions" victims: Fluttergirl, Bliss and Pilar. 07/11/01 - Updated yet again. Our next "Ten Questions" victim is Wax Jism, from boybandland. There's also a new random link of the month, which is Luminous Times, of course. There is also a new editorial called "Six Degrees of Badfic." 07/11/01 - We have our first "Ten Questions" victim, which is Te from the Buffy fandom. 07/09/01 - We added a new editorial called "How do you come?" and a help wanted page, where I wouldn't mind getting your input. There is also a new Buffy review. 07/08/01 - Since this page didn't get updated last time, for whatever reason, we've added a new boy band slash review. There's also another Buffy badfic site, which was added to the news page and the "other badfic sites" section. 06/13/01 - We added a section for boy band slash. And again, that e-mail is citizensagainstbs@angelfire.com. We also made a bunch of corrections (pointed out by an astute visitor) that I may or may not put on the corrections page, because the thing is getting long, you know. 06/30/01 - New guest rant on being underage. Also, Nancy Spungeon, now known as the hardest working Citizen Against Bad Slash, has sprung forth a bio and a new review. And Anty, queen of the untapped slash sources, has submitted another one. 05/12/01 - New rant on RPS and the addition of Boy Wonder. 05/10/01 - New links, reciprocal links and a letter about Harry Potter slash. 05/03/01 - We're on an updating binge. We just added a little ditty to the news and views page and a new fanfic faux pas. 05/03/01 - Big redesign. 05/02/01 - There is a new Buffy review. The story in question is "Plastic" by Te. There is also a new guest rant by Bohemia called Feedback Faux Pas. 04/20/01 - New untapped slash sources, reciprocal link and button for your page if you want to link back to us. The button comes courtesy of Brandi. Thanks, Brandi. There's also a new guest rant by Bohemia. 03/13/01 - Virginia's hanging around again and she brought a new bio. 03/08/01 - We added an interesting and thought-provoking guest rant called The Opposite of Slash. 03/05/01 - We added a new listing to the other badfic sites page. 02/21/01 - We added a new editorial about having a big slash ego, 14 rules of good fanfic and something to the news, views and observations page. 02/07/01 - We added three new letters. 01/29/01 - We now have a dedicated Highlander section and a resident Highlander expert, June Cleaver. I also reinstated the letters to CABS section, which has been sitting on my hard drive for months, not added because of my laziness. 01/26/01 - We added a couple of new links and another critiquing site to the other badfic sites page, as well as cleaning up the untapped slash page. We have an entire Highlander section set to appear any day now, thanks to a new citizen, June Cleaver. Also, each fandom has its own directory now, so please inform us if you see any loopholes or broken links. 01/18/01 - We added links in various locations to a couple of Star Wars OT sites. We also added a page for corrections, clarifications and general f*ck ups, which outlines names we have spelled wrong and the like. 01/16/01 - We have a new citizen, C. Miller, who has contributed four rants: The X-Men, Careless underachievers, Failed overachievers and Why I don't read or post to Nifty. E-mail C. Miller at citizenmiller@yahoo.com. 01/05/01 - Minor updates to the links page and Things you should never, ever do on a mailing list. 12/28/00 - We updated some links and added two new recs. 12/26/00 - It's the CABS Awards 2000! 12/23/00 - We added how to get feedback (without begging for it), the reciprocal links page, a glossary of slash terms and refined the ancient bio page. We also added a page for would-be contributors. 12/21/00 - Modified the boy band slash editorial to better state my case. 12/16/00 - We added a new Buffy critique, which is Uriel's Promises. We also added two new top 10 lists, which are "Top 10 things you'd love to say on a mailing list but would never have the gonads" and "Top 10 most overused plot devices." 12/12/00 - Slight front page redesign, a mailing list for updates, info about the Good Slash Fic archive on the news and views page. 12/01/00 - We added a new rant on boy band slash. 11/28/00 - New fanfic faux pas. Also, every time we update the site, we will add a random slash link under this site's menu. Random slash link #1 is FINNatics. 11/15/00 - Each fandom has its own page now. There is also a rant about pregnancy fic. 10/03/00 - We added Buffy reviews and modified the untapped slash page. 10/02/00 - There's another badfic site on the other badfic sites page, a new link and a new news, views and observations page. 09/23/00 - We haven't updated in forever, and Virginia is busy, but I updated. I added a new page talking about the other badfic sites on the Net. 02/05/00 - New Fanfic Faux Pas. The Buffy reviews are coming. We're just waiting for Virginia. There are a couple of new links and a new untapped slash source. 01/26/00 - Added a new section called Fanfic Faux Pas, which will be frequently updated, and it's bound to get our most ardent detractors all riled up. 01/19/00 - Took out a couple of dead links and added a new fic recommendation. There are many many things happening behind the scenes that we're getting ready to unleash. *horror music laughter* 12/22/99 - Complete site facelift, adjustments to the links section and two new rants: the God complex and girly men. 11/25/99 - Just set up "The Beta Bank," for people looking for beta readers and people willing to be them. 10/22/99 - Had a drawing generously donated to us and we put it on the front page. 10/14/99 - NEW STUFF IN THE CRITICAL THINKING SECTION. Just when you thought it wouldn't happen.... We did two stories from Oz. This isn't news about CABS, but it's worth mentioning. Apparently the powers that be at Buffy the Vampire Slayer are cracking down on fanfic writers, if only in a very small way. Fox insisted that show transcripts be removed from the Slayer Fan Fiction Archive. I know we're the first ones to point out copyright infringements, but this is ...a suck! If you would like to see the transcripts again, sign a petition to Fox to see them reinstated by going here. The petition will be up until Oct. 24. In an attempt to please all people all the time, we have also reinstated the old version of this site in the form of the "white" (non-frames) version. There are still glitches in this (inappropriate page titles, etc.), but we're working them out. 10/07/99 - Enough people have bitched about our shitty web design skills that we decided to change things around here. If you don't like it, don't bother telling us because this is the best we can do. Wandered over to the Velvet Goldmine fan fiction archive to check out the new stories and saw that we are indeed fictional characters. In CarrieGlitter's spoof "Into the Labyrinth," we make appearances in part 10 as "the cunt army from the land of CABS." And me without my sword. Another thing worth mentioning is that Rebecca Lucy Busker wrote a column called "Shakespeare, Fanfic and Creativity" at Cereta's Fan Fiction Symposium about this site. We responded with a letter. There was some disagreement but not a flame to be found. It's a pretty good site, actually. There are other pages with rants about us but I'm starting to think that they're too numerous to mention. We got some submitted untapped slash sources and they have been added. There is also a new rant about rape and torture in slash. 09/26/99 - There is a new micro review. We will soon have new "Critical Thinking" stories. These may have to be every two months. Also, the "new" section is new. |