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Want to bitch, moan, rant, complain, argue, ask us to be your girlfriends, recite your favorite Rudyard Kipling poem, etc.? Here's how to do it: E-mail: Jane Doe Discussion board: It's located here. Bitch, moan, complain, discuss slash. Even if no one else responds, we will. Instant messanger: Jane is occasionally on AIM as "janelikesyou." She also has a Live Journal, because the rest of the world does. If you want us to do one of your stories: That's cool. We'll do it. We'd prefer to do it publicly, on the web site. June is looking for Highlander slash, I'm looking for all kinds of slash and we're also considering doing some boy band slash, since you know you're reading it, even if you're hiding your bookmarks file. So if you have a story you'd like done, nicely and constructively, e-mail us and we will respond in a timely fashion. If you'd like the story done privately, that's okay, too. But specify that you'd like it done privately, and recognize that it may take us forever to get to it. If you send us a story, make sure you want to know what we really think. Don't have us spend two hours going through your story and then not like what we have to say and go bash us on your mailing list. Ahem. If you'd like to contribute something: Check out this page. And be aware that Jane will probably be so happy that she'll give you a virtual bear hug. |