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I need help. It's just that simple. My co-conspirator has kind of wandered off, busy with real life. Now you're stuck listening to my shit all day, and I'm busy a lot of the time, too. I can't be everywhere at once, in every fandom, reading every story. I know that there are many of you out there who think we're cruel and unfair and "the cunt army from the land of CABS." But I also know that there are many of you out there who are hip to what we're trying to do. I get e-mails from a lot of you who are on the same wavelength and in support of the site. All of you are very eloquent in expressing your opinions, and you're all writers. I need submissions, rants, reviews and recs from people who are not me. They can be from any fandom. They can be positive or negative. They can be bitching about something or singing someone's praises. I will, of course, respect your anonymity, unless you choose to use your real name. I don't even have to know who you really are, as long as you provide me with a pseudonym you want to use and a little info on your slash and writing experience. Just e-mail if you're interested. I need the following, ongoing or on a one-time basis: Editorials Editorials are similar to my List Owner God Complex rant, where you bitch about or comment on something happening in the slash world. Feel free to back up your point using specific examples. Editorials that disagree with my stance on something are also encouraged. I am also open to submissions of silly top 10 lists or news, views and observations. Reviews This is the part where I'm the pickiest. If you send a review or a critique, it's important to be honest, but don't come out and say "this author sucks," either. Slag the story, not the author. In the reviews, if we didn't like something about a story, we make suggestions for improvement so it doesn't seem like we're coming after them with a battle axe. These must come with a link to the story and an e-mail address, even a sock puppet one, where people can mail you. Reviews of stories you thought were great are welcome too. Just make sure you talk about what made it great from a writing standpoint. It's important to note that the stories critiqued on this site and the authors discussed are neither our friends nor enemies. They are stories we noticed or picked randomly from mailing lists and archives. We don't post them because of flame wars or because we have a problem with the author. So don't mail me a scathing critique of a story written by an author who stole your boyfriend. If you don't feel like writing it yourself, mail me the link to the story you think should be reviewed or critiqued and I'll do it. If it makes you feel more comfortable, feel free to get clearance from the author before submitting. We also get frequent submissions from authors who want their stories critiqued and we simply don't have time to get to them. If you'd like to do one of these stories, let me know. Recs All recs are put in the micro reviews section. If you go look, you'll see that they're usually about a paragraph where we talk about the story and what we liked about it. You could either write something about it yourself and mail it to me or you could point me in the general direction of the story and I'll read it. But if you mail me a rec, make sure you really, really love it. I don't want stories recommended that were written by you or your best friend. The same thing applies as with reviews and critiques. I get around to a lot of fandoms, and I read an unhealthy amount of slash, but my blind spots are The Sentinel, Highlander, Star Trek and Hercules/Xena. I especially need comments from those fandoms. Editing will only take place for spelling and grammar. I don't know if this will get any response, but I figured it was worth a shot. |