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This page is for observations I feel like sharing that don't fit into any other part of the site. It's also a spot where I talk about anything new happening in slash that I've happened to notice. I can't actively seek it out, though, so if you have anything you want to put here, like notice of a new archive or something, let me know. - Jane 10/27/01 The Badfanfiction Terror Squad redesigned their web site to make it pink, so it looks sickeningly sweet and therefore somewhat ironic. Their "irritating flash intro" doesn't load for me but I think it's my shitty computer. Kate Bolin made a new archive called Laconic. It's for Oz slash (the character, not the HBO series) and I'm putting one of the little buttons here. 10/17/01 I have a lot of catching up to do. Please be patient with me. I haven't even had time to read my Bad Fan Fiction Terror Squad list mail, which is usually my favorite reading. I would like to add that if you send me an attachment and I don't know who you are, I will delete it unread. Fanfic Web now has a RPS directory, which I found out about via e-mail because apparently our site is indexed there. 08/06/01 I just went through the site and removed all the slashcity.net links. Now you have to go through your site, right fucking now, and do the same thing. From what I've heard, the registrar SlashCity used didn't give them notice when the slashcity.net domain was about to expire, and it expired long enough to fall into the hands of an evil Russian porn company. Now any links to slashcity.net lead to a porn site. The more hits they get, the higher the ransom on the domain. The last I heard, they were offering the domain for a hideous price - something like $2,000. To compensate, the SlashCity folks set up a new domain, slashcity.tv, and have been transferring slashcity.net sites to the new domain. Whether or not they get the slashcity.net domain back remains to be seen, but let's assume that they don't. So go change your links. Right now. Make sure nothing on your page is linking to slashcity.net. Thanks. If you see any slashcity.net links on this site that I may have missed, please let me know. I'm also aware that some of the story links are no longer working. I'm trying to find the stories in question and update the links, but it's a little time consuming, so it may take awhile. My apologies. 07/16/01 I heard mention of Hth, an Oz writer, saying something insulting on her Oz page, so being morbidly curious, I went to look for it. It's here.
We have been told. 07/08/01 The Buffy fandom has opened its demonic mouth and spewed forth yet another badfic site. Perhaps therapy is in order for everyone over there. This is the first time I've ever heard someone say that we're "being all nice to everyone," but okay.
For more info, check out the other badfic sites. 07/06/01 Deep Fanfic Thoughts by Jack Handey. "To me, slash fiction is like a banquet, except there's no food, no guests and everyone hates each other." "If I ever write a rapefic, I hope I am able to bring a certain lightheartedness to the subject, in a way that tells the reader we are going to have fun with this thing." "You know what would make a good story? Something where Mulder takes Scully to the circus and that makes her happy, but Mulder is really sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." "Sometimes I think the world would be better off if I never wrote another word. No, wait, not me, you." "One question that Minotaur's never answered to my satisfaction is, "What kind of stereo system works best in hell?" 05/03/01 Slashing the Angel have set up a clique in an attempt to humorously acknowledge the award-related musings of the Fandom Whore. (I imagine they think she's appropriately named.) I grabbed their button, not because I feel one way or another on the subject or even really care, but because I think it's a pretty button: ![]() Also, Nicollette Marquis McFadgen's fiction is back online. See, this is a reason not to let your detractors get you down. If you don't really want to be taken down, you won't stay down anyway. So you might as well not leave to begin with. 03/13/01 Virginia has poked her head in and brought all kinds of good vibes with her, hence the updated bio. She's also critiquing some of the backlog of stories that have been e-mailed to us for our two cents. 03/08/01 I found a great rant on the addictive quality of boy band slash, and having to read it in spite of yourself. 02/21/01 In our letters section, I bemoaned the lack of archives in the BBS (boy band slash) world, and specifically mentioned 'N Sync. Someone just posted this to our message board: You mentioned the lack of boyband slash archives, and that the only one that you knew of was Slashy Goodness. There is also one for the JC/Lance list at http://www.envy.nu/lancejclovin I also know that the Chris/Justin and Joey/Lance lists are setting up archives. So there you have it: LanceJCLovin at www.envy.nu/lancejclovin and Slashy Goodness at www.slashygoodness.com. I've also heard more rumblings of plagiarism in the 'N Sync world. Ladies, I know that 'N Sync slash is a saturated market, but I would like to issue a challenge to everyone reading this: come up with your own damn story ideas. 01/29/01 I should have mentioned this earlier, but we have two new people on board. C. Miller has diligently contributed four editorials, including one I've been meaning to write for a long time addressing the older man/younger man, blond/brunette descriptors everyone seems to love using. June Cleaver has signed on as the Highlander voice of reason, seeing as I know probably as much about Highlander as I do about molecular science. Virginia is in the process of taking over the world and acts as my own personal advisory board. I would also like to say that while I'm on the Good Slash Archive committee, spearheaded by Mel, Mel has absolutely nothing to do with the CABS site. The two are completely different entities. Mel has never been, and probably never wants to be, a citizen against bad slash. The committee still needs more people. It's not very time consuming and exposes you to some really good fiction. If you're interested, e-mail Mel. 12/12/00 I'm on a committee for a site called the Good Slash Archive. There are three of us so far - the other two are Mel and Adena - who put together some recs and then vote on them. If we agree that they're really good stories, we send a message to the author getting permission to archive them. It's a new thing, but hopefully it'll grow. If you want to be involved, e-mail Mel. 10/17/00 I just found out that Jet, a Buffy writer who asked our opinion, has a web site. He's won a lot of awards, which normally makes me skeptical because a lot of them are popularity contests. But Jet's into progressing his slash skills and open to honest feedback, and he's not a big mover and shaker in the Buffy community, so I tend to think he got the awards on his own hard-won merit. So where's your guestbook, Jet? I need to stop hanging out in the Buffy community before people mistake us for the Terror Squad. *chortle* Speaking of the Terror Squad, it turns out that they posted the reviews from the extinct Bad Buffy site in their entirety without the permission of the review authors. Even when the review authors asked them to take down the reviews, the Terror Squad said "No, we like annoying you." Some people say this site is too boring, or too mean, or too nice, but at least it's original. 10/15/00 I was wondering through eGroups and found a cute little group called http://lachatte.virtualave.net/slashettes/ but there are only three stories there so far. One is for Buffy, one for Roswell and one for Star Wars. They also have a rule that reads "Trying to get someone kicked off another list for being underage will get you unsubscribed from this one." 10/02/00 The Bad Fanfiction Terror Squad has moved again. It started off on Tripod's German server, and now it's at members.tripodasia.com.cn/badfanfiction. I don't know why they keep moving it. To avoid getting booted, maybe? Best story dedication, from Meagan: "This is dedicated to everyone who still sleeps with stuffed animals." If you're going to bother making a dedication, you might as well make it original. Shug is no longer the moderator of the EmCity mailing list, which was the primary list for Oz slash. She moderated it for a long time, and kept up an archive that should make other archivists envious. It is my understanding that there were some blowouts on the list because of honest feedback and that contributed to her departure. Shug was an advocate for honest feedback and it showed in that the EmCity list was one of the best lists out there. Too bad she's gone. EmCity has become Cellblock5. I hope it doesn't become a watered-down list with a strict rule of good vibes only like almost every other slash list. This is old news now, but it wasn't when I first started drafting this page, so I'll mention it. Feb. 3 was the second anniversary for the Unconventional Relationshippers List (UCSL), one of the first, best and most community-driven Buffy the Vampire Slayer lists. Happy anniversary. The archive is here. Listmom Kate Bolan has added an inspired reviews section. I found a Man from U.N.C.L.E. slash archive, U.N.C.L.E. File40. Who knew there were that many people who watched that show, let alone wrote about it? I was flabbergasted. A link to us we didn't know about: Other links we didn't know about: At least two Buffy writers have stopped writing fanfic because of the The Bad Fanfiction Terror Squad. You go to their pages and all you see is some equivalent of "I'm not here anymore. I don't need your flames." One writer, and I'm not going to name any names, posted on her web site that she was dead. She had killed herself. It turns out that she hadn't killed herself, but she succeeded in getting people stirred up anyway. That's a bit tacky. Now it says that she's tired of being persecuted, and that the "foremothers of fandom would be ashamed." If you're having fun writing slash, don't let a badfic site stop you. If it does stop you, you either weren't into it enough to begin with or you need tougher skin. If a badfic site makes you contemplate suicide, you need more shit going on in your life. Found another badfic site called the Wicked X Witches. See more here. I stepped out of the slash realm briefly and read some stories by a het X-Files writer named Brandon Ray. I have not yet formed an opinion on the boy, but he's not slash anyway so he doesn't qualify to be CABS fodder. - Jane |