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Why we picked her: The only question was whether or not to nab Pilar for Dawson's Creek or Roswell, because she's equally as prolific in both. Her writing is not only interesting, but it shows a sensitivity to the characters and their situations without going overboard with the schmoop. (That's my personal assessment, anyway.) She also makes cool web sites, and word has it she's kind to the newbies. ![]() I know everyone hates this question, but how do get inspired? What would you recommend for people who have trouble finding story ideas? For me, the easiest stories come right out of canon or manipulations on canon. When I'm least motivated to actually write, but *really* want to, I tend to start with post-episodic type stories that take the episode to the next level, explain or fix something that TPTB left out (since they just LOVE to leave us hanging, especially when it comes to subtext-y things and whatnot,) or simply take on one character's POV of the ep. When I have trouble coming up with ideas, I look harder. There's always *something* that can be found from watching the show that can spur on little ideas that you can expand on exponentially. When I'm having problems writing at all, I try to run little, cheesy exercises that sometimes have helped a great deal. I've been known to take personality tests for characters at emodes.com and quizbox.com. Sometimes, a story can come from something as simple as a photo or piece of good fan art. I look as many places as I possibly can. When you're reading, are there any aspects that can make or break a fic for you? What impresses you and what turns you off? Oh god. This could be a rant... So many things can turn me off completely just starting with the story headers. The code 'AU' is a bit of a turn off, depending on the fandom and the writer (of course,) sometimes, the pairing -- although, if I already know the writer's work or the story has been recced to me from a good source that I trust, I'll read any pairing or character POV. And when someone threatens to stop writing if (s)he doesn't get the requisite feedback, that fic usually gets the delete key. Whoring is one thing, but a lady should *never* beg. And no matter WHAT 'PWP' stands for, nowhere in there does it say that characterization and canon mean NOTHING. If I can't recognize the characters, I am so outta there. I think characterization is my biggest pet peeve, really. I've watched DC from the pilot and feel like I *know* Pacey, if he is not the Pacey that I KNOW and there are no explanations for the tremendous changes in him, then he's basically Pacey Sue or something the author wants him to be that he just isn't. Good characterization that takes the character to the next level and shows me how he gets there... that turns me on. And two more words: Bad. Smut. ::shudder:: It scares me. What will always impress me is, simply put, a creative and well-written story that the author has worked hard to craft and has kept all of the important elements that make for a good fic. A sensibility for canon, care in characterization and a good amount of showing and not telling. What do you struggle with when you sit down to write, and how do you overcome it? I have problems with 'the middle.' I have *always* had problems with 'the middle.' I DESPISE the middle. Most of the time, when I get an idea for a story, it's relatively vague and only grows once I start writing... I usually (but not always) get beginning and end and then figure out the logistics of it all as I go. And the middle pretty much is always a struggle. I tend to write little notes for myself when I get ideas -- usually at the most inopportune times, so I've learned to keep a pen and pad in the bathroom for those shower ideas. Do you ever get "blocked?" How do you deal with it? Any idea what causes it? I think I might be the queen of getting blocked, to be honest... and I *wish* I knew what really causes it. My guess is that real life bullshit clouds my mind and it's hard to work past that kind of stuff without starting to write it into your story, which is pretty much my worst fear. So, it's entirely possible that occasionally I do it to myself. I deal with block periods relatively badly, I think. Usually, I spend a good amount of time bitching and moaning then *try* to write random things here and there until it goes away. I also end up designing things (web sites, random package designs, etc...) in lieu of writing -- it doesn't work to really *end* the block, but definitely gets me through it. What are some common mistakes that you see new writers make in your fandom? I think they're probably the same in most fandoms, for the most part -- at least in one way or another. I think the most common mistake is beating the shit out of one character simply to get another two together. I am no Dawson fan by any stretch and I've definitely used him a time or two to get him out of the way, but I hope that I've kept him in character while I did it. I've read far too many fics where he's all but a homicidal maniac simply because the author likes Pacey better. The uber-exaggerations are also a common problem. Flamer!Jack, FagHag!Jen, Psycho!!!!Andie, Bitch!Joey, etc... it gets tedious as all hell. There's also Wounded!Pacey who turns to Jack because Joey has broken his heart into teeny, little pieces... Ugh. There's also this weird tendency in DC fandom to give the characters the same future jobs... it's really odd to me. Jen is the gallery owner/manager or some crap, Joey is almost always either in advertising or a lawyer and Pacey either works in a hospital or as a social worker... I guess it's fanon, but it's irksome to me. How do you select what to read and what to feedback? Do you mainly read stories written by your friends or do you branch out a bit? I used to read absolutely EVERYTHING that came out, there was hardly enough hours in the day to read the things that I would print out and take on the train home from work. These days, I'm a world pickier there's just too much badness out there. So yeah, I read my friends first and foremost and the stuff that's rec'd to me highly by someone I trust. I wish there was more and better fic coming out... every once in a great while though, I get surprised and read something great. I love that. And it makes me send long, gushy feedbacks. I'm pretty good about feeding back when I even remotely like something, I think. Sometimes it might be just short note giving the writer props, other times I just babble and blubber, LOL. What common mistakes do you see in your fandom in terms of characterisation? Whoops, I answered that above. Mostly, it's the over-exaggerating the characters and the making of truly evil Dawson. He's a self-important pain in the ass, but he's not Satan. (Though, if he were, I'd probably like him more.) What advice would you give someone who is just entering the fandom? Really watch the show, take care for canon and characterization and don't write smut until there's a reason for it. Just because you CAN make Pacey naked (and we ALL love naked Pacey,) doesn't mean that you should right off the bat. And beware the couple wars. Heh. And, hello! Could *someone* write more Jack/Tobey??? Please??? Or Jack/Anyone? (Not that I should talk...) How would you summarize the state of writing in your fandom? Are you generally impressed with the fic you see, or does it make you want to bang your head against the wall? I used to be extremely proud of DC fandom, now I kinda wish it would fade back a little -- like, maybe less is more these days. There's just so much schmoopy, mediocre fic coming out and everything is been there done that. There's no way that ALL ideas have been exhausted, so why are so many damn stories the freakin' same? Of course, that doesn't mean I'm looking for some AU-type ideas to start coming... strangely DC isn't as inundated by the AU of doom yet. Yet. Any other pet peeves/advice/general thoughts? I'm nostalgic for the days when there was tons of excellent DC fic coming out, I really am. And I'm hoping that *maybe* the show will get better next season and there will be a few more b-team characters to exploit and slash to our hearts content and then *maybe* we'll get back to those times... When a show gets as mediocre as DC has in the last couple of seasons (even though it hasn't been across the board, thankfully,) it's entirely understandable that the fandom would suffer a bit. But I'd love to think it could be fun again and I'd LOVE to get back my PaceyMuse. Pilar's recs: Wait by Laura Smith (Tobey/Doug) Instinct by Laura Smith (Joey/Jen, *serious* NC-17 femslash) In His Kiss by Kristin (Pacey/Jack, hot Xmas-y goodness with a little bit o' sap but not enough to make you hurl.) Starting Over by Debbie (Jack/Kyle, Roswell Xover) |